frases de chef para enamorar

{ KL.Modules.links.analyze(); zoneid: 2152992 .modal-buttonconfirma:hover { jsondata = {"@context": "","@type": "Recipe", var scriptloaded = true; // true at first load: anything comes with the page /* search, main search field */ l: "WA.Date.days[this.getDay()]", // full name of day function addHookUnload(id, hook) WA.browser.isMSIE9 = WA.browser.isMSIE && agent.indexOf('MSIE 9') > -1; format: 'Error: el campo no tiene un formato vlido', s.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 'complete') { listener(); } }; } } A veces ocurre, que lo que empieza como una locura se convierte en lo mejor de tu vida. elements.push(WA.toDOM(arguments[i])); text = templates[template + ".none"](datapile, templates); // ecommerce event ":"&") + "data=page&loaded=" + JSON.stringify(KL.LoadedModules); "dateModified": data.tip.published, "@type": "Rating", self.node.className = "icon-k7-menu anim onpro"; if (ev.type != 'keydown' && ev.type != 'keyup') var w = imgNode[id].dataset.width; = "none"; 'return [];' + // special rules to apply. var ev = e || window.event; // TODO(phil) try catch ? WA.browser.getNodeScrollLeft = function(node) { return WA.browser.isMSIE?parseInt(node.currentStyle.marginRight, 10) || 0:parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyValue('margin-right')) || 0; (null==e.ortb2Imp||null!=r&&0!==r.length||(e.bids=[{bidder:null}],(0,a.logMessage)(n("defines 'adUnit.ortb2Imp' with no 'adUnit.bids'; it will be seen only by S2S adapters"))),e):((0,a.logError)(n("does not define a 'mediaTypes' object. setbc(buildbc(data.tip.bc)); self.opened = true; KL.Modules.stat.registerEvent('headlanguage', 'head/lang/close'); return function(data, templates) } "ratingValue": "4.4", this.openV = function(s, f, h) { if (!WA.Managers.anim) return null; for (var i = 0, l = _nodes.length; i < l; i++) WA.Managers.anim.openV(_nodes[i], s, h, f); return self; } // activate CLOSE button } src: local('CrimsonPro-Light'), "T revolucionars mis sentidos". height: 20px; if (r) { return; /* Analyze the page to show visible ads, or all (=true) { margin:0;; = new function() { function analyze(all) No hay nada ms bonito que una historia que empieza con una casualidad. this.listener = listener; self.nodesearch.className = "anim on"; WA.browser.normalizedMouseButton[ev.button] : (ev.which ? "),delete}return n}function re(e){var n=(0,a.deepClone)(e),t=n.mediaTypes.native;if(t.ortb){var r=Object.keys(f.FY).filter((function(e){return f.FY[e].includes("hb_native_")})),i=Object.keys(t).filter((function(e){return r.includes(e)}));i.length>0&&((0,a.logError)("when using native OpenRTB format, you cannot use legacy native properties. } D: "WA.Date.shortdays[this.getDay()]", // short name of day (0,i.logMessage)('already fired syncs for "'.concat(r,'", ignoring registerSync call')):d.syncEnabled&&(0,i.isArray)(t[e])?r?0!==d.syncsPerBidder&&Number(c[r])>=d.syncsPerBidder? if (!node) The mouse is not standard on all navigators. { 5 frases para enloquecer a un hombre. this.unregisterFlush = unregisterFlush; ((0,i.logWarn)("External Js not loaded by Renderer since renderer url and callback is already defined on adUnit ".concat(d)),o()):l?o():(this.cmd.unshift(o),(0,r.B)(t,u,this.callback,this.documentContext))}.bind(this)}function s(e){return! var c = str.charAt(i); } self.node2 = WA.toDOM("header-language-button2"); } // we abort after a given timeout color: #9ad14f; events[eventnode.listeneruid][eventname] = {}; } Contains the Manager singleton to manage ajax requests { Ver ms ideas sobre sorpresas para enamorar, frases bonitas, frases love. { function getPlacement(id) return ev.keyCode || ev.which; } { var hookspostload = {}; // llamar despues de que se carga algo dentro del bodycontainer, puede ser llamado MUCHAS VECES en cualquier cambio de contenido de la misma pagina "@type": "ImageObject", node = WA.toDOM("header-client"); var players = {}; { case 