13th battalion virginia reserves

Crutchfield, Gilmer W., Commonplace Books, 18611864. 1st Battalion, Virginia Light Artillery (Hardaway's) (Moseley's) (Confederate) "Units of the Confederate States Army" by Joseph H. Crute, Jr. contains no history for this unit. 1 item. Mss4C7607a2.A blank commission, 1861, from President Jefferson Davis authorizing privateering activities. Confederate States Army, Department of Northern Virginia, General Orders, 1863. 95 items. Most of the general orders report the findings of various courts martial. Microfilm reels C452453.Contains the papers of four generations of the Cocke family of Virginia. 13th Virginia Infantry 23rd Virginia Infantry 32nd Virginia Infantry 42nd Virginia Infantry Original and typescript copy. Included in the memoir is a brief account of Carson's service in Company F of the 37th Virginia Infantry Regiment at the battles of Rich Mountain and Cheat Mountain and in the 1862 Shenandoah Valley campaign. 888 items. 16, 27 March 1865, allowing the transportation of cotton and tobacco to areas outside the Confederacy (section 6); and a letter, 28 March 1865, from George Alfred Trenholm (18061876), as Confederate secretary of the treasury, to the presidents of banks of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, regarding the recently passed act concerning the raising of coin by the government for the use of purchasing supplies for the army (section 16). Mss2C3558b.This collection contains the papers of several generations of the Chamberlayne family of Virginia. A room was added to the C.M.I. Mss1C5503a.Contains primarily genealogical materials compiled by Arthur Bell Clarke (18541923) of Richmond. Culpeper Court House, List of Confederate States Army Interments, 1866. Mss12:1864 December 24:1.A copy of special order no. Mss12:1863 April 30:12 oversize.Muster rolls, 30 April30 June 1863, for Companies D and H of the 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment completed while in Pennsylvania during the Gettysburg campaign. Mss12:1864:3. Mss1C5587a.This collection consists primarily of the papers of George Harvey Clarke (18521931) of Richmond. Dodson 3rd Regiment, Virginia Light Artillery (Local Defense) Confederate Virginia Barth Dodson 5th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry Confederate Virginia Microfilm reel C297.Contains the papers of the Claiborne and related families of Richmond. 13th Light Artillery Battalion: Company A (Richmond Otey), Company B (Danville Ringold), Company C, 38th Light Artillery Battalion: Company A (Fauquier), Company B (Fayette), Company C (Hampden), Company D (Lynchburg), 2nd Regiment 4th Regiment Halifax Battery Southside Battery United Artillery, 1st Regiment1st Battalion2nd Battalion3rd Battalion 4th Battalion, 1st Battalion 2nd Regiment2nd Battalion 3rd Regiment 4th Battalion Local Defense. National Park Service, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, is searchable by soldier's name and state. Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company A (Confederate) Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company B (Confederate) Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company C (Confederate) Civil War materials consist primarily of letters from John Hampden Chamberlayne (18381882) of the Purcell, Crenshaw, and Davidson Artillery batteries to his mother, Martha Burwell (Dabney) Chamberlayne (18021883), concerning Joseph E. Johnston's recuperation in Richmond following his wounding at the battle of Seven Pines, Martha Chamberlayne's experiences in the city in 1862, Ham Chamberlayne's life while a prisoner at Johnson's Island, Ohio, and Point Lookout, Md., following his capture at the battle of Gettysburg, the battle of the Wilderness, skirmishes near Hanover Junction, Meadow Bridge, and Gaines' Mill in May-June 1864, and Chamberlayne's experiences around Petersburg in the fall of 1864 (section 4). The report is printed in the Official Records, ser. Chapman, William Henry, Letter, 1887. 4 items. 2 pp. Mss12:1863 December 31:1 oversize.A muster roll, 31 December 1863, of Company C of the 21st Virginia Cavalry Regiment. Infantry Regiment (The National Archives): View, Print Copy & Save Original Compiled service records of Confederate soldiers of the ??? Also included is an abstract describing the company's formation and service in 1861. 112 items. 