10 clans in ghana and their totems

Ghana as a country is not only unique with its people, geographical location, food, skin type, marriage, funerals, naming ceremonies, chieftaincy, hospitality, way of dressing, language but most importantly, its unparalleled family system distinguishes it from the rest of Africa and the world at large. When greeted, the reply should be "Yaa Obiri nana". This is the only clan whose members are occasionally spoken of as actual descendants of the totem animal. 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Agona Abusua, Asona, Asakyire, Biretuo, Oyoko, Asenie, Asakyire and Ekuona form the eight Abusua of the Akans, and the smallest among them is the Asakyire Abusua. With the fall of the Songhai Empire (c. 1600), the Mande Ngbanya clan moved south, crossing the Black Volta and founding a city at Yagbum.The Gonja kingdom was originally divided into sections overseen by male siblings of Sumaila Ndewura Jakpa including their children and grandchildren. The father and other members of the nuclear family do not belong to the same extended family. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at)opera.com and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. Anlo proper includes the coastal belt lying between Anyanui at the estuary of the Volta Lake, and Blekusu located about five kilometers east of Keta. It is also necessary to note that Akan clans are governed by a chief. The totem symbol of this clan is the Parrot since it is believed that members of this clan are very eloquent. During one of such performances, Tegli, himself a mystic, was carried to the grounds where he drew the Sword of Liberation, summoned the gods, and pierced the wall proclaiming, O Mawuga Kitkata, wuwo na mi ne miadogo, azo adzo (Oh great God Kitikana, open the door for us so that we walk through). And they do not use raffia as firewood. Oyoko, Ekuona (Kona), Bretuo ne Tena (Twidan), Agona Abusua (Eguana in Fante), Asenie Abusua (Atwafo), Asakyiri Abusua (Anona) and Oyokuo (Yokofo or Dehyena) are all Akan clans or families in Ghana. The closest family members are parents and siblings. In his response to the significance of the totems, he said the totems were made out of the peoples past history, adding that Mankessim as a town has even made a totem of the three leaders who led the Fantes to their present settlement as a symbol of honour. Asakyiri Abusua (Anona) and Oyokuo (Yokofo or Dehyena)are all Akan clans or families in Ghana. Totem: Kona-Ebiradze Ebusuakuw has it totem to be a buffalo and this totem signifies the avidity to see what is in water and on land? "Akwaaba!" The second group founded the settlements of Ho, Akovie, Takla, Kpenoe, Klevi, Sokode, Abutia and Adaklu. Connect With Us : 0242202447 | 0551484843 | 0266361755 | 059 199 7513 |. Some settled in Dormaa while a section of them headed towards Akwamu. Fantes have seven major clans and the inhabitants of the towns in the central region belongs to one of these "Abusuakuw" which means clan. Its main towns are Kokofu, Kumasi, Dwaben and Nsuta. Heres what we know. Totem: The totem of the Ekuona Abusua is a Buffalo. Published online: 24 February 2023. 16 September. There are Eight clans among the Akans they are; These various clans have their founding Fathers, Various totem animals they use to represent them,their mode of greetings,their peculiarities among others. The totem is any sacred object, a symbol or an emblem for a group of people, which functions as a reminder of the group's ancestry or mythical past (Goswami, 2018). The Akans have eight Abusua or the family system and every member of the Asante tribe is a member of one of the Abusua and can trace their descent only through the female line to the same female ancestress who would invariably be the founder of the Abusua. Taboos: Never to kill or eat the flesh of a buffalo. They are not expected to look at any part of raffia in the morning. The Ga-Dangbe, G-Dab, Ga-Dangme, or GaDangme are an ethnic group in Ghana, Togo and Benin.The Ga and Dangbe people are grouped respectively as part of the Ga-Dangme ethnolinguistic group. Abor, Anyako, Keta, Weta, Afife, Flawu, Dzelukorfe, Avenor, Dzodze, Atorkor, Asadame, Woe, Vodza, Srorgboe, Kedzi, Tsiame, Atiavi and Alakple make up the list. In ancient Ghanaian societies, totems were used to summon people to the palace, wars, and funerals. Thus, the totem is a part of their history and a symbolic representation of their identity. The coastal strip, which is sandwiched between the sea and the Keta Lagoon, makes Anloga an important fishing location, according to sources. See More, Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. The principal towns are Adansi Akrofuom, Kyebi, Edweso and Offinso. 