'sticky_web': console.log("EVENTO:", event, containerid, videoid); self.node.className = "icon-k7-menu anim"; const parentWall = wallElement.parentElement; } { return window.innerHeight; #footer-crosslink .tipsliderpro-nombreficha .tipsliderpro-nombreficha-centrado{ node.innerHTML = content; { } currentvideo = null; } setmainextra(buildnewstip(data)); // get the scroll of the node if the content is bigger than the node !clientcode.client; 25. function buildbc(data) { }; .bgcolor-desactivado, .color-desactivado{ (Array.isArray(,u.isNumber)(,u.isNumber)(,u.logError)("video asset is not properly configured"),!1;return!0}(e)}))}function U(e){var n,t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},r=t.index,i=void 0===r?s.K.index:r,o=i.getAdUnit(e);if(!o)return!1;var a=o.nativeOrtbRequest,u=(null===(n=e.native)||void 0===n?void 0:n.ortb)||z(e.native,a);return _(u,a)}function _(e,n){if(! ((0,u.logError)("each asset object must have 'id' property, it must be unique and it must be an integer"),!1):e.hasOwnProperty("eventtrackers")&&!Array.isArray(e.eventtrackers)? margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; // select something in the document self.parameters = null; } var pagetop = WA.browser.getScrollTop(); self.closetimer = null; --azul-kiwipro: #8eb4b1; (self.pbjsChunk=self.pbjsChunk||[]).push([[65296],{96787:function(t,e,o){var n=o(64358),r=o(20265),a=o(3193),d=o(92797),i=o(34614),u=void 0,c={},s=!1,f=function(t){var e=c.customGptSlotMatching;if((0,n.isGptPubadsDefined)()){var o=t.reduce((function(t,e){return t[e.code]=e,t}),{});window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach((function(t){var r=(0,i.sE)(Object.keys(o),e?e(t):(0,n.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot)(t));if(r){var a=o[r];a.ortb2Imp=a.ortb2Imp||{},a.ortb2Imp.ext=a.ortb2Imp.ext||{},||{};var;d.adserver=d.adserver||{},"gam",d.adserver.adslot=p(t.getAdUnitPath())}}))}},p=function(t){return("gptPreAuction")||{}).mcmEnabled?t.replace(/(^\/\d*),\d*\//,"$1/"):t},l=function(t,e){var;if(o.pbadslot)return o.pbadslot;if((0,n.isGptPubadsDefined)()){var r=window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter((function(t){return t.getAdUnitPath()===e}));if(0!==r.length)return 1===r.length?e:"".concat(e,"#").concat(t.code)}},b=function(t){var,o=c.customPbAdSlot;if(!e.pbadslot)if(o)e.pbadslot=o(t.code,(0,r.Z)(e,"adserver.adslot"));else{try{var n=document.getElementById(t.code);if(n.dataset.adslotid)return void(e.pbadslot=n.dataset.adslotid)}catch(t){}if(! // Load only if country = US Amor mo, Mi vida, mi amor, mi sol, hoy se cumple un nuevo aniversario de nuestra unin en esta vida. // =================================== function cond(templates, field, template, datapile) { z-index: 50000; {done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[r++]}},e:function(e){throw e},f:i}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. .css-bgimagen-activado{ } "@type": "Person", j: "this.getDate()", // day of the month, no leading 0 hidepopup(); Ser un chef no significa que eres un buen cocinero, solo significa que eres el jefe. ajaxManager.js, WAJAF, the WebAbility(r) Javascript Application Framework var self = this; { if (isNaN(progress)) "tools_listasuper_ok2": "La receta se ha agregado a la lista del sper." this.loadexterncode = loadexterncode; continue; WA.Date.getTimezone = function() Gracias, cocinero, por llenar nuestras vidas con sabores, aromas y momentos inolvidables! } } //WA.toDOM("footer-divfooter").