110th infantry regiment rosterboss buck feeder leg kit. Serial 078 Page 0742 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter LI. Also included is a newspaper clipping of Jefferson Davis's inaugural address. There are payrolls from April 1862 for thirty-seven Tidewater Virginia & North Carolina units. Mss12:1864:4.This collection contains receipts, 20 May30 September 1864, for hay and corn received by members of the 2d Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia while at Spotsylvania Court House and in the Shenandoah Valley. Confederate States Army, Quartermaster's Department, Account, 1863. ; letters, 18611864, to his wife, Elizabeth Conrad, concerning the secession convention of 1861, growing war fever in Richmond in April 1861, Jubal A. The correspondence includes letters to Confederate Secretary of War James Alexander Seddon (18151880) and Adjutant and Inspector General Samuel Cooper seeking the release of Confederate prisoners incarcerated at Castle Thunder (sections 12); correspondence of John Henry Winder, commander of the Department of Henrico, regarding the disposition of individual prisoners' cases (section 3); official letters to and from Confederate officers in the Department of Henrico concerning the transfer and receipt of prisoners (sections 410); and letters from Union and Confederate prisoners kept at Belle Isle, Libby Prison, and Castle Thunder, presenting their cases and pleading for release (section 11). The correspondence of Henry Alexander Carrington (18321885) of the 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment includes letters, 18621864, to his wife, Charlotte Elizabeth (Cullen) Carrington, concerning camp life in northern Virginia in 1861, the suicide of Philip St. George Cocke, the first battle of Bull Run, general war news, the battle of Williamsburg, a recommendation for his promotion by George Edward Pickett, rumors regarding Union desertions following the Emancipation Proclamation, the Suffolk and Bermuda Hundred campaigns, and Carrington's arrival at Point Lookout, Md., as a prisoner of war; a letter, 18 September 1863, to Maria Louisa (Dabney) Carrington (18251902) regarding his life as a prisoner at Johnson's Island, Ohio; a letter, 23 May 1864, from Montgomery Dent Corse praising the conduct of Eppa Hunton's brigade; a letter, 19 March 1864, from Eppa Hunton concerning the reorganization of his brigade and Carrington's return from prison in the North; letters, 1863, from Clement Carrington Read (18051872) of Montreal, Canada, offering assistance to Carrington while a prisoner of war at Johnson's Island, Ohio; and a letter, 23 December 1862, from Robert Enoch Withers (18211907) discussing the battle of Fredericksburg and the price of food items in Danville (section 9). 1st Battalion Kentucky Rifles, Captain Peter M. Everett. 344 items. Noyes served in this capacity following his capture at the first battle of Bull Run. Of note are three diaries, 8 June 18626 February 1867, kept by Amanda Chappelear with entries concerning war news from Fauquier County and northern Virginia, visits from Confederate soldiers and southern travelers, encounters with Union soldiers encamped at Belle Grove, and information on the activities of the 43d Virginia Cavalry Battalion (sections 24). Infantry. Items include an account, 1865, for the service of George Ainsley Barksdale (18351910) paid by the Quartermaster's Department (a1); an account, 1864, of funds received by Samuel Cooper from George A. Barksdale (a2); a letter, 1863, from John Randolph Chambliss (18091875) to President Jefferson Davis concerning the impressment slaves to work on fortifications (photocopy) (a3); a receipt, 1864, from J. L. Agurs of the 6th South Carolina Infantry Regiment for 5,000 lbs. Photocopies. Also included is a brief sketch of his service in Company A of the 10th Virginia Cavalry Regiment during the siege of Yorktown and at the battle of Williamsburg. Nicole previously served as Vice Head at Miami-based 13th Floor Investment, where wife was . Confederate States Army, 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment, Morning Report, 1863. Redesignated as the 6th Infantry Battalion Reserves on February 27, 1865, per S.O. 4th Kentucky Cavalry, Captain William D. Ray. Confederate States Army, 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Muster Rolls, 1863. Typescript copy. 2 398 Saltville. 