bold street liverpool time slip

Silva Hayes from Spicewood, Texas on November 07, 2015: Another interesting article from you, Nell Rose! As he approached, he glanced up and was surprised to see the name, Cripps, above the door. On a sunny day in July 1996, an off-duty policeman called Frank went shopping with his wife Carol . not sure about the fireplace but its certainly been chucked down peoples throat in the family over the last few days! Upstairs alone in the kitchen of the flat, I was sitting enjoying the Autumnal sunshine coming through the window when I became aware of a cold breeze and the feeling that someone was walking in front of me, across the room. I loved Life on Mars too, I would love to see the American version especially since the English version had such colourful language! When he was interviewed by the local newspaper later, he stated over four times the exact same account. I know absolutely that the universe is full of strange happenings, they are all around us. Right now I do not have a model or theory for what is going on or a set of theories to cover different types of slip. hope you are well too, thanks, Hi yourself, Nell! The odd thing was I had dreamed of arriving early before I woke up. It is known for its cafs and for the Church of St Luke, which is situated at the top end. Nell Rose (author) from England on July 14, 2020: Riffat Junaid from Pakistan on July 14, 2020: Interesting article you wrote. I was looking for a newly opened shop called COW. But of course, that can't really be it if they can confirm the shops etc were really there years ago. The Black Dog of Newgate: A Phantom Prisoners Revenge? It's never happened to me but it's a well known thing in Liverpool. thanks M Lane! how fascinating! Not always the case when UK shows are Americanized. One of the most credible reports comes from an off-duty policeman who was in the area shopping with his wife. I wasn't frightened and we decided it was simply a trick of exhaustion. The ladies wore bonnets with brims and the gents wore top hats and dark suits. Last time I heard the lady in charge was having personal problems and n longer involved. Veddy interesting! In the sense that maybe their mind thought or hallucinated it. So far, most of the sightings have centered around the 1950s and 1960s, and this is strange in itself. I only once encountered a similar feeling and that was in Santa Fe New Mexico. AlexK2009 from Edinburgh, Scotland on March 19, 2017: I found this when googling for time slip cases as part of research for a book I am trying to write about time. I think this phenomenon happens more often than we realise. Also do you or does anyone else know if these incidents are still being reported and/or experienced? lol! To the comment that spoke of other places in the U.K. with timeslips. now that is an encounter! CHRISTINE MILLER investigates this strange paranormal phenomenon. But over the last few decades, something strange has been happening in or near Bold Street in Liverpool, England. Nell Rose (author) from England on December 05, 2016: hi Lynda, Wow! Sean proceeded to run down an alleyway in an attempt to shake off the guard, only to find it was a dead end. but of course at one stage or another over the last 100 years or so that shop would have been empty! As for science's attempts to find a "logical" explanation for such events, I have to throw in that communicating electronically with others half way round the world using a small handheld device we now call a Smartphone was deemed "impossible" and in the realm of voo-doo. Or, as the saying goes, that they are Urban Tales. Visiting the site of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, off the coast here, one late night, people were just standing in the street. There on the right, was a cafe/coffee shop - it had sprung up out of nowhere. After they danced and whirled quietly to no music, they simply vanished. Question: Do people from the other times come through to our present? In this first tale, we find Frank and his wife, Carol, out for a stroll in Liverpool town center. Whether it's celebrating people, remembering a place long forgotten or opening the Echo archives to mark a special anniversary, Days Gone By will be an essential read. Something weird happened to me today in Bold Street. Nell Rose (author) from England on February 09, 2019: Thanks for your email Jacqueline, and your fascinating story. Going north from that point the road dips down and then back up again, so I and the side street from which the coach emerged were basically at the same elevation, with the traffic in between below us. I am not sure about future time slips I have tried to find a few, but can't seem to find them on here? This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. She looked confused. This time it worked. She had decided to go into Liverpool to buy her sister, Abigail, a few things for her new baby. Upon arriving, she was happy to see a new MotherCare store that had opened up on the corner of Lord Street and Whitechapel. Otherwise known as spontaneous time travel, time slips are a curious sub-genre of the paranormal. The new . So, what do you think? or guitar away from the feedback coming out of the stereo. And, last but not least, it is possible that they really are experiencing this strange phenomena! thanks for reading! Then in a blink it was all gone. I've seen flying crafts over the years and had dreams that came true the next day, down to the last detail. The policeman was understandably confused. History Info-Bites 367 subscribers Subscribe 2K views 1 year ago #ghost #paranormal #liverpool As a someone