Year 2: CBMS204, CBMS207, CBMS208 Open to all candidates proceeding to an award under the Bachelor Degree rules. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. LAW206 Criminal Law and Procedure II Open for award to all candidates proceeding to an award under the Bachelor Degree Rules and for candidates of the BAncHist (Hons) degree. BBA350 Strategic Management I In some cases, your prize may have money or an in-kind gift (eg professional membership) attached to it. BUSL315 Business Litigation and Disputes Open to all female students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Professor Leonie Tickle, Macquarie Business School, Excellence in Higher Degree Research Supervision Supervisor of the Year Awarded for proficiency in creative writing in any of the units ENGL201 Creative Writing I: An Introduction; ENGL304 Creative Writing 2: Concept and Practice; and ENGL307 Creative Writing 3: Narrative Fiction. For entrants whose work has been realised over a period longer than 5 years from PhD award due to career disruption (pregnancy; major illness; or carer responsibilities), the entrant must address this in the entry documentation citing the circumstances of career disruption and demonstrating that the entrant has completed the work within a period of no more than five yearsFTE (full time equivalent) research activity. Dr Joel Fuller, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, Dr Zhu Sun, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Vice-Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence. Awarded for proficiency in the unit AHIS278 Egyptian Hieroglyphs A. Zeth Dixon '24 and Anne Sophie Hill '24 performing a musical selection at the 30th Annual Phillips-Perry Black Excellence Awards on Saturday April 23, 2022. recognize, celebrate and affirm the presence of Black students at Elon University. Macquarie University Outstanding Teacher Award. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers up to three Honours Scholarships per year in the areas of Accounting and Finance, and Economics. Awarded for proficiency in the unit ENV267 Resource and Environmental Management: Issues and Solutions. 2020. Awarded for proficiency in the unit ASTR270 Introductory Astronomy. As a part of this scholarship, successful applicants will have the opportunity to undergo paid work with Optus for a minimum of 12 weeks through their degree, which will contribute to the work experience requirements which is a graduate requirements of Engineers Australia. Awarded for proficiency in the unit AHIS390 Methods and Techniques of Egyptian Archaeology. Copyright Macquarie University Awarded for proficiency in two units at 200- level to be named each year by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Please refer to the individual award guidelines for full criteria and information relating to each award. Awarded for proficiency in 300-level plant biology. Awarded for proficiency in LAW500 Litigation. This awardrecognisesstaff for their quality teaching and support of learning and the impact they have on influencing, motivating and inspiring students to learn. Awarded for the highest grade in an honours thesis in Indigenous Studies. Awarded for proficiency in the unit LAW506 Succession. Awarded for proficiency in any 100-level ancient history unit in the field of Greek and Roman Studies. Awarded for proficiency in the unit ACCG251 Accounting and Information Systems. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Awarded for proficiency in the unit LAW316 Property in Law and Equity I. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. The Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. Awarded for proficiency in LAW423 Intellectual Property Law. BBA360 Business Project You can be selected for Faculty Prizes on the basis of academic results according to specific prize criteria. Awarded for proficiency in the unit GEOS125 Earth Dynamics. Highly Commended Finalist - Vice-Chancellor's Awardfor Teaching Excellence, Honorary Fellowship of the Teachers' Guild of NSW, Honorary life membership, South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment, James Sturgiss Exceptional Service to the Profession, Macquarie University award for Academic Excellence, Macquarie University Department of Educational Studies Early Career Researcher Award, Macquarie University Faculty of Arts Early-Career Research Fellowship Scheme. Awarded to the best performing student in the following units: AHIS100 Greek Society 500-300 BC: Oikos and Polis "I feel privileged to be a grounded presence for my students, helping them to develop the . Ablaze is also a finalist in the Best Indigenous Video or Website category, while The Skin of Others is a finalist in the Best Docudrama category. Applicants who already hold a scholarship or award, other than Youth Allowance, will only be eligible to receive the scholarship with the permission of the donor. BUSL350 Marketing and Management Law This award is open to those researchers who have led efforts to foster integrity in research and promote a culture of responsible research practice and high-quality (trustworthy) research at Macquarie University. Before applying for the scholarship, candidates must approach the research department and discuss filed interest in research. The presentation on the Testamur is the same for both awards. These events are with your peers and colleagues within your faculty and we hope they provide you with a personalised way to embark on your academic journey. Open to all students proceeding to the honours degree of Bachelor within the Faculties and Science and Human Sciences. The scholarships are valued at $275 per week for two to 10 weeks depending on the duration of the student's work experience project. LAW416 European Law and Institutions MKTG308 Customer Relationship Management Awarded for sustained academic proficiency in Law units and meritorious contribution to the affairs of Macquarie Law School. ACCG329 Security Pricing and Hedging Our academics have been honoured again this month with a slew of nominations and awards for two of our documentary filmmakers, an Oral History Book Award, invitations to speak at major international forums and more. For a full list of scholarships available and conditions, visit Janpanese Studies or contact the MJS Centre on +61 2 9850 6891. Our 2021 Academic Staff Awards winners are, Waited and waited no students Leaders recall first experiences asacademicsahead of Academic Staff Awards, Academic Staff Awards finalists: The students favourites, The team of:ProfessorPanos Vlachopoulos, Associate ProfessorAndrew McGregorand MrMichael Rampe, Faculty of Arts, The teamof:DrChristian Schwab,Associate ProfessorRichard McDermidandMrJacobPember,Faculty of Science and Engineering. Awarded to the female student with the highest overall grade in a Bachelor Engineering Degree. The winners will be announced on 7 December. Open to all candidates proceeding to the award of the honours degree of Bachelor of Arts in Modern History. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. | For further details, contact the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science on +61 2 9850 8275. AHIS110 Rome: From Republic to Empire Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Awarded for excellence in the unit LAW411 Discrimination and the Law. Awarded for an Honours thesis on an Irish or Irish Australian topic, or on a global problem in the modern world, which might include famine, poverty, mass emigration, refugees or political upheaval. The iRTP is funded by the Australian Government and the iMQRES is funded by Macquarie University. ACCG253 Financial Management Its so insulting to erase the great work that Professional Staff do in Learning and Teaching. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. This scholarship is available to students enrolling in the Bachelor of Science degree undertaking a coherent study in chemistry. The inaugural Excellence in Research Integrity award recognises outstanding contribution, leadership or innovation in research integrity by an individual or team. Associate Professor Daniel Ghezelbash, Faculty of Arts, Dr Mohsen Asadnia, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dr Sidong Liu, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, DrNoushinNasiri, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Excellence in Research Five Future-shaping Research Priorities, Resilient Societies, Prosperous Economies, SecurePlanet,and Innovative Technologies. HRM327 Human Resource Industry Learning Project These scholarships are available to students who are enrolled in or are intending to enrol in the Bachelor of CommerceActuarial Studies program or a combined Actuarial Studies program. (Recipient) & Ambler, T. (Recipient), 2012, Loban, Rhett (Recipient), Dewitt, D. (Recipient) & Chan, S. F. (Team leader), 2019, Bishop, Michelle (Recipient) & Tynan, L. (Recipient), 2018. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor and for candidates of the BAncHist (Hons) Degree. LAW538 International Dispute Settlement Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Students who were inducted into various honor societies, as well as those who received Academic Excellence Awards, were applauded for their accomplishments. . Awarded for proficiency in any two 300-level Sociology units. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Candidates who want to apply for Macquarie University Scholarship 2023-24 in Australia must visit the Official Website given below. (Team leader) & Huber, E. (Recipient), 2010, De Gioia, K. (Team leader), Hadley, Fay (Recipient) & Highfield, K. (Recipient), 2012, Van Bergen, Penny (Team leader) & Lane, R. (Recipient), 2013, Van Bergen, Penny (Recipient), 31 Oct 2018, O'Sullivan, Kerry-Ann (Recipient), 31 Oct 2018, Harvey, M. (Team leader), Cahir, J. Awarded for proficiency in the honours year to a candidate whose work shows outstanding promise in a Science/Technology discipline and potential for industrial, commercial or professional application. Copyright Macquarie University | Privacy Statement | Accessibility Information | Disclaimer Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Site Publisher: Macquarie University, Sydney | Last Updated: Wednesday, 28 April, 2010, ABN 90 952 801 237 | CRICOS Provider No 00002J, Sporting excellencestudent athletes must be national or state, open or age, representatives or a member of a U@MQ Alliance Partner Clubs, and, New Students at Macquarie University: gaining entry to a degree program at Macquarie University, or. For further details, contact the Department of Mathematics on +61 2 9850 8947. Awarded for proficiency in the unit GEOS112 The Planet Earth. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Awarded for excellence in 200- and 300-level analysis units. Awarded for proficiency in the unit LAW429 Information Technology Law. Awarded for proficiency in the biological sciences honours year. Open to all students who have completed, in the current year, the requirements for the degree of Bachelor with a major in accounting and finance and who have not previously completed a degree. Highly Commended finalists: 2020 Vice-Chancellor's Award for Learning Innovation (Team Award). Open to all female students proceeding to the honours degree of Bachelor in the Faculty of Business and Economics. Open to all students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor and for candidates of the BAncHist(Hons) degree. Awarded for outstanding performance at 300- level in German Studies. Awarded for proficiency in Croatian units at 100-, 200- or 300- level. This program is designed to support recipients to continue their studies to an advanced coursework or Honours level. Awarded for proficiency in the unit ENVE266 Earth Surface Processes. Awards for Operational Excellence (for professional staff only) Professional Excellence Technical Excellence Project Excellence Award for Leadership and Citizenship Award for Leadership in Inclusion (Equity and Diversity) Award for Inter-Departmental Collaboration Executive Dean Award for Outstanding Leadership / Citizenship / Contribution Open to all candidates proceeding to the degree of Bachelor (other than candidates for an honours degree). It is therefore of great importance to address non-Arctic States, such as China's role, regarding the sustainable future of the Arctic. 28 Apr 2024. Two Student Academic Engagement and Success (SAES) team members were honored with The "M" Award at the 2023 Hilltop Excellence Awards on Friday, April 28.. Dr. Caitlin Anderson, Director of the Hilltop Scholars Program and Senior Lecturer of Applied Physiology and Wellness, and Ellen Richmond, Director of the University Advising Center, were recognized with the highest recognition on the . Open to all female students proceeding to the degree of Bachelor. Awarded for academic excellence. The Macquarie University College offers a seamless pathway into our undergraduate degrees for students who are seeking a flexible entry option. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage the legacy of family members attending Macquarie University across generations. Awarded for proficiency in 100-level English. HRM307 Human Resource ManagementIssues and Processes Awarded for the highest achievement in Advanced Latin. Awarded for proficiency in the combination of the three units POL279 International Relations, POL389 American Foreign Policy toward the Third World, and POL308 Australian Foreign Policy. Open to all students proceeding to the honours degree of Bachelor.
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