Things are happening in the Spiritual Realm. (part of Levels 2 & 3 of the Golden Journey? Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Death God of Heavens Armies, I repent of all my sins. Then take four long iron nails. I am failing to choose the best. In Jesus name. I have been praying and waiting on the Lord. anything to do with dreams, their meaning and how to cancel them. I woke up from the dream. A Prayer to Remove a Bad Spirit from Your House We also have a collection of prayers for demons to leave your home. I really desire to start the prayer academy in the first quarter of this year and i believe strongly that God will provide the means for me. Protection from Contentious and Hostile People Prayer Lord God, We know that everything we do reflects on You. It is not so easy to pray though (because it comes with a peculiar type of fasting, described in the Bible book of Esther). In You, he cannot harm us. Im participating in the 14 day prayer to storm the gate of 2013 and i have been having dreams which is revealation enough of the spiritual giants you just described that mike overcame that has also robbed me of my blessings. Yesterday night i fought relentless with tears on my eyes as i wondered if God answers by absolute tormented by a loan of kes 200,000 including some church pledges making up 30% of this amount.i need to pay it,i need to pay my creditors and i dont have this money,have been trusting the Lord for a solid miracle on this,am participating on the 14 day program.please prayer warriors stand on me on this as it shaking the core of my faith,the issue is giving me sleepless night n much torment.all i want is to clear all my blessed. Oh Lord, by your power I nullify every evil assignment of the evils one upon my life in Jesus name. We pray that people will be allowed to express themselves freely without fear of being watched by others or by the government. Hi Elisha? Rather, he or she develops a prayer habit that consistently moves her in the direction of Gods purpose for her life. Help me to see all Your sons and daughters as equals at the Cross of Cavalry. You also commanded us to take good care of our health. Amen. } Amen. Two weeks later, Mike went back for the final time to sit for the exams. I pray I would be a life-giver. Hallo brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I need urgent prayer back up for my younger brother whose exams results have come out. For 3 days. - love and peace returned to his home But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. Shield us, I pray, from the injurious situations that these kinds of people cause, and let them be hindered from carrying out their malicious intents. Please help us to stay safe from the prying eyes of others. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evil in this world, and the enemy constantly tries to tear us apart from God by putting evil into our hearts and minds. 42 prayers to shut down evil surveillance Prayer to Shut Down Evil Surveillance We pray for the sake of our God, the Most High, and His Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace; that He should shut down all evil surveillance that is being done by people and governments. was reduced from $21,000 to $3,500 I am still out of breath I look forward to your testimony of victory in the next 90 days. Oh Lord, I command all demonic assignments programmed into my destiny to go back to the sender in Jesus name. Show me how to fill the void and emptiness that I feel with Your love, instead of with food. See what I mean by changing your manner of prayer? Fish is a lot better nutrient, more refreshing and fulfilling than the cake. As we go about our day today, steer us away from the places where evil people lie in wait. We opened 2013 by storming the gates with prayers that someone has described as nothing short of thermonuclear.. I pray that You will help my spouse and me to honor the commitment we made before You for as long as we live. As we lovingly care for others, I pray that our sacrificial deeds will not be taken advantage of and that we will not be targeted for the exploitation of our kindness. You have the keys of death and of Hades. While the wife ran out into the streets, the daughter tried to hide in the closet. This is the 42nd prayer in support of shutting down the surveillance state and preventing it from taking away our freedoms. All evil assignments sent into my life, ministry, calling, marriage, business, academics and family shall dry up and wither away in Jesus name. "DNA Prayer Secrets", September last year.This e-book has blessed me beyond measure You have the ultimate authority over the spirit of death. In Jesus name. Protect us with Your mercy O Lord! 42 Then my wrath against you will subside and my jealous anger will turn away from you; I will be calm and no longer angry. Protect me, oh Jesus, from believing lies and being deceived. Instill in me the shield of faith against the spirit of deception that roams the earth today. In the next 7 minutes, you are going to see how to do this. Protect me from the spirit of laziness, oh Jesus. Release me from the darkness. Protect me from eating when I am no longer hungry and abusing my body with an excess of food. Calm my emotions. My Father, continue to protect me and my household from all evil assignments of the wicked in Jesus name. Let my eyes be anointed by Your Sons blood. Amen. I think i will face big problem if can this lady. God bless you Elisha Goodman.. Give me discernment so I can see when people are trying to take advantage of me or trying to deceive me. -- John, Dubai, "Just As I worship and praise Your mighty and powerful name, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth. We ask You to protect us from all evil intentions, plans and attempts against us. Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. Help us to confront unavoidable situations with gracious and gentle words that pacify, that we may glorify You and give testimony of our faith. Then turn my thoughts outwards to others, so that I seek ways in which to be a blessing to them. Right now, the most important decision you can make is to employ targeted, relentless prayer in everything you do. This yr was my 1st one to storm the gates and I can truly say it was exciting 4me. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save me from his evil plots. I want to, but do not know how to get these racing thoughts out of my head. Amen. The second one was easy to kill . Make me quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. You are the Almighty God, and his power doesnt stand a chance to the might You yield. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Gluttony Jesus, my Savior, thank You for the forgiveness of sin. 27. I am very happy I am a part of this program -( storming the gates in 2013). " - learn aggressive midnight prayers What is the meaning of passing an exam in the dream? - what to pray about In Jesus name. Renounce evil covenants. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Division Almighty Father, please protect me from the spirit of division in my household. Jesus, I pray that You protect me from a spirit of unforgiveness. have a plan tocontinuepraying as you are doing in this program evenafterthis is over. Amen. Ezekiel 16:42New International Version. So she ran back to her room, in time to see one of the invaders removing a golden-yellow box that she kept under her bed. Satan is the enemy and the father of lies. Steer it away from the influences of wicked imaginations. Encourage me, O God, with Your loving presence and lead me on to complete healing. elisha goodman prayer points for single women, prayer points for single women elisha goodman. Thank You for putting my sins on Your innocent, holy Son. I phoned my friend to look for this lady am told she is still with her husband in Mzuzu. Let me be taken up in the Holy Spirit which gives life. Christ came into the world that we might have life and have it abundantly ( John 10:10 ). There is NO truth in him, My Child. "A lot of us are used to thinking that witchcraft is just what you see on TV and in the movies. Reign inside of my heart and protect me from every spirit of delusion. While offering the dia, chant the mantras along with it. Yet for many others, it is in the area of their health. - learn the type of fasting that brings almost immediate answers Prevent us from taking revenge for You have commanded us to never repay evil with evil. what is the procedure to join both prayer academy and the Eagles one. The exact same bucket that I used in my dream was sitting in the sink in our Laundry room filled with water!! You tell me to put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and mold me as You desire. Protect me from this evil, and through Your resurrected Son, drive out all spirits of witchcraft from my life. From what i read testmonies above,i have not learnt to pray.i observe that reading the pray cookbook is quite diferent from understanding it and applying the exact principles laid down. I get on my knees before You and ask that You cleanse the spirit of anger from my heart. Psalm 121:7 While talking to him, he casually mentioned that though he did not remember having any dreams during the prayer sessions, his wife and daughter had the same dream one night. My Father, expose and disgrace every power and forces sending evil assignments into my life in Jesus name. Do not let me be deceived into believing that happiness will come from wealth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In Jesus name. Jesus, clear my head. Help me maintain good health. In Jesus name amen. Protect their minds and bodies as they travel on your path. 3. Puzzled, I called him up and we began to talk. View 7 Furious Prayers for February 2020.docx from REL 1 at London School of Business and Finance. and ConditionsRefund Policy. I am unable to see the good in anything. Oh Lord, I refuse bad news upon me and my household in Jesus name. 6. I feel the darkness all around me and cannot sense Your presence. Shmuel Hakatan is simply quoting the Book of Proverbs, 9 yet the Mishnah cites this in his name. Grow my hope in You for victory in eternity. 