who deals with. Who knows what era I was transported back to for a few moments! And you get 2 prizes! Anyway I wanted to ask if you knew if there is a team of parapsychologists investigating these still? Nell Rose (author) from England on April 23, 2017: Thanks Radha , I will look into it, thank you! that is amazing! CHRISTINE MILLER is the Scotland Editor (Deputy Editor) of Spooky Isles. Strangely though, he could still see people walking around in 1967 just down the end of the road. I wonder what would have happened if any of these people had interacted with those from the past and made reference to future historical Liverpool events such as the assassination of John Lennon which would occur in December 1980. While I don't really follow these types of stories, it has certainly made me think. thanks for reading. Causally glancing around I wasn't really paying much attention - man on a mission, my lady was waiting! I posted it on facebook, because I liked the whole pic, and didn't make too much of the girl until other people started mentioning the strangeness of her image. Sadly I am not a physicist and cannot provide the equations. We have launched a Facebook group to bring you more photos, nostalgia and memories in one place. Or does it twist and turn, going forward then sweeping back, picking up historic events and placing them down in front of you, if only for a few moments? The road looked different, and so did the pavement. in those "galaxies far, far away", so why not here on Earth too??? thank you Tim for the compliment! I have a feeling the timeslip was somehow connected to the Bold Street Time Fault (as I call it) - an area of the city where there have been many inexplicable slips in time. Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on September 04, 2015: Hi Nell - congratulations on winning 2 hubbie awards! Question: I read your story with interest. seems that history does tend to get involved with our ancestors! Frank noted that the van had the name 'Caplan's' emblazoned on its side. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on October 26, 2018: Nell, I have to agree with Tim Truzy. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 02, 2015: Thanks MsDora, yes it was a lovely shock! Time slip? It is our conditioning and our wish to live in an ordered world that makes us adhere to time. If true I think the big question is whether there was any interaction with those people from the past. Nell Rose (author) from England on December 16, 2015: That is amazing boilymoon! http . makes me feel really happy today! It would be great, wouldn't it? Would be interested to know if anyone in Bold Street has reported seeing anyone / vehicles etc from the future. Horror film historian STEPHEN JACOBS lists his top five Dracula films for The Spooky Isles, JACOB MILNESTEIN explores the sad fate of St Wilgefortis, the woman who grew a beard and was crucified for it, Zombies from History ponders what would happen if historic figures rose from the grave, MJ STEEL COLLINS writes, ANDREW GARVEY looks at Victorian animals attacks, CHRIS RUSH looks at Ouija boards and how to protect yourself from the ZoZo Demon, Write For Us #ghosts #horror #darkhistory, Watch Dr Ann Winsper talk about Time Slips, What is Jack in the Green? There are so many cases concerning Bold Street (and indeed just about anywhere else in Liverpool) that maybe, just maybe, they are all living on top of the biggest time slip phenomena in the world. Answer: I agree, there would definitely be no reason to make it up. TIME TRAVEL Embed 1 The Mysterious Bold Street Time Slip in Liverpool Show more Loading comments. yes it was a fascinating experience! thanks so much for reading and commenting, nell. Read more about time slips in this fantastic article by Nia Jones. Anyway great read, it made me miss the Uk for some odd reason. His wife went ahead without him. He carried on crossing the road and headed towards the store. LOLOLO! The hair on my legs went up. Puts me in mind of my fave mind-bending time-travel series, the short-lived Life On Mars (the American version). Feeling silly I went back outside and there it was just as she had said with a large yellow sign saying COW in the window. It soon became clear that the store was no longer a book shop but a womens boutique, with clothing and handbags adorning the window display. lol! Fascinating! Taking it out of his pocket, he tried to get a signal, but of course it didn't work. It is our way of understanding and travelling the omnipresence we are all part of. I would be thrilled to talk to some physicist over this. This was some think that happened to me in the 80s this the story i put on my facebook page, time slip or ufo I remember the time when I worked in the N.P.F. Bold Street in Liverpool, England, is believed to be one of these time vortexes. Even to the die-hard Fortean enthusiast, they remain quite the mystery, with no one singular theory as to how and perhaps more pressingly why they occur. The Time Slip involved a couple, Frank and Carol, who went to Bold Street to do a little shopping. I think I would have moved too! Hopefully, it'd be with someone young and healthy with a good chance of still being alive almost 50 years in the future. And is our brains that built our realities upon that senses, and every brain is built in different ways. May God bless you and your family. I wouldn't have known about the second instance had my friend not asked if I found the farm easily. Fantastic! long time since you were here? Nell Rose (author) from England on October 19, 2017: Wow!

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