high priestess as feelings for someone

Your intuition feels sharp and clear. In the future, The High Priestess represents the time when a secret will be revealed. In front of her, there is a crescent moon. It means that your overall demeanor and attitude are those of an admirable and trustworthy person. In this reading, the card tells that he feels as if connected with you on a subconscious level. If you are carrying out a feelings spread and you draw the High Priestess tarot card, it could mean they see you as standoffish, secretive, insightful and intuitive person. The High Priestess is one of the most powerful figures in tarot. On the negative side, this can be a person who you feel nervous around. When the Fool and the High Priestess show up together during a tarot reading, it indicates someone feels excited about a new beginning. Maybe you see things that are not there, or your conclusions about a matter are wrong. However, she is the card of the diviner, so she has a special place in the hearts of all readers. Maybe you met only yesterday, yet you feel inexplicably close. Your ex-partner often thinks about you. WebHigh priestess definition, the female leader of a tribe, religion, or movement; a female high priest. You need to actively look for ways to enhance your psychic abilities, hear your inner voice, and manifest the life you want. The High Priestess as advice also says that you should look for signs and symbols in everyday life. Her feelings therefore are protective and patient, turned towards making sure the gestation is serene and without trouble. Taking a step back allows me to look at the situation objectively, without snapping at those who may be struggling around me. You need to learn how to express your feelings and communicate clearly with your partner. Pomegranates also represent Persephones archetype. She's tired of wasting time with people who refuse to work on relationships ---, and she won't give second chances. You might not share your thoughts and feelings with people close to you and therefore communication can become difficult. The High Priestess card as feelings can also indicate a soul connection with someone. Trusting intuition is very important when it comes to feelings and relationships. The High Priestess is in-tune with her feminine side and well as her subconscious. As the personification of knowledge, the High Priestess tarot card depicts a mysterious and wise figure, look on my card of the flowers that frame her face showing that she is sweet but also full of mystery, as she taps into her own intuition, she can guide your decisions to gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. This card reveals that the world is not what it seems and that the beyond is all around us. Therefore, it is neither a yes nor no from this card for most types of questions. Lastly, the symbol of the moon is also seen in drawings of the Virgin Mary, indicating that this is one of the archetypes present in the card. The High Priestess tends to be a card of non-action. This can also be a sign that someone is deceiving you. To be a leader, you must first learn to serve. Do you have any intuitive hunches about it? In a love reading, this card can help you understand the other party. Listen to your intuition, The High Priestess card says. We all have a sacred feminine within us. The number two is extremely important in this card. Maybe you see things that are not there, or your conclusions about a matter are wrong. They are most likely in a cosy and tight-knit family unit at the moment. The High Priestess wears a blue robe. Only read this matter again when some time has passed (at least six weeks). Maybe you and your partner have very different ways of thinking, which can make it hard to get along. This could either be because this person is about to start a new journey or adventure, or it could be that they are now listening more to their inner voice and follow their deepest truths. In your career, there may be some hidden factors at play. You might have a wrong belief about your partner. Going up and down? This represents the conscious and subconscious realms, or the layer between our realm and the realm beyond. In some types of Tarot readings, The High Priestess can also mean that secrets are being kept from you, and they are not what you are likely to expect. You may want to consider one of these paths if youre job hunting. Remember, The High Priestess is all about balance, harmony, yin, and yang, hot and cold, feminine and masculine. Sometimes, the High Priestess reversed can indicate blocked psychic abilities. Such bonds cannot break easily, even if you are separated. This card is about the natural cycles, earthly life, and treasures of the earth. Up until now, you have relied on your mind in some ways and ignored your gut feelings, but this is not serving you well. Depending on personal circumstances and questions you ask, the combined cards can provide you with many insightful answers. Maybe you feel like you have lost your 'inner balance' and need to work on finding your inner peace. Be careful that you follow your own advice instead of what others tell you. Everything that happens is meant to be there are no accidents in the Universe. This card can also indicate that youre getting signs, in real life or in dreams, and are ignoring them. Do a quick cord cutting spell or meditation to cut these cords if the relationship no