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + KL.cdn7domains + "/img/static/footer-azul-desk-fest.jpg')"; ev.which-1 : 0); return WA.browser.isMSIE?parseInt(node.currentStyle.marginTop, 10) || 0:parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyValue('margin-top')) || 0; var ev = e || window.event; { { { } } } WA.Managers.event.on('keyup', this.Node, keyup, true); } = "none"; if (self.method == 'POST' || self.method == 'PUT') if((KL.Modules.client.clientpro) && (KL.rootsite == "kiwi")) GNU General Public License for more details. KL.Modules.images = new function() // focus, blur, change, submit, abort, error, reset, resize 15/04/2019: Wilmer, manejo de origen m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), return null; border: 1px solid #ccc; Vivo en una eterna contradiccin, cuando te siento lejos te pienso, pero cuanto ms te pienso, ms cerca te siento de mi corazn. { // KL.openpayID = "mlzjtvf9aqak1gd1yiwe"; "{window.performance.mark('tbl_ic');}"); this.parameters = null; @font-face { WA.Managers.event.on('touchmove', node, touchmove, true); background-color:#6ca61e; eventnode['on' + eventname] = thefunction; = nodeCloseStyle("bottom"); return document.body.scrollLeft; { // Pone la plantilla correspondiente al client url('/fonts/museo-sans-900.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), This file is part of WAJAF this.abrir = abrir; "@type": "WebPage", self.timeoutabort = timeoutabort; function buildrecipefamily(data) videoNodes[i].onclick = abrir; //; self.facebookok = false; doabort(); self.nodemenu.onmouseover=switchon; padding-left: 5px; s.innerHTML = data; Por muchas aventuras ms juntos. A veces, en los momentos ms profundos, no hay palabras. window._comscore = window._comscore || []; { position: fixed; { } { .icon-k7-galeria-flecha-der:before{content: "\e947";} (0,a.inIframe)()||"video"===h){var O="Error trying to write ad. WA.toDOM('pagecontainer').style.position = 'fixed'; } } /* fin estilos crosslink */. It needs an adUnitCode or an adId to function. var range = node.createTextRange(); WA.Managers.ajax.createPromiseRequest({ url: KL.identitydomains + '/newsletter', method: 'POST', send: false }) function getCode(id, size) KL.Modules.stat.registerEvent('headlanguage', 'head/lang/go-es'); } WA.browser.getNodePaddingHeight = function(node) siteid: 272988, } this.node2 = null; { WA.i18n.setEntry('ajax.errorcreation', 'Error creating AJAX request to: '); for (var id = 0; id < adNodes.length; id++) callHooksPostLoad(); this.alerta = alerta; prom = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { self.loadingimage = img; // 1. breadcrumbs document.head.appendChild(lnk); console.log('** Evaluando google code para ' + nodeid); }; if (self.opened == false) KL.pgraphdomains = ''; }) { "author": { width: 20px; function getCode(id, size) { { return c_value; { adNodes[id].refresh = true; s.type = 'text/javascript'; }, 2000) NOTE Than both mouse and keyboard events are mixed in the same event if (!placement) return; collector.source = source.prototype; } "window.nvg75736 = new Navegg({ " + El mundo est repleto de grandes cocineros, ms o menos conocidos. Cada noche miro el cielo y le pido a dios que nuestro amor perdure por mil aos ms. /* para mostrar opciones kiwipro en el menu */ "width": KL.logowidth, //WA.toDOM("header-search-go").style.backgroundColor = "#a8e05c"; max-height: 28px; :Clamped)?Array$/.test(t))return g(e,n)}(e))||n&&e&&"number"==typeof e.length){t&&(e=t);var r=0,i=function(){};return{s:i,n:function(){return r>=e.length? this.addHookUnload = addHookUnload; WA.browser.ifShift = function(e) } o: "(this.getFullYear() + ( == 1 && this.getMonth() > 0 ? sec = sec || 0; WA.toDOM('footer-adbannersticky').style.display = 'none'; function switchmenu(event) WA.i18n.setEntry('ajax.fatalerror', 'Fatal error during AJAX reception from: '); { = "display: none;"; return 'iQesaEsuiz'; ',"adapterManager.aliasBidAdapter")}))}else try{var o,u=function(e){var n=[];return(0,d.q9)(j.videoAdapters,e)&&n.push("video"),(0,d.q9)(h.Sg,e)&&n.push("native"),n}(e);if(r.constructor.prototype!=Object.prototype)(o=new r.constructor).setBidderCode(n);else{var c=r.getSpec(),s=t&&t.gvlid,f=t&&t.skipPbsAliasing;o=(0,m.PZ)(Object.assign({},c,{code:n,gvlid:s,skipPbsAliasing:f})),_[n]=e}j.registerBidAdapter(o,n,{supportedMediaTypes:u})}catch(n){(0,a.logError)(e+" bidder does not currently support aliasing. = select; { " Qu lindo que ests hoy". { = nodeid; fannode.innerHTML = newnum.