1 item. Letters largely concern life on the homefront, particularly economic concerns, reports of Union and Confederate army movements and skirmishes in and around Newtown, and general war news. ), 1862, of Silas Pierce Richmond (of Freetown, Mass.) Please Note: Virginia History Day state competition at VMHC on April 29-30. Also in the collection is an undated list of female members of a soldier's aid society in Powhatan County (b12). Mss1C4485a.This collection, compiled by William Garnett Chisolm (18901955), contains primarily correspondence, notes, genealogical charts, and newspaper clippings concerning the Garnett, Hunter, and Mercer families of Virginia. War-related materials include letters, 18621863, from Heath Jones Christian (18441864) of Company D of the 3d Virginia Cavalry Regiment to his parents discussing camp life and cavalry operations in the Shenandoah Valley in December 1863 (section 1) and a brief undated memoir by Garland Harwood Clarke (18471916) of Company G of the 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment concerning the unit's role in the Appomattox campaign (section 2). Conway, William Buchanan, Memoir, 1908. . 1, 48: pt. 2nd Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, Major Jacob T. Cassell. Caroline County, Enrolling Office, Certificate, 1864. 1 p. Mss12:1862 November 20:1.A medical discharge, 20 November 1862, granted to James Hannock Lee (18441865) of Company G of the 2d Virginia Infantry Battalion by the general hospital at Farmville. 1,060 items. 1 item. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. (section 4). 5 items. Mss12:1865 May 26:1.Handwritten agreement, 26 May 1865, signed by Simon Boliver Buckner and Edmund Kirby Smith, formally surrendering the Confederate Army of the Trans-Mississippi to Edward Richard Sprigg Canby and his Union Army of West Mississippi. Wartime items include letters, 18621863, of Andrew Napoleon Bonaparte Cosby (18431916) of the 22d Virginia Infantry Battalion, offering brief descriptions of the second battle of Bull Run, fighting near Orange Court House in September 1863, and a religious camp meeting (section 2); and a letter, 22 May 1862, from Josephine Cumings of Richmond, briefly mentioning the fighting east of the city (section 4). 40), 29 November 1864, for 63 pairs of shoes for Company A of the Virginia Military Institute Corps. Mss1C2466a.This collection primarily contains papers relating to service of Thomas Henry Carter (18311908) in the King William Artillery Battery and as chief of artillery to Daniel Harvey Hill and Jubal A. Carrington Family Papers, 18171895. Mss2C5487a1.A letter, 6 February 1865, from Meriwether Lewis Clark concerning his withdrawal of charges of disobedience of orders against William H. Fry (18211902) of the 11th Battalion Virginia Reserves. and the Cockade Artillery Battery to Jamestown Island; special orders, May 1861, issued by Robert Selden Garnett regarding the defenses of the James River; and a requisition, 24 May 1861, for ordnance for Fort Powhatan, Prince George County (section 6). . 1 item. Confederate States Army, Department of Richmond, Special Orders, 1865. Cloyd Family Papers, 17771887. Mss7:3E621C6695:1.A typescript copy of an undated reminiscence, entitled "A Story of the Confederate War," by Hannah (Lide) Coker concerning the death of her son, Charles W. Coker of Company M of the 8th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, at the battle of Malvern Hill, and her experiences while nursing her son James L. Coker of Company E (2nd) of the 6th South Carolina Infantry Regiment in Confederate and Union hospitals in Tennessee following his wounding in a fight on Lookout Mountain on 28 October 1863. Mss1C8884a.Contains the papers of the Crump family of Richmond. 1845) of King and Queen County. Cooley Family Papers, 18111882. 1 item. 64 items. Also includes the copyright request filed for oil painting entitled The Burial of Latan by William Dickinson Washington (18341870). Mss2K324a1.A pass, 1 April 1865, issued by the provost marshal in Petersburg to James C. Kemp granting him permission to visit Chesterfield. 