longer serves you. The High Priestess tarot card is associated with mysterious knowledge, higher wisdom, and hidden meanings. This person may feel threatened by someone which is why they may try to control or manipulate them. Historically (pre-Rider-Waite), The High Priestess was a card of science, education, and wisdom. The High Priestess reversed is ano for now. You may be perceived by others as a source of wisdom and guidance as the High Priestess. The High Priestess reversed can alternatively indicate that youre decieving yourself. The two of you are bound together in eternity. Thats why, in this article, we well dive in and explore all the different ways that the High Priestess can manifest in a tarot reading, both when it appears in the upright position and the reversed position. The In a relationship, honesty is absolutely essential when you pull the High Priestess. The Emperor embodies the masculine principle, the fatherly figure, pure reason, discipline, authority, and control. Their intuition tells them you are a reliable and deep person. The High Priestess meaning as an obstacle card can also be that things are moving too fast. The High Priestess card may come up in regards to past relationships. While its true that this card can symbolize secrets and implies infidelity, its more common for the card to represent what has to be revealed. Dont think so rationally about the future. This is love that wants to be celebrated, either through social activities or more traditional events. Three of cups as how someone feels about you speak of the person feeling excited and uplifted by your presence. Oftentimes we cannot realize either how someone feels about us or how we feel about them. Sometimes, the High Priestess appears when someone is keeping a secret from you. When The High Priestess appears as a negative, weakness, or obstacle in a Tarot spread, this means you have difficulty telling the difference between your feelings and your intuition; you must work on this if you want a happier life. The lesson here is to step back and allow things to happen naturally. learning experience. By staying true to our inner wisdom and never backing down from a challenge, she encourages us to follow our dreams. In any relationship-related question, the High Priestess indicates that you have to use your intuition and watch for symbols to get the answers you seek. If youre looking for a job, you could get one in this industry in the future. This card indicates the existence of a bond on a level deeper than visible. We also feel somewhat empty about a past lover. not listening to one's intuition, confusion, not opening up, wrong conclusions, emotional imbalance, shallowness, mental illness. Do some inner work or meditation to figure out what the truth is. Therefore, you must go with the flow and let everything come together on its own. This answer should feel rightand make logical sense. Doubt, anxiety, or The High Priestess is a very mysterious individual, which makes their intentions often difficult to read and understand. The High Priestess represents someone who is intuitive and in touch with their feelings. If youre performing a reading about your business or career, the High Priestess is obviously good if youre in the spirituality or divination sector. Just behind the crown you can see the three stages of the moon. The High Priestess in a career reading urges you to follow your intuition. The priestess is depicted as a woman in blue-white clothes, sitting quietly between pillars of black and white. The High Priestess reversed in a love reading can indicate that deep mutual understanding between a couple is missing. In general, you may be facing some backlash because you didnt follow your intuition in the past. It is surrounded by an energy of mystery and spirituality, which can make it challenging at times to define its meaning with regards to specific feelings. The High Priestess can also appear in relationship Tarot readings to symbolize the fact that you have to use your intuition to find the answers. Whether youre single or are in a relationship, you may be pushing for something and are coming up against a brick wall. If youre just starting out with tarot, using a deck thats both easy to use and understand is essential for a great (and fun!) WebSomebody who you admire because of their background, experience, and conviction. In addition, a true intuitive feeling remains steady over time. They represent good and evil, negative and positive, black and white, and masculine and feminine. In feelings readings, these two cards make a powerful combination. WebThe High Priestess represents someone who is intuitive and in touch with their feelings. I see the high priestess as a symbol of our intuition and subconscious mind. Unsubscribe at any time. Sensing this dishonesty can cause this card to pop up in a reading. The message of The High Priestess card always remains the same, regardless of the position: trust your inner voice and intuition. For example, you may have encountered multiple people who told you not to eat a certain food. This person is wise and maybe even a bit secretive. The High Priestess + The Empress As Feelings. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the High Priestess is a sign that this person feels that you are significant. The High Priestess represents the feeling of having met someone who is going to change your life. Sometimes, you just know because you have a gut feeling. They know. WebThe High Priestess tarot card represents stability and wisdom. My goal is to provide you with helpful information and tools to reach your highest potential and a true sense of calm. She exists in our world, yet she travels to spiritual realms too. Are you trusting someone who isnt loyal to you? In a love reading the High Priestess can represent deep feelings for someone. When this card represents a relationship, it can mean that there is a soul connection between two people. You might understand each other almost telepathically or feel as if you have known a person for a long time, even if you just met. She will not accept anything less than her deserved respect and she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. It is deep, karmic, and emotionally secure. The High Priestess in reverse can also indicate that someone is going through a difficult time. Dont worry too much if the future of your Tarot reading cannot be revealed to you. The High Priestess reversed can also mean that youre ignoring your own feelings. Its time to reclaim the divine feminine within. Make sure you have positive intentions behind your actions. Everything will soon be revealed to you. The High Priestess can symbolize a spirit guide who will help you access your wisdom. The Seeker Her position refers to balance between the two sides. She is pulling you back, reminding you to stop getting ahead of yourself and to tune into yourself She is both intuitive and rational, hidden and revealed. If youre dealing with undiagnosed issues, look into your reproductive system or hormones. The High Priestess holds onto that which we are not meant to know. They might be intuitively drawn to you. This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. Feelings that sometimes need to be 'tamed'. You have a lot of feminine power within you, but it needs to be claimed. This bond is strengthened on so many levels. Her divination book, The Modern Oracle, was published in 2021. This type of bond is spiritual in nature and hard to explain. It can indicate strong feelings they have for you. He is willing to share his feelings, thoughts, and experiences with you. However, the scroll is partially covered. Let us go through several High Priestess combos. This combination of the High Priestess and the Empress represents someone who feels very much in touch with their higher self and are at the same time also aware of the emotions of others. Her presence gives us courage and confidence to take on the world. Coming back to a place of self-love and balance is recommended. Tips and tricks for achieving the awesome soul. In her hands she holds the Torah, which is representative of higher knowledge. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. A crescent moon sits at the feet of the High Priestess. The High Priestess reversed is a warning that youre going to fast. What would you say about HP as how someone feels about someone? Sometimes, the High Priestess can even represent someone with a mental illness, someone who believes theyre seeing into a realm that doesnt exist. When it comes to feelings towards their person of interest, this combination can suggest that they may be afraid or intimicy or commitment. Three of cups speaks of adoration. Where do your passions lie? 2 of pentacles: what kind of feelings are these? It can be a bit difficult to interpret the High Priestess in love readings, because she is all about the subconscious mind. Both the High Priestess crown and her blue robe show her spiritual knowledge. Listen to your intuition and try to figure out what is going on. It tells about a person who is excited to experience new things in life, particularly, one who heads on a spiritual journey. Two is polarity but is also unity. Male cannot exist without female, nor life without death. She represents the dualism of existence and its unity. They feel naturally motivated to offer guidance and support to their loved ones. My advice is that you continue on the path youre on and let your situation play out a bit. She represents the subconscious, intuitive thoughts. However, this is actually pretty relevant. Lastly, the High Priestess meaning in love is often that you need to embrace your divine feminine. Instead, focus on what you feel about the options that you haveright now. Even though they often come across as uninterested and maybe a bit unbothered even when it comes to matters of the heart, deep down, this is definitely not always the case! As a person, the High Priestess reversed can represent someone who is extremely unpredictable or moody, or even someone with a mental disorder. The principles they embody are different, even competitive. You should live in the present and not worry about whats going to happen. We realize that we dont need to settle for what we had before. Sometimes we try to trick ourselves and convince our minds our choice of partner or a particular deed toward them is perfect, although our inner voice advises differently. She is able to suffer with Focus on yourself for the time being and let your intuition guide you to your next step. A lot of Tarot readers would interpret the High Priestess as a yes. If you open The High Priestess in a love reading, look into your heart, grasp into your soul, and try to reach the stream of your deeply hidden inner senses. This combo indicates an unbreakable