the crucible act 2 quiz quizlet can put you or your class Parris asks Mary to faint on demand. Occurs 8 days after Act 1. Who is Mary Warren and why does she go to Salem? Miller establishes Elizabeth Proctor as a morally upright woman, respectable and dignified, yet with an air of superiority that renders her frigid and distant. John Proctor returns from a day in the fields and greets his wife, Elizabeth. Then her saintliness is done with."? -Punishment: Accusations can lead to harsh punishments from authorities, sometimes even without proper evidence to prove their guilt. He is also very defensive and dismissive. He believes they are welcoming the devil in, not God as they say. The Crucible Summary and Analysis of Act Two The second act takes place in the common room of Proctor's house eight days later. When Hale asks Elizabeth if she questions the gospel, she retorts that he should question Abigail Williams about the gospel and not her. Their argument is about the affair. land greed and revenge on neighbors= cause of the witch trials. It is tense and uneasy. When Hale visits, what seems to go against the Proctors? The Crucible - Act II Quiz Name____________________________ 1. Elizabeth tells John to go to Ezekiel Cheever and tell him what Abigail said last week - namely that Betty's sickness had nothing to do with witchcraft. The Question and Answer section for The Crucible is a great What do you think might be the real reason? Why does Danforth refuse to have a lawyer present in Proctor's case? The dynamic of the witchcraft hysteria has created a situation in which the accuser of witchcraft is automatically presumed holy, as Proctor notes, while even the most spiritual character may be suspected of Satanic influence. Hale's growing disillusionment foreshadows his later repudiation of the court's actions. However, in this instance she purposely frames Elizabeth Proctor out of revenge, planting the poppet as a means to engineer Elizabeth's murder. Abby and the girls pretend Mary is witching them. The Crucible Act 2 Study Questions. 1. Question 2 30 seconds Q. Why is Elizabeth Proctor accused of witchcraft? She cursed a townsperson and now he cannot keep a pig alive for more than 4 weeks. Q. When will you proceed to keep this house as you are paid nine pound a year to do -- and my wife not wholly well? Why does Elizabeth want John to go see Abigail? Explain the ironic ultimatum the head of the court has given to those who have been arrested. You can view our. What does Giles Corey accuse Mr. Putnam of? How does it backfire? Continue to start your free trial. 3. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Martha Corey is accused of using witchcraft on a farmers pigs, Explain Francis' metaphor: "My wife is the very brick and mortar of the church. The Crucible, Act II by Authur Miller Selection Test questions & answers for quizzes and worksheets - Quizizz Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. -infatuation Mary is now an official in the court, formally accusing people of witchcraft, along with Abigail and the other girls. Who are the women who are falsely accused of witchcraft at the end of Act II? She is a pawn who may be used by the Proctors to prove their innocence, but Miller foreshadows that Mary Warren may be used by Abigail to serve her own purposes as well. Explain the conversation that takes place between Mary Warren and John Proctor at the end of Act II. A+ Student Essay: The Role of Sex & Sexual Repression in the Play, Arthur Miller and The Crucible Background. 10 Questions Show answers. -John Proctor vs. Abigail. While the other characters remain fixed in their particular allegiances and beliefs, Hale demonstrates the debilitating effects of the witchcraft trials by the change in his character. That Abigail was caught doing witchcraft in the woods and is covering up her crime by accusing others of witchcraft. Mary Warren refuses to go to court after Elizabeth is arrested because she. He feels guilty for putting people to death because he was not sure of his decisions. Click the card to flip Elizabeth is suspicious of him and the affair he had Click the card to flip 1 / 33 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by mbry33 The conversation between John and Elizabeth Proctor is highly mundane, illustrating the significant tension remaining in the relationship since Proctor's affair with Abigail Williams. The Crucible Act 2 | Literature - Quizizz QUIZ The Crucible Act 2 72% average accuracy 193 plays 11th grade English 2 years ago by KAYLA BONE Copy and Edit INSTRUCTOR-LED SESSION Start a live quiz ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Assign homework 39 questions Question 1 30 seconds Report an issue Q. Elizabeth believes Abigail must plan to profit from Elizabeth's death, for accusing a respected member of society like her is more dangerous than accusing a drunk or indigent woman like Good or Osburn. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. . Youve successfully purchased a group discount. They make small talk about dinner and the crops, but there is an awkwardness between them. Mary Warren says that those who confess to witchcraft will be. More importantly, Reverend Hale and the other court officials use private information for their public matters, such as information about the frequency with which they attend church and their belief in the existence of witches. Why is, this pertinent to what is going on? More books than SparkNotes. Hale? What does she mean? What does she urge him to do? Historical Context Essay: Arthur Miller and the Red Scare, Literary Context Essay: Political Theater and the Play. Why doesn't John Proctor just accept this? Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Q. With what crimes has Rebecca Nurse been charged? What causes tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor? When Act II begins, why is Elizabeth suspicious of Proctor? Please wait while we process your payment. He's saying if anyone is killed, it will be Hales fault. Some motifs we have seen so far are reputation, jealousy, pettiness, greed, and loss. Danforth asks Mary questions about whether or not she has interacted with the devil, which she denies. Walcott charged Martha Corey for the rumor that Giles proposed about his wife reading books. -loss Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Mary reports that thirty-nine people are arrested, and Goody Osburn will hang, but not Sarah Good because she confessed. What gift does Mary give to Goody Proctor? Where did Elizabeth ask John to go? The Crucible Act II, Scene 2 Questions and Answers View The Crucible- ACT II Questions.docx from, PHI MISC at Everglades High School. May 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 -Putnam vs. Proctor Mary says that it is amazing that Proctor does not realize the importance of her work, and insists that she is a court official. How does John Proctor know that the witchcraft isnt real? The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. to check up on them and see what kind of people they are. Hale also notes that only two of Proctor's children are baptized, and asks Proctor to state the Ten Commandments. What type of irony represents Proctors statement about Abigail at the end of the act, "Good. The second act takes place in the common room of Proctor's house eight days later. Like Pontius Pilate, to whom Proctor compares Hale, he wants to play only a passive role in the proceedings without any feeling of personal responsibility. She tells John she saved Elizabeth's life in court by claiming Elizabeth showed no signs of conversing with the Devil when Abigail accused Elizabeth of witchcraft. The Crucible Act 2 quiz Flashcards | Quizlet A summary of Part X (Section4) in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Giles is accusing Mr. Putnam of killing his neighbors for their land. Act II opens eight days after the girls have named the first "witches." A) True B) False 2. Explain the metaphor: "The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you"? They will be imprisoned. Answer a few questions on each word. how does this disclosure serve to make the quarrel between elizabeth and john even more heated? What proof has been offered of Martha Corey's witchcraft? Do you think he is justified? The Proctor marriage is stagnant and stifling, as the fact of John's adultery lingers in every conversation like a giant white elephant. What complaint does Proctor make about Parris? Mary really does not want to do this. What can you remember from the reading? -integrity significant response to his threat. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! 2 of 5 Purchasing Free trial is available to new customers only. Mary Warren claims that Goody Osburn sent her spirit out in court to choke them, and often mumbles whenever others turn her away when she begs. Match. How is John and Elizabeth's relationship at the beginning of Act II? Who are the two judges? For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! What connection is there between the poppet given to Elizabeth by Mary Warren and her arrest? -punishment Q. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Dont have an account? Mary reveals that she saved Elizabeth's life today, for Elizabeth was accused in court. -passion This begins even before Hale arrives at the Proctors' home, when Elizabeth, as a betrayed wife, suspects her husband's excuses for coming home late. Do you think Mary knew what would happen and was part of it, or was she "conned" by Abigail? The Crucible - Act II Quiz 1. Elizabeth thinks that he went to Salem that afternoon, but Proctor says he thought better of it. Anyone is capable of evil, despite his or her past good behavior. Cheever spies the poppet that Mary Warren made, and finds a needle in it. Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning It appears the community has been turned upside down. the top edge of a vessel or other container, Mary Warren: They had Doctor Griggs examine er, and she's full to the, You will never believe I hope, that Rebecca, No man may longer doubt the powers of the dark are gathered in, Proctor: I have never knew until tonight that the world is gone, a judicial writ commanding police to perform specified acts, Now Hell and Heaven grapple on our backs, and all our old, a manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures, Created on October 30, 2012 What important information does John tell Reverend Hale? Hathorne: quick to judge (pg86). What does Proctors hesitation to travel to Salem indicate about his inner conflict? -The word "crucible" has three meanings. 2. What does Parris suggest the judges do with the people who signed the testament? The act itself moves from the intimate conversation between husband and wife to more public matters, but the division between these two spheres becomes obscure. She calls Mary Warren this and means she used to be quieter and didn't act like royalty. -greed Still, if Elizabeth adopts a tone of moral superiority it is because she is the superior of her contemporaries, with an unwavering belief in the capability of persons to remain moral. Explain the demand Proctor makes of Mary Warren at the end of scene one and her As recognized, adventure as without difficulty as experience practically lesson, amusement, as with ease as, concurrence can be gotten by just checking out a books. What do John and Elizabeth both know about the court proceedings? the crucible act ii fill in the blank study guide free The _____, a man cursed with a persecution complex, happens upon a group of girls _____ "unnaturally in the forest. Who comes to the Proctor's house to arrest Elizabeth? Proctor and Elizabeth's private dispute over Abigail. What ploy (tactic/strategy) does Abigail use to disrupt the court? Why does Reverend Hale come to visit the Proctors? -pettiness You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Write. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Contact us At the end of the act it hints that the most important conflict in the play, will take place between two characters, a protagonist and a antagonist. What conflict helps drive the plot in Act II? Share 14 words 3,657 learners How have Hale's opinions of the accused changed by the end of Act II? (one code per order). Under such intense scrutiny, these officials are able to find any information that may be may interpreted as evidence of guilt not unlike the House Unamerican Activities Commission using everything from religion and sexuality to, in the case of the Rosenbergs, a discarded box of Jell-o as evidence of un-American behavior. Use this to prep for your next quiz! What theological argument does John Hale use to explain the causes of the events in Salem? It represents dramatic irony because he and Abigail had a affair before. I think that Herrick checks on prisoners or works in the prison/jail. Abigail accused Elizabeth in court and Mary claimed she hushed the belief when she really didn't. The Crucible Act 2 Study Guide. We manage to pay for you this proper as without difficulty as easy mannerism to get those all. What are some motifs that have been seen so far? Rebecca Nurse is hailed because she's accused of using witchcraft and killing 7 of the Putnams babies. Who is the young woman who works for Proctor and is now an official of the court? The Proctors do not like that she is leaving. Who does Elizabeth call, "A mouse no more"? What happens when Mary Warren tells the court the truth about the girls acting bewitched? With what crime has Rebecca Nurse been charged? They will be burned alive. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller. Explain the conversation that takes place between Mary Warren and John Proctor at the end of Act II. for a group? They both know that Abigail and the other towns people are falsely accusing people of witchcraft out of vengeance in court. He is trying to say that one does not always know who is involved with malpractice or witchcraft until they are exposed. He also realizes that his wife will still be condemned because his wife will get killed after she gives birth. Weinbloom, Elizabeth ed. He won't have his youngest son baptized because he doesn't trust Parris with his son. They don't regularly attend church, one of their sons isn't baptized. Explain the irony of his actions. Proctor, Giles and Francis Nurse give Danforth evidence to prove their wives' innocence -- 91 people confirmed this. She is afraid of Abby, and also knows she is fighting a losing battle by defending John Proctor.

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