3. Civil War materials include receipts, 1864, for slaves of Odin Green Clay (1795?1882) impressed by Confederate authorities to build fortifications around Lynchburg (section 3), and a letter, 11 December 1862, from Calhoun Green Clay of the 2d Virginia Cavalry Regiment to his brother concerning life in camp near Fredericksburg (section 5). The roll includes names, physical descriptions, occupations, and enlistment information for the members of Company I. Confederate States Army, 13th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, Muster Roll, 1862. If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format contact ehistory@osu.edu. Mss2En366a1.A letter, 8 August 1864, to Robert Emmett English (18461922) of the Second Auditor's Office concerning a leave of absence. 9 pp. Carter, Thomas Henry, Papers, 18651909. Some of the reports and letters are printed in the Official Records, ser. 1 item. The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War.It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia.. Its commanders were Colonels George A. Goodman, Ambrose P. Hill, James B. Terrill, and James A. Walker; and Majors Charles T. Crittenden and John B. Sherrard. 1 item. Owned and operated by the 1 item. Correspondents in the letterbook include John Stevens Bowen (18301863), Francis Marion Cockrell (18341915), and Martin Edwin Green (18151863). 10 items. Dodson 34th Regiment, Virginia Infantry Confederate Virginia B.S. Galleries, Caf, & Store open; Library closed. 245 items. Section 4 contains postwar letters of John S. Mosby with the following correspondents: William Henry Fitzhugh Lee (concerning the battles of First and Second Bull Run), Lunsford Lindsay Lomax (discussing the movements of Confederate troops in June 1863 before the battle of Gettysburg), William Henry Payne ([18301904] concerning events leading up to the battle of Gettysburg), John Codman Ropes ([18361899] concerning J. E. B. Stuart's role in the Gettysburg campaign), and Marcus Joseph Wright ([18311922] discussing J. E. B. Stuart, James Longstreet, and the Gettysburg campaign). The unit was transferred to the infantry and merged into the 61st Regiment in October, 1862. Mss12:1862 August 31:13 oversize.Items in this collection include two muster rolls, 31 August 186231 August 1863, of Company A and a muster roll, 31 August31 October 1862, of Company G of the 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment. Microfilm reel B13.Consists of the papers of members of the Conrad family of Winchester. Mss2C8425b.Contains the papers of George J. Crafts and includes a letter, 16 December 1863, to Crafts, while serving as an assistant quartermaster in the Confederate Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, ordering him to transport men and cargo to Fort Johnson and Fort Sumter, S.C. Craig, John Anthony, Letter, 1864. Mss1C7752b.Contains papers of Giles Buckner Cooke (18381937) relating to his service in the Confederate army on the staffs of Pierre G. T. Beauregard and Robert E. Lee, his activities as a Confederate veteran, and his service as an Episcopal clergyman in Virginia and Maryland. The cover of this item bears the designation "Home Guard.". Photocopy. The battalion along with the 2ndInfantry Division reduced to zero. The collection includes a small photograph of Chappell. Mss5:1C7695:1.Contains a photocopy of a typescript of a memoir, entitled the "Autobiography of Catlett Fitzhugh Conway," written ca. 6, 1 October 1863, issued by J. E. B. Stuart assigning John Boursiquot Fontaine (18401864) to duty as medical director of the cavalry corps. Also included in section 2 is a pass, 1861, issued to Holmes Conrad, and a parole of honor, 1865, signed by Conrad. Topics include general and specific military news from Charlotte County, Va., and northern Georgia in 1864, the effect of war on the population in northern Georgia (draft laws and civilian care of Confederate wounded), and comments on the Confederate cause in general (section 4). Microfilm reel C592.The records, 18621864, of the 20th Virginia Heavy Artillery Battalion consist primarily of pay records, forage and equipment accounts, and muster rolls. 1 p. Mss12:1863 December 20:1.Morning reports, 2021 December 1863, containing the total number of present and absent men in the 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment. 13th Battalion, Virginia Reserves (Confederate) Organized in 1864. Included are drawings of the battle of Cloyd's Mountain, enclosed in a letter, 26 November 1887, from E. C. Arthur, formerly of the 23d Ohio Infantry Regiment, to David McNutt Cloyd (18551911) ("E. C. Arthur" folder). Mss12:1862 November 20:1.The discharge, 1862, issued by the General Hospital in Farmville to James Hannock Lee (18441865) of the 22d Virginia Infantry Battalion. 