7.Ekuona Clan. This "Abusuakuw" has its totem to be a fox, and this signifies an emblem of Shrewdness. The Anlo state is made up of about thirty-six major (City) states including Fiaxor, Dzita, Tegbi, Vodza, Anlo Afiadenyigba, Fenyi, Bleamezado, Hatorgodo, Atito, Sasinyeme, Anyanui, Tregui, Evui, Ave-Afiadenyigba and Aborlorve. It is said that more people generally belong to the Asona than to any other abusua. If they inadvertently do so, they must lick the raffia. Akans are one of the major ethnic groups in Ghana, and they speak the twi language. Agona Clan is one of the eight major Akan clans. (2019, September 16). Cultural traits of the Yoruba are visible with the Anlo-Ewe spanning ancestral worship, the worship of deities and divination (Afa Kaka) perfected by the former while in Nigeria. 4. When greeted their response is Yaa Obiri Nana. This is the only clan whose members claim descent from a woman. The Akan traditions have it that the Asona clan is originally from a place called Adanse Akrofrom in the southern Ashanti Region, from where they have spread all around the Akan country. This groups totem is the parrot. In some part of the western region, the symbol of the Oyoko clan is rat. The other is Bate. Taboos: Totem animals may not be eaten or handled, not to use ka any piece of fishing net as sponge, not to eat a piece of egg azikak, not to eat dough prepared in aianu a wooden tray, penalty for violation is rashes. They rely on each other and they solve difficult issues together. Oyoko clan usually dont intermarry even from different towns and villages. Their totem is the leopard. Asakyiri claim that they were the first to be created by God. When properly utilised, Ghana can earn foreign exchange from people coming to learn about these historical totems of our clans, communities, kings and chiefs. Researcher with the University of Helsinki [Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology]. Yes, there are seven different clans among the Ewes of Ghana, some parts of Togo and Benin. The Akan language and its dialects are classified under the Tano language family, including Asante (Twi), Fante, and Akuapem, which also have their own distinctive written forms. The Akan is the most numerous ethnic group in Ghana. The modern Asakyuiri state is Akrokerri. In Anlo-Ewe society, funerals are taken seriously. We will write a custom Term Paper on The Akan Clan System specifically for you for only 11.00 9.35/page. Other towns of the Asona are Akyem Begoro, Akyem Asiakwa, New Juaben, Akyem Wenchi, Kukurantumi, Akyem Tafo, Akuapem-Akropong, Akuapem Amanokrom, Akyem Kwarbeng, Ejura, Feyiase, Manso-Nkwanta, Bonwire, Atwima-Agogo, Abrakaso, Trabuom, Beposo, Toase, and Odumase Ahanta Ntaakrom, Gomoa Asin The head of all Asona towns is Adansi Akrofuom. Nsona Clan is one of the seven clans of the Fantes tribe in Ghana. Having placed the said tree in the Garden of Eden, God declared the tree as sacred and therefore prevented man from eating from it. Clans have their ancestral shrines at Anloga except for the Xetsofe who have their shrine at Tsiame across the Keta Lagoon. Accra: Sebewie Publishers. The Agona group arrived in Ghana in the middle of the 16th century. On leaving Ketu, the people split into two big divisions. 1 Issue 5 plant that serves as the symbol of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry. They are mostly Muslims, and Islamic worshipers that make up about 58% of the population. These various clans have their founding Fathers, Various totem animals they use to represent them,their mode of greetings,their peculiarities among others. Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. [] The constitution of the Republic of Ghana recognizes customary law and usage and thus such marriages are not illegal in Ghana (25 May 2005). Chapter. Milton Keynes, UK: AuthorHouse. According to Answers.com, Using an animal as a symbol to designate a family or individual was a custom native to both Europe and North America. The peculiar characteristics of the Oyoko clan are Patience,Bravery and Statesmanship. Each of the 12 Ntoro patrilinealclans hasits peculiar family names. The father is the breadwinner in the family. Violation of the taboo will result in madness or your demise. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. The state of Anlo is one of the largest of the Ewe coastal tribes in Ghana. Generally, the members of the group believe that they are descendants from a totem ancestor, or that they and the totem are "brothers". Every adult is expected to perform etretsytsy Evidence of this is the calabash being hung in the sitting rooms of Blu clan members. Arlington Bank robbery suspect IDd By Police, Who is Craig Doyle Wife, Doon Doyle? The Asona peoples totem is the crow. He suggested that for the current generation to learn the importance of the totems in our societies, teaching of culture with our local language should be included in the educational curricular. It founded the towns of Hohoe, Matse, Peki, Kpando, Awudome, Alavanyo, Kpalime, Agu, Ve, Kpedze and Wodze. "The Akan Clan