how to prevent medical kidnapping

Many attorneys around the country have stated that these gag orders are unconstitutional. For example, if there were a complaint by a woman against an alleged abusive husband or partner; who would be removed from the home by law enforcement if an investigation warranted it? by Dr. Eric D. Keefer D.D. According to an auditor for the Palm Beach County (Florida) guardianship fraud program, guardians control assets valued at $273 billion. Foster parents or parents of adopted children are often required to administer these drugs whether they agree or not. Don't keep kicking or hitting themyou may only be giving them time to recover. The child protection social worker allegedly received $10,000 in exchange for the names of 25 children. Have ID-like photos taken of your kids every 6 months and have them fingerprinted. Belshe was given a trespassing citation and ordered to leave the premises. Josue Santiago was jailed for more than a year and a half before prosecutors dropped the case due to the medical examiner determining that his childs death was most likely caused by a congenital bleeding disorder. The medical institution also has the legal right to use these children in drug experiments. One of the main reasons this terrible practice goes on in virtually all 50 states is because every child who is taken away from their parents by social service agencies like CPS (Child Protection Services), immediately becomes a ward of the state, and the state can bill Medicaid for ALL of that childs medical costs. Despite the courts leaning on the side of parents maintaining custody and control over raising and caring for their children, medical facilities may not. Anna and Alex Nikolayevs baby Sammy was seized by Child Protection Services, with the help of local law enforcement, simply because they took their baby to a different hospital to get a second opinion about heart surgery. Verify their true names and province of. Medical Kidnapping in San Bernardino California: Innocent Mom Goes To Jail? Her son was taken from her by social services and placed in foster care. CPS, yes, can go in and grab them The second way is upon order of the court children can be removed. Something as simple as bringing your child to the local emergency room to care for an injury or sickness puts you at risk for being accused of medically abusing or neglecting your child, and having a doctor direct a social worker to remove the child or children from your custody by force. A coalition of inept. We are trilingual so you can contact us in English, Spanish, French and Greek. It was during this time that the girls were diagnosed with congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG). Judge Aimee Anderson and Judge Mark Brain of Maricopa County are giving a presentation in this clip that instructs judges how to handle cases brought to family court by CPS. Until we can get our website up and running, please join the KY group The document should also be revocable unless a formal cognitive assessment performed by a licensed physician (ideally two licensed physicians) determines you are incompetent. A . You canread the entire story here. The girl experienced a nearly fatal brain aneurism and survived, but upon beginning physical therapy over a month later, conflicts with department staff arose when they removed her pain medication and refused to listen to her and her familys concerns. Now, using results from this newest survey [reported in 2013], that number appears to be closer to 16 percent1 in every 6 couples. parents who are treating their children with unnecessary medications (medical child abuse) or are giving them harmful substances, like Miracle Mineral Solution (bleach) other parents who didn't want to stop life support - Sun Hudson, Isaiah Haastrup, Jahi McMath , Steffen Rivenburg Jr., Areen Chakrabarti 2. Im hoping to be present this time around, since a portion of the false information is about me. (List of links below.). Practice with your child to forcefully say "no!" and move away as fast as possible, loudly yelling for help. Ann Marie and Tim Timmerman spent seven months battling accusations of child abuse against Tim, claiming he shook his son, Tristan. Also, since we are one of the few news organizations willing to tackle this issue, many also started to come to us with adult medical kidnapping stories,most of them being the kidnapping of seniors and the seizure of their assets to cover medical expenses. Justina was taken away from her parents by force at the age of 15, and held for over a year as Boston Childrens Hospital kept her confined in their psych ward. The Frontiera and Bonilla story and reports of several other cases across the country should be a wake-up call to a public unaware of how the state agencies charged with protecting the nations children are failing. . Obviously, children with medical needs present the greatest amount of federal funds the state can receive per child. If you have experienced this situation, you and your child may have been a victim of medical kidnapping. by Deborah K. FrontieraDescription from Proving Innocence chronicles thirteen months of agony and frustration suffered by the innocent Bonilla and Frontiera families as a result of Childrens Protective Services removal of young James Bonilla from his