8 items. 0 74 149. Note: Formerly known as the 4th Battalion Virginia Reserves. 334 items. 1 volume. Confederate States Army, Richmond Howitzers, 1st Company, Muster Roll, n.d. 118 pp. 1 volume. 28 items. The Austrian succession.Renewed treaty with the six nations.Breaking out of the war.Governor Shirley attacks Louisburg.Co-operation of the colonies.Commodore Warren's squadron.Siege of Louisburg.The city capitulates.Franklin's scheme for raising troops.The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.Louisburg and Cape Breton returned to . Mss12:1861 May 3:1. 1 item. Confederate States President, Commission, 1863. Mss12:1863:3.The Descriptive Roll of Company I of the 11th Va. Cavalry Regiment. Mss12:1865 March 12:1.Special Order No. Photocopy. 3 items. //-->. Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Account, 1865. Mss4C76095b.This collection consists of invoices and provision returns, 18631864, received by Robert Brank Vance (18281899) and the 20th Tennessee Infantry Regiment at Asheville and Marshall, N.C., Anderson, S.C., and Tullahoma, Tenn. Confederate States War Department, Surgeon General's Department, Certificate, 1862. Confederate States Army, 13th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, Muster Roll, 1862. of Blackstone while in Richmond. Collins, John Overton, papers, 18571865. In 1999, after completion of the Basic Officers Course and the Infantry Officers Course . Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. 213 items. Also included is a detailed physical description of Crawford and the amount of money owed him by the Confederate government for his clothing expenses. Confederate States Army, 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment, Muster Rolls, 18621863. The wartime letters are printed in Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, ed., Ham ChamberlayneVirginian (Richmond, 1932). 392 items. Section 2 contains memoirs, ca. 1 item. 1911. Coons Family Papers, 18281982. Photocopy. 1862. Typescript copy. Commanded by Colonel Robert Smith with Major Henry Smith as second in command. Sicily-Rome American Cemetery is managed by American Battle Monuments Commission, and lies at the north edge of the town of Nettuno, Italy, which is immediately east of Anzio, and 38 miles south of Rome. Mss5:1C3685:1.Recollections, entitled "From Yorktown to Williamsburg," written by John Taylor Chappell (18451915), formerly a member of Company A of the 10th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, concerning his experiences during the siege of Yorktown and at the battle of Williamsburg. Included are warrants for payment to, among others, the Richmond City Gas Works (a3), J. R. Anderson & Co. (a10), and Jefferson Davis for compensation as president. It contains basic facts about soldiers on both sides of the Civil War, a list of regiments, descriptions of significant . 1 item. Confederate States Army, 33d Virginia Infantry Regiment, Muster Rolls, 18621863. Written by William Price Palmer (18211896), the 1st Company's second commander, the summary includes descriptions of an action at Fairfax Court House and the battles of First Bull Run and Ball's Bluff. This unit was also known as the Virginia 13th Battalion Reserves and the Virginia Smith's Battalion Reserves. Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company A (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company B (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company C (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company D (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company E (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company F (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company F&S (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company G (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company H (Confederate), Virginia 13th Infantry Reserves Battalion, Company I (Confederate). Confederate States Army, 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Roster, compiled ca. Confederate States Army, Drewry's Virginia Artillery Battery, Pass, 1862. Mss2C3675a1.A letter, 27 August 1887, from William Henry Chapman (18401929) to James Longstreet concerning the Dixie (Page County) Artillery Battery at the second battle of Bull Run. 21 george street,morwell 3840 telephone 0351354444 $1.80 inc. gst i hockey champs valley sport donation drive moe eisteddfod page 7 page 15 24 24 22 15 shower or two mostly sunny showers increase . 