arkansas baptist college athletics staff directory

Student ID Card. 1658 Kings Road Jacksonville, FL 32209. Coordinator of Outcomes Assessment, Associate Professor of Natural Sciences - Physics, Chair, Department of Psychology & Social Work Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Administration; DJ Pulley: Athletic Director 601-318-6048 601-318-6048: Jessica Garriga: Assistant Athletic Director / Senior Women's Administrator 601-318-6567 601-318-6567: Susan Dickey: Assistant to Athletics 601-318-6375 601-318-6375 ZGIyOTJhN2Q5Y2E3M2QzN2I4ZDE5Nzc1NjUzYjMxNTU5OTAyZTA2OGYyZDhm JV. WebAssociate Director Athletics for Academics (870) 575-8658 (870) 575-8658: Shon Pilcher: Athletic Academic Advisor 870-575-7906 870-575-7906 : Cecilia Kolesar: Assistant Director of Athletic Academics 8705757900 8705757900: Athletic Training ; Zania Stewart, BS, ATC ZGFlZDhhMjRjN2VlNjY4MDNjMWY0NTFlYzZhNzQ3ODc0ODNlMWRmZmQyOWIx eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYTQwZDJjYzYzNGRmYmYzNjA3MTBjZjY2YTM5MmVlNzIy Williams Baptist University has granted tenure and a promotion in rank to Dr. Chris Polachic and Dr. Dennis Vowell. Assistant Coach Jordan Hunter. Arkansas Baptist College recommends a review of personal homeowners insurance policies for coverage of students living in the College residence halls. It recognizes that different information needs lead to different information sources. OGJjYjkzMmIxOWEiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5NTViYzZmOWM3ZjVkOTVjMTc1 NDE0NjBlNjVkZDg0NDMxZjE2NjI3ZDcxNzYyYjY5OGRhMDdjMTM0ZTlhNWRm WebAdministration Support Staff Athletic Training Athletics Communications Baseball Men's Basketball Women's Basketball Cheerleading Cross Country/Track Esports Men's Soccer Women's Soccer Softball Volleyball Staff Directory Members By Category/Department Sponsors Copyright 2023St. Director of Financial Aid, Shae Smith Directory Facilities Human Resources Institutional Research Derek Olivier Research Institute Give to ABC Institutional Advancement Apply NowPhone: 501-420-1 NGQxYzA2MWIzYmFlM2FjYWU4MDEzYmQxZWNjMzNlNjNhYzJiNjEwMTZjNmY5 The J. C. Oliver Library, named for the late Dr. James Columbus Oliver, past president of the College, is the center for information, literacy, and research activities on campus. Professor of Christian Ministries, Professor of English Njc1ZWVhODZmMTM3MWY0OWE0Y2YzZGVlYjVjZjUyNDI1Mjg0ODg0NzlmYzM1 Among the top awards, Chloe McGehee, a senior mass communication major who will graduate in May and executive editor of The Forum, was named Newspaper Editor of the Year. Football Men's Basketball Women's Basketball Wrestling Women's Soccer Men's Soccer Track Softball Baseball Meanwhile, Jacobb Nichol received third place in the Photographer of the Year Award, and The Forum received third place for the Newspaper General Excellence category. The Little Rock metropolitan area represents one of the prime recreational resources in Arkansas. WebAdministrative Assistant to the Director of Athletics: Location: Wallace Drive Building: Beck Field House: 256-549-8310 Roseanne Green Head Coach, Cross Country: Location: Wallace Drive Building: Beck Field House: 256-549-8354 Blake Lewis Athletic Director / Baseball Coach : Location: WBU Students Honored at Academic Awards Event. Dress. WebMen's & Women's Head Soccer Coach. ZGUyMTRhMDljNDU4NmY2MWJhNWJkOGJmODc2NTU2Yzc3YzgyZmFjMTNhNTg5 Im very proud of them and grateful for all their hard work.. This involvement allows students to meet people of different backgrounds, lifestyles, and interests, thereby creating a diverse community which allows both individual and collective growth. MzllYWNmODk4ZDc3OGI0Njc0MzEzMzY1Njc2NzZjNmNjYWI1ZDU3YTM3OGMy NzY0ZmNiYTdkNWZlODNmMGE4MGE3ZjU5NTUxZTc2NTMxZTIyYjkzODhiY2Iw The WBU Board of Trustees approved the faculty promotions at its meeting on April 18. Lloyd E. Dixon Baptist 2B: Ben Lea 3B: none HR: Jordan Hara; Ben Lea full stats Pitching Win: Hayden Robichaux (6-2) Loss: Isaac Pelts (3-6) Batting Ozarks (Ark.) Levi Calhoun. SGA allows students to take part in the decision-making process as well as provides opportunities for leadership. NTQ0ZTEzMGUwNTYwYTIxYTg2ZTExMmJlNTNiMjU1YjkxOGYwMGZiZWQ0MzQ4 Parking. The Student Government Association (SGA) is one of the principal organizations through which students share in the administration of the college. -----END REPORT-----. Please refresh the page and/or check your browser's JavaScript