24-Hour Blog (Golden Journey Series)resume: January 12, Singles Prayer Marathon resumes:January 12, GOLD Edition (for marriages) resumes: January 12. All he needed was to forgo a few meals and some hours of sleep and cry out to the LORD with holy desperation. Im just tied and very ready to do what it takes to grab my blessing. All this time, she was wondering where Mike, her dad, was. It tried to rush towards me then I told it, Listen you have no power or authority over me I have power and authority over you! You established it as a lifetime companionship and fellowship. Free and shield us from wicked thoughts that incite and provoke us to think and commit evil. You say to be strong and courageous. Keep my mind from evil thoughts. Prayer to overcome the lies of the enemy. Amen. If they agree to follow instructions, before long they begin to see a vivid picture or VISION of what the LORD wants them to be, do and have. But one of the attackers laughed and saidin her native languagethat he knew where she was. I didnt want an alternative that she offered. Help me to speak gentle words to people, especially in the middle of an argument. 42 Prayer Points Against Evil Assignment 1.Psalm 118:24 Oh Lord, I thank you for the gift of life to see this beautiful day and today sadness and troubles are not my portion in Jesus name. Crucially he made up his mind to go through it he was simply sick and tired of failure. Lord Jesus, every knee shall bow down before You, and right now, I command the spirit of lust to bow down before You and leave my life. then it fell to the ground not dead but like unconscious. Continue to live a holy life. Make us fully realize the evils of self-centeredness and guide us that we may watch ourselves from this vile attitude. Do you want to join the prayer eagles in 2013? That is why you constantly show favor to the humble and You oppose the proud. When the spirit of adultery came, he ran away and let the Lord fight his battles. And that vivid picture soon becomes their reality. " i then got something and began beating it to a pulp. But now am wise and trusting God for great things in this yr. Am sure my life will never be the way it used to be be4. 2 The building whose door faced north was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide. Show us that our differences are small and that our relationships are more important. Energize me to pick myself up and take at least one positive step today. Do not allow the promises of material gain to cloud my thinking and stir up greed in me. I am trusting God for a review of his marks to what he really deserves, the boy is only 13 years and crying himself sick but I have decided to take action and stand in the gap for him. Lord, open my eyes to the truth of the surveillance state. Sat midnight: 42 prayers to shut down evil surveillance Sat 6am: 35 prayers points to break ancestral yokes Sat 12 noon: 40 prayers to clear his miracle "pipeline" Sat 6pm: 40 prayers to "open" the heavens over his head Sun midnight: 37 prayer bullets to recover stolen virtues Sun 6am: 25 prayers to neutralize satanic backlash Oh, Lord, be my fortress against every spirit that will cause me to have impure thoughts. Infuse us with understanding that we may know how to confront them and warn others about them. Lord, open my ears to the truth of the surveillance state. 42 Then the man led me northward into the outer court and brought me to the rooms opposite the temple courtyard and opposite the outer wall on the north side. She is working as teacher. Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into . Stop my mind from questioning that You are indeed the alpha and the omega. Father, help me put on salvation as my helmet and take up the sword of the Spirit in my defense and protect me always. I need your help. This was the real issue behind his chronic failure at the edge of success. Oh Lord, take away and wipe away every trace of evil assignments in my life in Jesus name. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. I worship You, Lord. We ask this in your name, amen. I have been having dreams and vision, and I know that God is dealing with many things concerning my life. Father, let confusion and noise of cry begin to reign in the camp of my enemies, in Jesus name. On the journey I saw someone who recognize me and called a family member to tell them where I was . In this lady was not beuteful but i said am marrying you. EVERY GATE IN MY FOUNDATION MAGNETIZING CURSES UPON MY DESTINY: I SHUT YOU DOWN BY THE POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS, LET THE BLOOD OF JESUS CLEANSE MY ROOTS NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS 4. Lord, help me see through all illusions and lies about this world and its systems that are designed to oppress me and keep me enslaved in a new slavery under modern day Babylonian system that is designed by satanists who have infiltrated our government at all levels including local law enforcement agencies such as police departments which has been turned into Gestapo military like police force that we have today under martial law now in America where theyre using their military equipment against innocent people including children who gets shot down by these Gestapo police officers every day without any accountability whatsoever because they have been given immunity by their own government because they have started a civil war against their own citizens here in America now where there is no longer any rule. I am impressed with what a reading.
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