System." It is important to note that the Akan people honor their ancestors and are proud of their roots. There are Eight clans among the Akans they are; 1.Oyoko and Adako Clan. Their totem is the bat. (2009). There are various beliefs as to the origins of these clans: Aduana believe that at the time of creation, their ancestors descended from the skies on a golden chain. Totems: Leopard, Hippo, Dog, Crab, Raffia. Nana Yankyimadu of Akorokyere is their well known ancestor. I believe in following your instincts and saying No to all who do not believe in you. The Akan tribe have a very strong belief that two elements make them. The kinship is vested in two royal clans, the Adzovia and Bate whose local units at Anloga provide the Awomefia, adhering strictly to a rotary system.. Their totem is the vulture. The first known Oyoko woman was Nana Ekuru who migrated from Adansi to settle in Asuom. Their totem is the hawk. Further to this, the researcher with the Hong Kong University Department of Linguistics added that: Marriage customs are more or less the same in all the clans of the Asante people. Ye gye wo sen? the Twi-speaking would ask. The people engage in subsistence agriculture and grow crops like cassava, maize, pepper, and vegetables. The study revealed that totems have been important objects with human societies since time immemorial serving as identification emblems for families and clans. Their attitude towards the concepts of the family and clan unites them. Whatever their origin, they possess herds of cattle and some of their totems are cattle, while others are vegetable or plant totems; whereas purely pastoral people have totems relating almost entirely to cattle, and peasants who till the soil have totems taken from plants or things relating to agriculture. "Press Review of Sunday, 3 October 1999." People of the same Abusua share a common ancestor somewhere within their bloodline, which may go back as far as thousands of years. The Ekuona clan were the first settlers in Adansi Fomena. When greeted members of the Aduana clan respond Yaa ogyabaor yaa Abreade.It is believed that the members of the Aduana clan originally came from Asumanya but they were led by a dog with fire in its mouth and gold in its cheeks. This coat of arms represents a certain ideology. While some lived at Tado in present-day Togo from where they later dispersed in various directions, some returned east to settle at Allada from where they founded the Aja kingdom of Allada, Whydah, Popo and Jakin, and later the Fon kingdom of Dahomey in the early eighteenth century. Why this entrance exam at the British Council gate? [2] They make up 3.7% of the population of Ghana. Totem: the totem of the Oyoko Abusua is a Hawk. It founded Tsevie, Be which later gave birth to Agoenyive, Bagida and Lome, Abobo, Wheta, Anlo, Klikor, Ave, Fenyi, Afife, Tsiame, Game, Tavia, Tanyigbe, and so on. Every Asante chiefdom is a distinct territorial unit centred on the chief's capital town or village. These symbols also demonstrate Ghanaians ingenuity of literature or semiology where symbols are used to communicate. At the same time, the father is the head of the family. Klev, is a small local bird which not to be eaten. Their modern states are Akyem, Bosome, Dankyira and Kotoku. One of the clans of the Fantes is the Aboradzi "Abusuakuw" and the branches of the Aboradzi clan includes Takyina. Abusua is the name in Akan culture for a group of people that share common maternal ancestry governed by seven major ancient female abosom (deities). Abusua is the name in Akan culture for a group of people that share common maternal ancestry governed by seven major ancient female abosom (deities). The matrilineal system of inheritance is very common when it comes to this tribe. The known ancestor of the Ekuona Clan is Nana Asante Gyima of Adanse.Other towns of the clan are Banjo,Kona,Asokore-Mampon,Brekum,Kokofu-Abuoso,Adumasa,Heman,Abenkyem and Dua -Yaw Nkwanta. [Accessed 20 May 2005], The Ghanaian Chronicle. The various clans are: Lafe, Tovi, Bame, Adzovia, Likei, Klevi and Amlade. These people believe their ancestors were refugees from Mande. The Twidan clan is one of the clans of the "Mfantsefo" of Fantes and this clan has its totem to be a Leopard which signifies an emblem of violence. Among the Akans, it is a belief that man is made up of Blood (mogya), spirit (Sumsum), Soul (Okra) and family known as Abusua in the twi language. The matrilineal system of inheritance is very common when it comes to this tribe. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. The use of totem dates back to centuries. Clearly, each clan has certain history and distinctive features. The fifteen clans of Anlo include Lafe, Amlade, Adzovia, Bate, Like, Bamee, Klevi, Tovi, Tsiame, Agave, Ame, Dzevi, Vifeme, Xestofe, and Blu. If a member is licked by a dog, he must kick it to ward off supernatural retribution. One can also say that communities, families, clans, chiefs and kings realised the need to protect certain animals and other endangered species of trees thus using such objects as their totems with the application of superstitious beliefs. IvyPanda. Violations of all other taboos of this clan result in rashes or loose tongue. Totems are emblems consisting of an object, animal or 42 FTR Vol. They occupy about two thirds of the territory of the country. student. 5.Asenie Clan. Though, there are no modern Asona states. professional specifically for you? Some breaks were voluntary while others were involuntary. December 19, 2020, 3:35 pm, Every Anlo male and female is said to belong to one of 15 clans known as hlwo and each clan or hl is identified by a number of paternal line called t-ome.. The symbol of the Asenie is the bat and its main towns are Kumasi Amakom and Dompoase. Each clan has certain characteristics and has a specific totem. They are therefore accorded respect and believed to have a sacred connection with a human group. Although totems are popular spiritual symbols throughout the global society, their use in textile design is not so pervasive particularly in Ghana (Steven and Salm, 2006;Studd, 2002 and Von Stamm . Totems which are artistically designed by experienced wood carvers and goldsmiths have several implications on ones ethnic identity. When greeted a member of the Asakyiri Clan response is Yaa Ofori nana.Other Towns of the Asakyiri clan are Abofuo,Abrenkese,Asakyiri(Amansie)Abofuo,Kusa,Odumase(Adanse),Benin,Afeduase-Adukro Boaberease(Adanse) and Apeadu. The assertion by Claude Levi-Strauss that scientific explanation entails the discovery of an "arrangement" proves wrong those with an opinion that Ghanaians or Africans for that matter were not civilised before the coming of Europeans or colonisation. Other sources indicated that the Asona clan is present in Berekuso (The Ghanaian Chronicle 24 May 2005), Offinso and Edwenso (Accra Mail. A few examples of the totems of the clans in Rwanda are the crested crane, the frog, hyena, the leopard and most of these clans share totems. When greeted by a person from the Bretuo, the reply should be "Yaa etwie nana". ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. They are ready to cooperate and listen to different viewpoints. They founded Ashanti Kingdom. 27 May 2005. The 15 clans are Lae, Amlade, Adzovia, Bate, Like, Bamee, Tovi, Klevi, etsofe, Agave, Tsiame, Am, Dzevi, ifeme and Blu. The first king of the Agona Clan is Nana Boa Amponsem I who created the first Akan Empire which mostly traded in gold and Kola nuts.When greeted their response is Yaa ago nana.Some towns of the Agona Clan include Tafo,Bodwesango,Fomesua,Asienimpom,Trede Ahwaa,Ampabame,Nkwawie,Konkoma,Gyenyase,Amoaman,Adwuman,Sepe,Akyenakron and Asuonwin. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. Violation of these taboos will result in rashes. When greeted, the reply should be "Yaa Obiri nana". IvyPanda. The Totem symbol of the Aduana clan is the Dog and Fire. However, there are features which unite all Akan people. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. These people are believed to be good at trade. This is why they do not marry a person, who is from their clan, but have to look for their partners in other clans. Required fields are marked *. Newborn Anlo Ewe boys are circumcised on the seventh day after their birth and also named on this day. [] Other towns of the clan are Ejura, Feyiase, Manso-Nkwanta, Bonwire, Atwima-Agogo, Abrakaso, Taabuom, Beposo, Toase, and Odumase (n.d.b.). This is the official publishing account of https://www.ghlinks.com.gh/ for all general based post . It is also important to note that the idea of the clan is closely connected with the idea of the family. Some of the towns that belong to this Abusua are Ntonso, Bogyae, Pampaso, Obogu but the main towns are Nsuta, Dwaben and Kumasi. They also think that members of the clan are relatives. As has been mentioned above, there are eight Akan clans. Historians are divided on the movement pattern as some put the line of migration as being Ketu-Tado-Notsie or Oyo-Ketu-Notsie, or Oyo-Ketu-Tado-Notsie. The Akan constitute almost 50% of the population of Ghana (Labi, 2009). Akans inherit and succeed matrilineal so you are what you mother is.For example if your Mother is from Asona and your Father is from Agona you are from Asona since inheritance by Akans is matrilineal. Most clans have have towns founded by their ancestors so each clan exercises authority over these towns. It also extends north of the Keta Lagoon as far as Abor more than 40 miles. 