parents. Overview. Anna and Alex Nikolayev with their baby Sammy. As John P. Thomas has reported in his article,Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?, fertility rates are plummeting: Add to this the growing list of states that are legalizing same-sexmarriages adding more couples unable to conceive children, and it is easy to see that the adoption business is growing due to increased demand. here on MedicalKidnap. Here are a few of the original stories we covered before was started. Screen your household staff and employees It is important to carefully screen your household help, driver, yaya and workers in your home or office. For instance, the right of a parent to care for their child can be ignored where the parent has unreasonably exposed that child to abuse or neglect. Sometimes, these ailments will need to be managed with new or sensitive medication, such as antipsychotic medications. The solution to the problem is to abolish all federal and state funding to Child Protection Services. She has to wait and appeal in 6 months from the last hearing. Great attorney to have on your team. No matter the level of difficulty anyone is facing, that is not enough reason to choose kidnapping as an option . If you are being made to suffer a situation of medical kidnapping, call Attorney Allison Folmar for help today. It is from theirDependency Video Seriestraining Family Court Judges on how to handle Dependency cases in family court. Keep your kids' medical and dental records up to date. That includes seeking medical attention when you suspect something is wrong. And hospital teams also work with agencies that include Child Protective Services, Assistant District Attorneys and attorneys for CPS, law enforcement, victim advocates, mental health professionals. Description from This book of her stories is true. 2. The parents, meanwhile, had taken the baby to a second hospital, where the child was discharged that night by a physician, since there was no immediate danger, and the surgery was not imminent. Health Impact News was ordered by the court in Arizona, via Melissa Diegel, to remove their story (Health Impact News did not comply.) Certainly children who are suffering in their homes from abuse should be protected. (someone in the classroom can be heard on the video actually saying Yes it is.). The state removes the children from parents without any formal charges. One Congresswoman who tried to take action against the corruption and abuses within the CPS back in 2007 was Nancy Schaefer from Georgia. Foster children suffer from drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical harm, and many other crimes at a much higher rate than children who are left with their biological parents. 24 Hours a day, contact us at 1-888-407-4747 or via e-mail at: On March 11th, the hospital claims she refused a B12 shot, and she was accused of medical neglect. Try to really tear their flesh off. Once the Norths estate had been depleted, Parks moved them to a less-expensive assisted living facility. She gets the job done and goes over and beyond her call of duty. With respect to subsection (a) (1), above, the failure to release the victim within twenty-four hours after he shall have been unlawfully seized, confined, inveigled, decoyed, kidnapped, abducted, or carried away shall create a rebuttable presumption that such person has been transported in interstate or foreign commerce. You have the right to accept or reject medical treatments on behalf of your child and this right continues until the child becomes an adult. Saying it wasnt good enough. What if the child actually was NOT in danger with the parents? Preventing infant abduction and maintaining preparedness for Code Pink situations represents an ongoing challenge for the approximately 3,500 hospitals where about 4 million American babies are born each year. You refuse the medications, and the hospital cant believe it. When children are taken into State custody, however, they become an asset to the State. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking awaychildren from their parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. For the purposes of this analysis, infant abductions are defined as any abduction of a child under one year of age. 1. Your child should know to always tell you about being approached by a strangereven if someone said they would hurt him or her, or you, if he or she told. Its not just children, young adults are also at risk. When Belshe arrived at the new facility to visit her parents, Parks informed her she would not be allowed to do so. As I have mentioned, these kinds of stories of children being seized away from loving parents for simply disagreeing with a doctor, or choosing one doctor over another, are not new. In other words, it costs money. Judge Brain makes it clear that his order even supersedes CPS if they are uncomfortable removing the child. She also transferred the Norths savings account to an account in her name. So I say my sisters ordeal does need to be investigated in Wyoming too. But, the next day, Child Protection Services and the Sacramento Police showed up at the parents home to take away their baby. They bounced between several different doctors at PCH, but they were all in the field of genetics. Maryanne Godboldos story is told in the following video: This long protracted legal battle, which has resulted in the child being reunited with her mother and all charges against the mother dropped, would not have been possible without Attorney Allison Folmar. In 2005, he was awarded a Masters of Laws (LL.M) degree in international tax law at the Vienna (Austria) University of Economics and Business Administration. CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Please check your email inbox or spam folder for our confirmation email. It is a result of overzealous enforcement of the child protection laws in states all over the U.S. including Michigan. Though I dont know whether the court would allow me and other witnesses to speak or not. Once the medical kidnapping occurs, the family is left to fight it out in Family Court to try to get their children back. So is this training video for judges in Arizona designed to carry out their oath and seek justice for protecting families, or to fill their quota of children that need to become wards of the state to receive federal funds to pay everyones salaries and benefits? The Norths filed a lawsuit against Parks, and in 2017, were awarded an $8.5 million judgment. The parents lose their children immediately, often without any warrant being issued by a judge. Images from a few of the stories we have covered at Health Impact News and The state agencies would cease to exist. Several families have had to face this same battle, and yes, it can happen to you. State-sponsored kidnapping is where the State steps in and decides that they know what is best for a child or group of children within a family, and then removes the children without any formal charges being brought against the parents. Also, if it is believed that the parent may remove the child from the hospital against medical advice, the child is due to be released to an accused perpetrator, or the parent is unable or unwilling to protect the child from the perpetrator. This year she requested to terminate the guardianship and or re appoint a new guardian at litem, at two separate hearings, she was denied both of them. The alleged victim would remain in the home. Its unbelievable that a judge is so easily persuaded by false documents presented. They include medical drug trials where children are needed and where parents and insurance companies would not approve, and the lucrative child sex trafficking business. While we published over 400 articles on the medical kidnapping issue in just the first year, we have good reason to believe that the family stories we have published represent but a mere fraction of the tragic stories currently happening all across America today. But the sad story is it does happen to caring, innocent parents more often than you think. North Carolina Child Medically Kidnapped Starving to Death in Foster Care, A Year After Emergency Room Visit, North Carolina Couple Still Fighting for Medically Kidnapped Newborn, Two Sisters of Homeschool Family in Ohio Removed from Parents During Hospital Visit, Ohio CPS Destroys Family of 5 Children Parents Acquitted of Any Wrong Doing, Oklahoma City Parents Lose Their 2 Children to CPS Due to Shaken Baby Allegation, Oklahoma Takes 3 Children Away from Parents When One is Found with Possible Brittle Bone Disease, Ten Year-old Girl with Cystic Fibrosis Medically Kidnapped in Oregon, Mother Loses 3 Children Because Daughter is Too Short, Medical Kidnapping in Pennsylvania: Parents of Baby with Rickets Accused of Abuse, South Carolina Family has Children Medically Kidnapped Based on Wrong Diagnosis from Child Abuse Specialist, Another Baby Medically Kidnapped in South Carolina over Broken Bones Parents Thrown in Jail, Four Boys in South Carolina Medically Kidnapped When Parents Ask for Second Opinion, Healthy 17 Year Old Dies Shortly After South Dakota Takes Custody Away from Mother, Parents Find Injury to Baby After Daycare, Doctor Visit Results in CPS Removing all 3 Children, South Dakota Commits Shocking Genocide Against Native Americans by Abducting Their Children, Baby Found with Broken Bones Parents Assumed Guilty of Abuse and Lose Custody, Accusations of Shaken Baby Syndrome in Tennessee Destroys Family Lands Parents in Jail, 4 Month Old Texas Baby Seized from Parents in Medical Dispute. The author issues a call to action from the public to charge all levels of government to make necessary changes in these agencies. CPS may then launch an investigation, and depending on the outcome of the investigation, they may decide to ask the court to intervene. 10851 Sikes Place Charlotte, NC 28277 704-321-0031, 870 W. King Street Unit A Boone NC 28607 828-373-8875, 99 Church St NE Concord, NC 28025 704-387-3953, 1940 Weddington Rd Weddington, NC 28104 704-741-3844 (By Appointment Only), Epperson Law Group, PLLC. Pulling sick children away from their parents under the guise of abuse and neglect seems like cruel punishment, but often children who end up in Foster care become victims of real physical abuse. 7 Bite the kidnapper if they get their arms around you or restrain you. Medical kidnapping of senior citizens occurs when a doctor, usually a psychiatrist, deems that the senior can no longer take care of themselves, and gets a judge to sign an order of guardianship or conservatorship to someone working for the State. Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Suppor t. Alabama Autistic Boys Kidnapped from Native American Ambassador Mother and Abused in Foster Care. All Rights Reserved | Sitemap | Careers, "Wonderful law firm and an amazing staff. Your decision rights include the legal capacity to make medical and financial decisions on behalf of your children. WSOCTV in Charlotte, N.C. recently reported on a huge Medicaid fraud scheme within theDepartment of Social Services. A hospital may determine that the parents are interfering with the proper treatment of their child and refuse to let the child go home. Medical kidnapping is what occurs when a child is forcibly separated from her parents because the parent refused dangerous or risky medical treatments for the child. The first thing most parents would do is get their child to a hospital immediately. It marked the fifth year in a row the U.S. birth rate has declined, and the lowest rate on record since the government started tracking the fertility rate in 1909. Some of the most tragic stories we have covered are from families who lose their babies to CPS and medical authorities right after they are born, often before they can even bring them home from the hospital, and before the parents could even have a chance of being accused of abusing their children. And yes, they have been effective at identifying child abuse or neglect that may have been overlooked. It is time that we the people and the workers inside the CPS-DFCS and Family Court system are againequal before the law. In addition, she is a National Expert onParental Rights,Medical Kidnapping, and theConstitutional Rights of adults and special needs children. The parent with whom the child exercises visitation makes the decision if illness occurs during his or her time. As soon we give the State authority to decide who are good parents, and whoare bad parents, we have moved away from the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America, which was written to protect individual liberties, not give more power to the State. Usually the ones willing to go public have already spent many weeks or months fighting a corrupt system, one that has little to no accountability, and they have given up hope. . This story came to our attention only because local media in Sacramento picked it up, and it was highly publicized. It is horrendous, clear violation of your rights as a citzen in this country. Belshe called Parks and demanded to know where her parents were being held. Nearly 50 million Americans are 65 or older, and more than one million of them are under guardianship. Having covered the issue of Medical Kidnapping for over 6 years now, I can personally vouch for the fact that this is almost always the case. Medical kidnapping of senior citizens occurs when a doctor, usually a psychiatrist, deems that the senior can no longer take care of themselves, and gets a judge to sign an order of "guardianship" or "conservatorship" to someone working for the State. If you live in the United States of America today, and you have childrenin your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping. The hospitals are making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this to people. It's also wise to: Make sure custody documents are in order. She would then acquire control over their assets and charge outrageously high fees to arrange for their care. We Oh also these medical professionals that provide in-home services can be classified as witness tampering and obstruction of justice since those professionals are often used in the courts against the parents after being BRIBBED by awarded contracts of services . Bribery has been legalized. And the foster care system, where there are undoubtedly many fine people, can be turned over to private agencies where corruption due to massive federal funding can be eliminated. 28, 2023 at 7:35 AM PDT. Getting your legal documents in order is the best way to avoid becoming the next victim. When Belshe persisted, Parks ordered a receptionist to contact the police. Description from Corruption abounds, the system created to protect, assist, and enable children and families is now their worst enemy. Other instances that social services may step in are when it is believed the childs medical condition was caused by parents, guardians, caretakers, or a member of the household. The longer a child remains in State custody, the more funds that state can collect. The police did not seem to care what the facts were at all, and gave full authority to CPS to remove the child. Look for an exposed portion of skin and bite down as hard as you possibly can. Multidisciplinary child protection teams usually decide to obtain custody of a child and are now at almost every major childrens hospital in the country. Child abuse pediatricians are brought in when a child is a suspected victim of abuse. Allison Folmarhas represented Metro Detroit area families in all areas of family law, includingchild custody,parental rights,divorce, special needs planning & trusts, and child support. While this may sound like a blockbuster Netflix Original set to be released this fall, it is a situation that is all too real for many parents. (, more likely to end up homeless with nearly half becoming homeless at the age of 18, 3 times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs, 7 times more