1, 24. Other items relating to David Comfort's experiences during the war include a discharge, 1861, from service in the 20th Virginia Infantry Regiment, a medical exemption, 1863, for tuberculosis, a commission, 1864, to serve as a member of the Thomas County, Ga., soldiers' relief committee, and an oath of allegiance, 1865, to the United States (section 5). a cellist 's preparatory motion for pizzicato is larger and slower than that of a violinist . The letters in Section 1 written by Thomas Henry Carter to his wife, Susan Elizabeth (Roy) Carter, have been published in Graham T. Dozier, ed., A Gunner in Lee's Army: The Civil War Letters of Thomas Henry Carter (2014). Mss1C6458c. 103, 7 December 1863, issued by Robert E. Lee, announcing the suspension of all duties on 10 December to observe a day of fasting and prayer. Virginia Heavy Artillery. 1 item. The recollections describe, in great detail, Cochran's life in Loudoun County during the war. Confederate States Army, 43d Virginia Cavalry Battalion, Order, 1865. The 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. David H. Berger, speaks to the audience during the annual Marine Corps Association information awards dinner in Arlington, Virginia, April 20, 2023. Mss12:1861:2.This memorandum book (many of the pages of which are blank), n.d., contains a list of the names and ranks of the members of the 1st Company of Richmond Howitzers. Also in the collection is a letter, 8 March 1865, to William from Jennie Corson concerning the impending arrival of Union soldiers and her view of the Confederate cause in March 1865. Mss12:1863:4 oversize.A muster roll, 1863, of patients at a Confederate hospital in Lynchburg. Other war-related items in the collection include a parole of honor, 18 April 1865, issued to John Carter; an affidavit, 9 June 1865, concerning the oath of allegiance of John Carter (section 2); letters, 18621864, concerning reports of Union troop movements near Fort Harrison in December 1864, the construction of outer defenses east of Richmond, and shoes for Alabama soldiers in December 1862 (section 4); orders, 18631865, regarding the poor conduct of Local Defense Troops in Richmond in 1864, and John Carter's appointments in the 2d Virginia Regiment, Local Defense Troops (section 5); letters, 18621863, to and from Henry Carter concerning an inspection of the 3d Company of Richmond Howitzers held in October 1863 and the payment of bounties to new recruits (section 7); orders and accounts, 18611863, concerning members of the 3d Company of Richmond Howitzers (section 8); and an undated map, drawn by Henry Carter, of Elizabeth City, Warwick, and York counties (section 9). Mss2C6677a.A letter, 15 May 1863, from William Henry Coit of the South Carolina Palmetto Light Artillery Battery to his family describing, in detail, the death of his brother, George Coit, during the Suffolk campaign, and the use of artillery and breastworks. Microfilm reels C585586.This collection contains the papers of members of the Archer, Claiborne, Cabell, and Watson families. Jan 2013 - Mar 20133 months. Please contact us using the Contact button in the menu at the top of the screen. 1 item. Mss5:1C3685:3.Recollections, written by John Taylor Chappell (18451915), formerly of Company A of the 10th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, recounting his role as a scout-courier for Benjamin Huger at the battle of Malvern Hill. Mss2C2147b.Contains letters of Lafayette J. Carneal (18441900) of Company B of the 9th Virginia Cavalry Regiment to his father and sister concerning camp life, a cavalry raid on Chambersburg, Pa., under J. E. B. Stuart in October 1862, cavalry action during the Gettysburg campaign, and a brief record of rides in the Shenandoah Valley in December 1863. Confederate States Army, Department of the Trans-Mississippi, Surrender Agreement, 1865. Mss12:1861:5.This roll book, 18611865, of the Powhatan Artillery Battery, kept by William Wesley Palmore, includes records of enlistments, engagements, furloughs, and casualties.

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