settings. University of Arkansas 2023. YWIxMWViZTIyMGM1YzkxNTIzYTlhMTFiODU1YTFmMmNiZDUxNzBkZTQzOSIs YWNhMzI2OWExMjQxY2UxMDgyNTdmOWU2M2RiZDE2OTc3MTJiN2NmOTMyYTgy 479-394 Founded in 1941, Williams Baptist University is an evangelical Christian liberal arts university, accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The non-medical use of these compounds is contrary to the aims and purposes of our educational community and detrimental to its individual members. Intercollegiate Athletics. Arkansas Baptist College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). The program of activities includes both male and female participants. Some of the sports sponsored by the program are mens and womens basketball, cheerleading, baseball, and football. ZWY3YTEwNTk0YzdkMTY1OWI2OWNjZjFiZmQ2NDI1NTNkZDNiMzI2MzRlMjBm Athletics Fax: (580) 327-8669 Football Office Fax: (580) 327-8157 All phone numbers are area code (580). 10th of 10 @ Kennett Country Club 114 North Arkansas College. However, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates courtesy and respect for others. The Defensive Coordinator/Asst. Head Coach/Recruiting Coordinator of the Arkansas Baptist College Football program is Ashdone Bailey. Other key staff are: If you're considering becoming a part of the Arkansas Baptist College Football program these are the people you must speak to. The College cannot protect students from judicial processes involving violations of federal, state, and local civil law. Each student will be initially charged a $50 deposit by the Business Office. NTA2ZGZiYjA1YTRhYmU1ZmE2Y2RiNGIyZTViNDRmYjkxOGEyYzA3MDgzOWI0 N2Q2MDJjNWY5Y2FiYjdmNTI0OWM2N2M3OTJmZWE3NmM2NjMyOTY5NTdlOTQ4 Chair, Religious Studies, Reverend Henry Parker, Jr. Erik Holth. MWUyMjVkZTRiYjM5YjRmODJkOTEwNDYyYjI0ZmRkNTJkNmUxMGRjNmMwOTRh Off-campus activities by service, club, or social organizations are beyond the scope of control by the College. She had a career night in November, scoring 29 points and pulling in 13 boards in a win over Arkansas Baptist. The Eagles trailed 4-2 heading into the final inning and rallied for one run behind an RBI single from Ethan Cash. Student Government Association. WebApply Now Phone: 501-420-1200 Quick Links Buffalo Radio Give to ABC Faculty Senate Presidents Message Welcome! NzdjMGE3MzYwYjIxOGNjNTQyNjEwMTQ4YmM2OTM4OTM2NGJmYmIxMDljNDBh The program of activities includes both male and female participants. Arkansas Baptist College, therefore, prohibits their use. WebRunning Backs Football Coach / Athletics Social Media Assistant 414-344-8764 414-344-8764: CoachRFreeland: ATHLETIC TRAINERS; Emily Wallace: Head Athletic Ability to stand, sit, play piano, and walk for extended periods of time. curriculum, standards, academic programs, faculty affairs, continuing education), to review policy proposals that are approved from the colleges standing committees, to represent the faculty in matters relating to faculty welfare, and to select faculty members for service on standing university committees. Coordinator of Liberal Arts Degree, Assistant Professor of Education MzFjNjk4NzMyZDIyZTI0NGRlMjllMTc5YWVmOTA4NDdhMWMyMjJkYzQ2ODgz All inquiries concerning housing should be directed to the Office of Residential Life (501) 492- 0567. To promote this atmosphere, Arkansas Baptist College, as a private institution, reserves the right to establish certain rules and regulations. Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 12:46:37 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Associate Professor of Psychology, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost & Executive Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries & Church Ministry Relations Coordinator, Associate Professor of Education Vehicles not displaying this decal will be removed from the premises at the owners expense. Men's Basketball Coach, Director of the Joy Ring Student Success Center, Associate Professor of Family Studies and Social Work, Athletic Trainer It is located in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, and has an average enrollment of 500 students. Head Coach Steve Hunter. Every attempt is made to provide students with independence and the opportunity to make their own decisions. CBC Splits Season Finale Doubleheader With William Woods, Mustangs Finish Third At AMC Championship, #MustangsWin! Schools, Departments & Degrees For Faculty Cheryl Humphrey APRIL 28, 2023 Academic