relationship, full of mutual support, care, and love. The High Priestess sits between two pillars. Make sure to check it out right here! Remember that if you have a good feeling, it will stay with you over time and wont dissipate. She generally symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and inner balance. Make sure that you follow what feels true for you rather than what your partner wants you to do or so. Seven Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More). The answers are in your subconscious mind, but you have to access them. It would be much better to deal with your emotions now, before they come out sideways. You need to unlock the voice inside of you and figure out the truth. If you have repressed emotions, they will bubble up sooner rather than later. LostButNotLost Knowflake . Their perception of you may be one of wisdom and spiritual insight, indicating a deep connection and understanding between the two of you. Offering support and understanding in any way shape or form can make a tremendous difference and goes a long way. Sometimes, the High Priestess is instead your own subconscious mind. The High Priestess has a crescent moon at her feet. At times you probably do not feel at peace with yourself, but your aura tells otherwise. As this card can represent the collective unconscious, it could be that the person feels drawn to the other on an archetypal level, a soul level, or a karmic level. They can sense your mysterious aura and your spiritual depth. Even though every situation is different and unique, the High Priestess generally suggests a high amount of interest, but at the same time a level of guardedness in order to protect their heart. For the general meaninng of the high priestess click here. They're passionate and dedicated, but they don't screw around. The High Priestess in a love reading reveals the hidden feelings, potentials, and thoughts of the questioner. If your intuition tells you this is indeed the case, try to focus on subtle clues when it comes to wanting to find out how someone feels about you. Its time to reconnect with her in order to balance your masculine and feminine energy. Trust in the feminine energy within you, even if the masculine energy around you seems impossible to get through. This person could be feeling overwhelmed which can lead to shutting themselves off from their emotions completely. he High Priestess appears reversed in a reading, she might represent the act of overthinking. The High Priestess tells you to stop worrying about the outcome. What is the Universe telling you? When reversed it can indicate that what you are thinking isn't true. The priestess is not a teacher or leader on a pedestal, but rather, she is of the highest service. The person you are interested in feels as if the connection you have is a blessing. Besides teaching you how to access your own inner wisdom, she will also show you how to never settle for anything less than what ignites your passions. You have divine protection. JavaScript is disabled. You know that feeling when you are incredibly attracted by someone but you have no idea why? She also represents education or universities. You feel attracted to someone, but your feelings are mixed. WebThe High Priestess tarot card speaks of feelings that often change. WebPeople should definitely understand that dark empaths exist. We normally lean into the messiness of the situation, often things escalate. 2 of swords: hma difficult card for me to understand; maybe a conflict between the mind and emotion? The visuals and symbolism will be different with every deck, which makes your reading totally unique. This card can predict that youll be well known and achieve great things in these areas. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. Our emotions can be confusing and certain relations perplexing. The Empress is more than willing to share feelings with the intuitive High Priestess partner who has the ultimate knack for active listening. In comparison to the Magician who represents active principle, the High Priestess embodies the passive principle, traditionally feminine. Illustrations from the Radiant Rider-Waite 2015 reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stanford, CT 06902. c. 2015 by U.S. Games Systems Inc. All rights reserved. They are very compassionate and caring and they always seem to be there when people around them need them. I find the idea of opposing emotions very interesting! Remember, you can discover more love Tarot meanings (and the feelings of your lover) by checking out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book here. Because she can symbolism a future which is not yet to be revealed I feel that the High Priestess is often frustrating to interpret in a reading. If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesometarot decksthat havehelpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease,this articlewill definitely give you some inspiration! WebTen of pentacles tarot card as feelings denote the seeker is feeling loved and secure. Am I pregnant? It may also mean that they trust your inner knowledge and understanding to make wise decisions. The reversed High priestess as feelings reveals something entirely different. The high priestess connects you to his or her secret feelings and often. There is an inner voice calling you back either to resolve unsettled issues and emotions or even to come