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(? return parseInt(node.offsetWidth, 10) || 0; { /* ================================================================================ */ var offset = 0; } //this.taboolaMid = taboolaMid; { continue; { // Parameters for POST/GET send // get the top of a DOM element into the document if(ev.wheelDelta) } function select(node) "@type": "Person", = "46px"; self.nodemenunormal = WA.toDOM("menu-header-normal"); "direct":"postmsg"," response from GPP CMP for event"),n),"sectionChange"===n.eventName||"loaded"===n.pingData.cmpStatus?u({command:"getGPPData"},(function(n){(0,p.logInfo)("Received a ".concat(l? else "tools_favoritos_ok2": "Se ha agregado este elemento a tus favoritos. { alert('No image file'); return; } Sentados ante un plato cocinado con cario, las personas no slo pueden disfrutar de un estmago lleno, sino de las preparaciones de los mejores chefs. .icon-k7-signout:before {content: "\e911";} catch(e) if(!WA.toDOM('fira-container')) top: 0px; var ev = e || window.event; // = swipeplayerx + 'px'; if (FBresponse.status === 'connected') { // && flagFB else if (WA.isString(data)) Updated: 2023-03-30 } '},' + FB.init({ WA.i18n.setEntry('ajax.errorreception', 'Error during AJAX reception from: '); font-weight: 400; if (ev.type != 'DOMMouseScroll' && ev.type != 'mousewheel') } return WA.browser.getNodeMarginLeftWidth(node) + WA.browser.getNodeMarginRightWidth(node); { border: 0; pbjs.setConfig({ "@type": "VideoObject", function addHookPostLoad(id, hook) KL.Modules.stat.registerEventGA4('head/menu/open', {'send_to': 'G-X0MHE23QYB'}); } Si quieres cuidarte, te recomendamos leer estas Frases de comida saludable. if (self.drag == 1) known properties: shift, control, alt, keycode, charcode, navigation key if (WA.isDOM(n)) if ((KL.rootsite == "kiwi") || (KL.rootsite == "kiwirec")){ } case 'footer': KL.Modules.stat.registerEvent('wall', 'wall/register/show' +; WA.browser.getNodeExternalBottomHeight = function(node) KL.cookiedomain = ''; //Obtenemos, los nodos que tienen esta clase y les ponemos al .src, el atributo especifico fanstart.setUTCHours(fanhour); self.timerabort = null; // WA.debug.explain(WA.i18n.getMessage('ajax.errorcreation')+url, 2); function getCode(id, size) return null; var s = document.createElement('script'); KL.Modules.stat.registerEvent('loginset', 'loginset/social/fb/login'); WA.Date.months = months; } for (var i = 0, l = data.tip.steps.length; i < l; i++) function actionpopup(event) Aunque a nosotros los mexicanos nunca nos pasara por la mente, sucedi lo impensable, p","mt":"normal","n":"5 razones por las que amamos las tortas de tamal","pa":"/blog/historia/5-razones-por-las-que-amamos-las-tortas-de-tamal","pr":"0.0%","s":"1","t":"articuloslider","vr":null,"x":"p|kiwi|crosslink||1|0|7"},{"cl":6705,"cln":"Te Cuida ","cn":"Adriana Snchez ","i":"29180.jpg","ip":"/articuloimagen/30571/th5-320x320-29180.jpg","k":30571,"level":1,"m":1,"ms":"\nLos sntomas del estrs son cada vez ms recurrentes en las personas, es por eso que debemos aprender a contrarrestarlos de manera saludable y natural, no por nada las abuelitas siempre tenan un","mt":"normal","n":"Aprovecha estas 6 hierbas de cocina para combatir el estrs ","pa":"/blog/te-cuida/aprovecha-estas-6-hierbas-de-cocina-para-combatir-el-estres","pr":"0.0%","s":"1","t":"articuloslider","vr":null,"x":"p|kiwi|crosslink||1|0|8"},{"cl":18,"cln":"Recomendaciones Gastronmicas","cn":"Wendy Prez ","i":"29169.jpg","ip":"/articuloimagen/30567/th5-320x320-29169.jpg","k":30567,"level":1,"m":1,"ms":"\nExisten de antojos a antojos. function setbc(data) hour = hour || 0; this.closeV = function(s, f, h) { if (!WA.Managers.anim) return null; for (var i = 0, l = _nodes.length; i < l; i++) WA.Managers.anim.closeV(_nodes[i], s, h, f); return self; } } { this.timeoutabort = 0; // automatic browser ajax control

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