likely to develop an eating disorder, more likely to have PTSD than veterans of war and less likely to recover from that PTSD, more likely to become pregnant as a teenager. (Gray News) - Check out this video that shows a middle school student jumping into action when a school bus driver had a medical emergency. The guardian has complete control over the wards personal and financial affairs. Some will complain that children who are legitimately abused by their parents will suffer. But as she learned their stories, it became painfully clear that the Child Welfare System had no sincere regard for the welfare of children. This epidemic in the U.S. is even a larger problem than child medical kidnapping, as state-appointed guardians currently have 1.3 million elderly people nationwide under their control. If your child has been taken into custody by the State of North Carolina due to a disagreement over medical care, you need to move quickly to obtain legal help. When Belshe contested the guardianship, Parks claimed that Belshe was a reported addict who has no contact with the proposed ward.. Most loving parents believe that having a sick child is their worst nightmare, but once child protection organizations become . She keenly understands the constitutional rights of parents and has helped countless families fight against the injustice of medical kidnapping. Done! So what if the child was removed unnecessarily? The person the complaint was filed against would be removed, all the while having their Constitutional rights protected, by arresting them, reading their Miranda rights, and bringing them before a judge to face the charges. Courts are an accessory to consel the crime of Social security fraud by child support orders. Because The WGC is not willing to do so. Even where the parent asks for a second opinion or wishes to conduct a test in another hospital, the hospital may refuse. After all many child support orders obtained during termination process or so called reunification process is concealing a crime of Social security fraud. Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care, Medical Murder? No agency or organization should take that away from you on a whim. Many states and counties have specific policies pertaining to such a situation. Many reports have been published documenting how children who are wards of the State are taking many more prescription drugs than those living with their families. But that decision can be taken out of a parents hands, especially when the hospital believes there is no other option. This drop occurred in tandem with steep declines in the abortion rate. There are other funds also available for programs like foster care. This can be critically dangerous if your child was previously diagnosed with a rare condition that the hospital is choosing to discount. Ann Marie gained custody of their son after a pediatrician and child neurologist found Tristan developed a very small venous blood clot that caused a seizure. After bringing their then-five-month-old son to the emergency room after falling from a lawn chair, Melissa and Dillion Bright lost custody of their two children for over a year. Wehave published some of these stories as well, but it is an even larger issue than the medical kidnapping of children, and we do not have the resources to cover all of the adult medical kidnapping stories that come to us. They have been happening for quite a while. Adult Medical Kidnapping in New York: 1950s Air Force Veteran Held Hostage in Hospital. We're here to guide you through this process. Nothing can stop your heart faster than waking to a sick child in the middle of the night and racing to the emergency room. Medical Kidnapping goes back a bit. by Mary CallahanDescription from Mary Callahan never planned on writing a book about her experiences as a foster parent. Most medical kidnapping scenarios begin in the same fashion. Until this happens, however, the U.S. will continue to be one of the most dangerous places in the world for children to live, and parents will constantly be in fear of taking their child to a doctor or health professional, for fear that they may lose their children if they disagree with someone in the powerful pharmaceutical industry, where corruption and criminal activity is also rampant. For five years now, Americas teen birth rate has plummeted at an unprecedented rate, falling faster and faster. Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care $50 BILLION in Assets Seized, Family of Amish Girl Who Fled the Country to Avoid Forced Experimental Chemo Tells Their Side of the Story, Child Taken Away from Parents for Medical Reasons Dies in Foster Care, Mother Forced to Give Son Chemo, Even Though He is in Remission, State of Michigan Sues Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child, Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches, Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital, Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Suppor, Bret Bohn from Alaska was medically kidnapped for 8 months, Mom of 2 Year Old Special-Needs Child Asked for Help: Arizona CPS Took Him Away Instead, Eight year old Jaxon Taken By Hospital When Parents Ask For Second Opinion, Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested.

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