back together. This card inverted indicates suppressed and blocked feelings. The High Priestess (Reversed) as Feelings. The curtain behind her back depicts pomegranates and palm leaves. You need to build confidence within yourself instead of expecting it to come from others. If youre struggling with a potential partner, its time to be patient. Do they like me? In some readings, the symbolism will be extremely important, so Im including the main symbols on the High Priestess card here. I would wait until your relationship develops further, something major happens, or some time has passed (at least six weeks) before you read on this matter again. Ultimately, the number two is balance. The High Priestess unifies both aspects of femininity and masculinity in one. Maybe the person finds the other mysterious? Maybe you still have feelings for them, or the feeling is mutual. Your gut is probably right. The Moon is associated with the element of water and emotions. In astrology, only the Moon and Venus represent the feminine principle. In fact, the High Priestess can also be a sign to integrate your intuition with your career. 2 of wands: maybe the person needs to decide which impulse to follow. This means that the person who represents the High Priestess might have the tendency to overthink things and may withdraw from certain situations or people as a result. These qualities I am explaining are about YOU and how you see love right now. WebThree of cups as feelings speaks of joy and well-being. Both of you will benefit from it, enriching your souls and your hearts. The High Priestess isnt typically a money card, but as always, the recommendation is to follow your intuition. In the end, "It Is What It Is" is a statement of acceptance and surrender to whatever life throws at us, allowing us to move on and continue our journey. Perhaps you are being put on a pedestal. Be careful that you dont let your logical mind take over completely. This card is especially interesting in feelings readings because it tells about hidden emotions and subconscious thoughts. The High Priestess card could be particularly indicative when it comes to broken relationships because it tells about hidden feelings and intuition. There areso many different ways to read The High Priestess. Thats all for The High Priestess Tarot card meaning! This card represents duality. You must simply focus and let go of your preconceived notions. The man you are interested in feels as if the connection he has with you is deep, spiritual, blissful, and divine. Whether the outcome is positive or negative, this is the only way you will find the truth. This tarot card alludes to a woman with the power to keep her man happy at any cost. You truly cant get in touch with your truth. Dont take action until you figure out whats going on behind the scenes, especially if youre facing a big choice. Generally, the meaning of the High Priestess is all about mystery. The High Priestess in reverse can also show up when someone is feeling manipulated. These could also be strong sexual feelings or emotions like jealousy or possessiveness. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. Whenever you happen to pull the High Priestess in a tarot reading, make sure to also pay attention to the other cards that surround the High Priestess. This card can also represent the women in question. In the Tarot deck, the High Priestess is the second Major Arcana card. This could either be because they dont feel in touch with their own emotions or because they are feeling controlled by someone else. They are looking for a stable and secure relationship and are not interested in playing games. The High Priestess is sometimes a sign that you cant force others to commit. The Emperor is more straightforward, relying on reason, logic, and active power. Lastly, if you would like to learn more about tarot, be sure to check out my other articles as well! If you find that youre riding the highs and lows, dont fear. Most people change. As human beings we often use the phrase it is what it is this is often used to express a kinder, more compassionate perspective on life, acknowledging the love situation we find ourselves in. This depiction could be associated with the balance between the feminine and masculine. Her feelings are deep and she does not act on impulse. In these cases, the future will reveal itself in its own time. No matter what obstacles we face, her wisdom can show us how to move forward with grace and strength. The person in question cannot explain how they feel about you or it could be the other way around. Most times, the cards want to give you both the upright and reversed meaning. Sometimes, the High Priestess is a warning that youre not seeing the full picture. The Fool is an archetype of a careless wanderer, optimistic and charismatic. About us. WebKing of Swords and the Lovers as Feelings This combination shows someone feels confident with your connection. Another interpretation is that at the time you are not listening to or even ignoring your intuition. intuition, inner wisdom, the subconcious, secret knowledge, spirituality, the feminine side, silence, retreat, inactiveness, inner balance, harmony, inner peace, insight, being open and receptive, guidance, to look deeper into a matter, to 'wait and see', a soul connection, to ponder a situation, overthinking.

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