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If any totem animal is found dead its body must be covered with leaves or if possible given a burial. September 16, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-akan-clan-system/. Since members of this clan trace their descent from ancestors in different places, their observations differ from place to place. Totem: Adzvia, a small brown perch-like fish related to Tilapia Melanopleura (Akpa). Other information on whether men are forced to marry their uncle's daughter, the age of marriage, the reasons for marriage, the consequences of refusal and available state protection was not found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. The totem is usually an animal or other natural figure that spiritually represents a group of related people such as a clan. This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. They are mainly found among the Fante but in Asante, their main towns are Adanse Fomena and Asokore. Not to destroy the monitor lizard, and to bury or cover its dead body with leaves. The remaining 4% of the Gonjas are Christians. Defeating the Ada People in a surprise attack and later gaining control of the Volta Lake, the Danish company set its eye on Anlo. Owing to the destruction of the Atlantic sea waves, Keta lost its place of pride to Anloga which is now the chief city and soul of the Anlo State. They also make important decisions together. "Aowin" is a branch of the Adwenadze Clan and this clan has its totem to be a sheet-fish of deep waters and what this signifies is an emblem of thoughtfulness according to the Adwenadzi clan. The ruling families of Akim Abuakwa, Akuapem, and Kwahu Mpraeso in the Eastern Region also belong to the Asona clan. Their totem is the hawk. Importantly, cooperation within a family or between different families is very important for the Akan people. As to whether the use of totems is still useful in the current generation, Ebusuapanyin Ababio said the use of totems would forever continue to be important so far as culture plays an integral role in Ghanaian society. The different Abusua are the Agona (parrot), the Aduana (dog), the Asenie (bat), Oyoko (falcon/hawk), the Asakyiri (vulture), the Asona (crow), the Bretuo (leopard), and the Ekuona (bull). This is the clan of all Ashanti Kings and the strong hold of the Akan tribe. Their ancestors were brave warriors and winners. It is therefore not surprising that Ghana has become the pinnacle of the African continent in many aspects due to its monumental cultural heritage. The Denkyirahene is from the Agona clan. [Accessed 26 May 2005] _____. Reading the intangible heritage in tangible Akan art. 30 Aug. 2000) and Kyebi (GhanaWeb.com. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. In some cases, people try to emulate or exhibit the qualities of their totems. 5.Asenie Clan. 25 May 2005. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Changing Funeral Celebrations in Asanteman, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abusua&oldid=1145161792, Gyekye, Kwame, An essay on African philosophical thought: the Akan conceptual scheme, 1995, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 16:10. 4.Asona Clan. I know you are now responding to the greeting or mentioning your clan or thinking about it. It is also important to add that younger generations respect older people and consult them in different cases. Bamee babies must not be anointed with shea butter exposed to naked fire. 2005 - 2023 Graphic Online | Graphic Communications Group Ltd. By BigThings_News (self media writer) | 2 years ago. Chiefs for these various towns are selected from clans, that is from the Womans family. From the biblical perspective, God used the tree of life as his totem or a seal of covenant between Him and man. And pupils at the elementary level of education are taught the meanings and colours of such totem. This is because "the science of the concrete" is a classificatory system enabling individuals to classify the world in a rational fashion; it is neither more nor less a science than any other in the western world. International Journal of Intangible Heritage, 4(1), 42-57. People from this clan are endowed with wisdom. Members of this clan are hardworking,clever and brave. Each clan is headed by a family head known as . 6.Aduana Clan. Looking forward to fruitful visit to Ghana - Japanese PM. Already in a survey conducted in the 1940's only 8 % of all married women were or had once been married to a cross-cousin. [Accessed 26 May 2005]. On balance, it is necessary to note that there are eight clans in the Akan society. They are the smallest clan amongst the Akan. Each of the clans have their own names by which the people are identified with. Newborn Anlo Ewe girls also have their ears pierced on the seventh day and named. Mitupo have been used by the Shona people since their culture developed. Hence, it is possible to note that the members of the clan are ready to help each other as they see each other as members of a big family. Yaa obi dehye, one lady said, trying to respond to her family greeting, wrongly though.

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