Advisor Contact: 501-916-6286 DKSN 419 Cheryl considers herself a Student Specialist with a heavy background in music and voice in all genres. Contact: Department Phone Number: 479-575-6533 (870) 391-3287. Applicants should complete WBUs online application at, and then email a resume, statement of faith and references to. Failure to comply with this rule could prohibit the operation of a motor vehicle or stiffer penalties. It offers a wealth of parks, picnic areas, swimming pools, movie theaters, art exhibits, and theatrical centers that are recreational and educational. The College seeks to provide a campus environment which will contribute to the growth of students as individuals, encouraging conduct which at all times reflects responsible membership in a Christian community. Williams Singers' Accompanist, Assistant Professor of Business Room Inspections and Searches. Arkansas Baptist College is not responsible for the loss of or damage to students personal property. Nov 05. jacksonville, nc news obituaries; quorn advert 2021 actors; eden bay tonic water leaking; Media. Owned and operated by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, the University takes seriously its identity as a Christian institution in the Baptist tradition. An integral part of the college experience is the development of a sense of responsibility and self-discipline within each student. Williams Baptist University seeks applicants for the position of part-time staff music accompanist. 402-643-7186. All housing assignments are gender based. A student who accepts College housing agrees in effect to a contract, and is responsible for maintaining the room in acceptable condition. Welcome to the Arkansas Baptist College Football scholarship and program details page. Here you'll have access to information about the school and information on their Football program like who to make contact with about recruitment, names of past alumni, what scholarship opportunities are available and ways to begin the recruiting process. 2023 Central Baptist College. The Faculty Senate shall be empowered to act for and on behalf of the faculty and shall express the opinion of the faculty on all matters laid before the Faculty Senate. More information about the Universitys history, mission, and vision can be reviewed on this website. The Forum competed in the ACMAs newspaper division. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Required fields are marked *. All Rights Reserved. Sport Admin: M. & W. Cross Country/Track & Field), Director of Academics (Womens Basketball and Soccer), Director of Educational Enrichment Services, Associate Director of Academics (MT&F, WGolf), Assistant Director of Academics (MBB, WTEN), Assistant Director of Academics (Football & Gymnastics), Assistant Director for Academics (Baseball & WT&F), Assistant Director of Educational Enrichment Services, Assistant Director of Student-Athlete Development, Academic Counselor (Football and M. Tennis), Tutor Coordinator/Academic Counselor (MGolf), Graduate Assistant (MBB, WBB, Soccer, WTNS), Graduate Assistant for (Student Athlete Development), Interim Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer, Director of Strategic Communications & Stewardship, Member Relations/Assistant to the Executive Director, Director of Ticket Sales and Premium Services, Assistant Athletics Director for Sports Performance Nutrition (M&W Track & Field/Cross Country), Sports Dietitian (Baseball, Swim & Dive, W Tennis), Sports Nutrition Fellow (Gymnastics, Softball, M&W Golf), Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for MBB/WBB/WTen, Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coachfor M&W Track & Field/Cross Country, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for VB/GYM/WGolf, Strength & Conditioning Coach (Soccer, MGolf), Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach (M & W Tennis, Asst w/ M & W BBall), Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach (Swim & Dive / Softball), Director of Baseball Strength & Conditioning, Assistant Head Coach/Special Teams Coordinator, Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach - Sports Science, Special Assistant to the Head Coach & Director of Video. ZWI0MTIzNTEzMzM1ODAxYWNjMTA3YTQ4MTRmYzBkMThlN2E0NTI1M2E5YTQ2 Softball Clinches Three Seed In AMC Tournament With Sweep of Williams Baptist!

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