Whitmer will reportedly propose a $1 billion increase in the transportation budget. But I will keep showing up every day and giving my level-best. Safe roads and bridges so we can get to work or school,withoutcracking an axle or blowing a tire. We are atop ten state to do businessand stillboastthe, And we have amassive influx of federal funds-, to invest in Michigan. That weassume the worstof each other anddon'tgive each other any grace, much less the benefit of the doubt. The blood, sweat, and tears of generations of working families whobuiltthe middle class. The causes of these glaring realities are multi-faceted, and on some level, they are all correct. Andwe made a$3.5 billion investment in our roadsthrough the Rebuilding Michigan bond. COVID-19 visits and longer hospitalizations is pushing our system and our healthcare workers to the brink.". ", 52 years later, Coach Ted Lasso, quoted Walt Whitman and remindedusall to "Becurious,notjudgmental.". The budget is atestamentto what we can do when we work together. Whitmer was joined at the press conference by Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks of Grand Rapids and House Speaker Joe Tate of Detroit, both Democrats who helped put the new plan together. However, to illustrate the severity of the situation, emergency room wait times have increased dramatically in some parts of the state.". So, Izoomed with groups of grocery clerks, nurses,teachers, doctors,child careworkers, utility workers, and sanitation workers to name a handful. An additional 25 COVID-19 deaths were reported Thursday; however, 24 of those deaths were identified through the state health department's regular review of previous death certificates. The Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Time with our family and friends enjoying our beloved parks and lakes. Just when she was about to read him the riot act, he turned to her and told her that his wife just died of cancer. Gretchen Whitmer gave an update on the state 's efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 which included an expansion of . In Michigan, too many communities are struggling, unable to attract families to build their lives or businesses to fill their main streets. MSUs Thorne, Coleman, Brantley enter portal, Charles Woodson welcomes USFL back to Michigan, Jets pick WMU linebacker Zaire Barnes in NFL draft, Lions address wide variety of needs in draft, Seahawks draft Muskegon native Anthony Bradford, Were gearing up for the Amway River Bank Run, Tips from Dairy Doo to keep your trees healthy, How you can help moms in need for Mothers Day, How to make sure your water doesnt get contaminated, How a standby generator can give you peace of mind, Support heart health at this years Heart Ball, Rockford student prepares for National Spelling Bee, $27,000 raised for college foster care students, KCAS Pets of the Week: Blimpie and Floppy, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. That'swhat I want to talk about today and it's what I have been thinking about for the last several months: thetangible workthat goes into the inherentlyintangibleprocess of getting things done. Gretchen Whitmer will hold a press conference at 1:30 p.m. Thursday to update residents on COVID-19's status in the state. At the time I knew . We made thelargest education investmentinMichiganhistory-$17 billion-withoutraising taxes, meeting a decades-long goal to close the funding gap between public schools in Michigan. Education funding. I'veoftenthought about that lessonin the last 19 years. Many people in this room stepped up inremarkableways through the pandemic, joining workgroups and advising my team to bothprotectpublic healthandensure our economy recovered quickly. (modern). come together ifeach of usdoesthe work. Healing our dividewilltake a long time. Andas soon as it was safe, Ihit the roadandImet withpeople. As we speak, the legislature is passing a bipartisan budget that we negotiated together in goodfaithand I look forward to signing itnext week. just say them out loud. I wanted these conversations to bereal, off-the-record, unscripted. More: Michigan reports 2,629 new COVID-19 cases, 25 deaths, 14% of people 16+ fully vaccinated, More: Pandemic makes some women choose between work and family. It's that core mission that brought me into public service in the first place-to. biking to school, work, and for leisure has a positive impact on health, wellness, navigation, and the environment. Contact the Governor. It's a Herculean task in this environment. Noneof us can do it alone. But that appears to be a bridge too far for Livingston County. Just when she was about to read him the riot act, he turned to her and told her that his wife just died of cancer. To prevent additional outbreaks, Governor Whitmer is urging youth sports on both school-sponsored and non-school sponsored teams to suspend in-person activities, like games and practices, for the next two weeks. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. And they made me appreciate just howbigand, , aretired manshared a story about his neighbor, who looks out for him and his wife. ways through the pandemic, joining workgroups and advising my team to both, ensure our economy recovered quickly. It's been a busy month for Michigan's Democrats looking to weaken gun rights. State officials have announced 63,497 positive cases of COVID-19 in Michigan Monday. Having these conversations also brought me back to one of thetoughest timesinmy own life:when Itookcare of my mom at theendof her life and my daughter at thebeginningof hers. Inslee and the state attorney general, Bob Ferguson, both Democrats, pushed for the Democratic-controlled Washington legislature to pass the ban on many semi-automatic weapons this session after years of failed attempts. It's easy to feel discouraged and divided. Washington has moved to tighten the states gun laws in recent years, after a young man in 2016 used a newly purchased AR-15 semi-automatic rifle with a 30-round magazine to kill three teens and wound another at a house party north of Seattle. entertainment, news presenter | 4.8K views, 28 likes, 13 loves, 80 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from GBN Grenada Broadcasting Network: GBN News 28th April 2023 Anchor: Kenroy Baptiste. To better understand someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes-or a more doable task for a governor-work an hour in their boots. Mental health. Its on all of us to do our part by masking up and getting vaccinated to protect ourselves and our families, so we can get back to normal. That too many people think: "I win ifyoulose.". I stocked shelves at Kroger, madehand sanitizer at American Fifth in Lansing, filled potholes at a road construction site, tagged along with trainers at the Pistons facility, served food at a Coney Island, made fresh potato chips at Better Made, swept the floor at a beauty salonin Grand Rapids, picked applesat Uncle John's Cider Mill, and helped teachers get their classrooms ready for the school year. As I finish up, I want to ask all of you to live our shared values andnotjust say them out loud. That pamphlet told the story of a man who was riding the subway in New York City. But it's not productive. We haveput forwardboldplans- much ofwhichyouhelped inform. If youre interested in a career that allows you to make a difference, check out the state of Michigan career portal for a list of current openings in state government. Michiganders have too often played Charlie Brown to the governors Lucy as she yanks away her promises of tax relief at the last second, Nesbitt said. Roads. the middle class. Governor Gretchen Whitmer held a press conference Friday morning providing updates on the State's response to COVID-19. And inGrand Rapids-a mom who works in healthcaresaid she just wantsher boys to bekindbecause the world they're entering is full of bullies and bitterness. So how do I keep up hope? However, parents and athletes need to understand the risk involved with youth sports if they choose to participate, saidDr. Joneigh Khaldun, chief medical executive and chief deputy for health. LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) Governor Gretchen Whitmer held a press conference with other state leaders on Monday to discuss what Democrats are calling the . But I'mnothere to diagnose-I'm focused on theHOWto move forward and get things done in this environment. Washington's Governor Jay Inslee signed a trio of bills meant to prevent gun violence on Tuesday - one banning the sale of certain semi-automatic . Safe roads and bridges so we can get to work or school. And in that moment, everything changed for her because she saw hishumanity. In 1968, hours after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination and just months before his own, Bobby Kennedy said, "We can make an effort to replace violence that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand withcompassionandlove. I wanted to talk to a range of people who representedmanycommunities and viewpointswithinourgreatstate. In 2017 and 2018, Ilistened. in my State of the Stateearlier thisyear, and it's been good to engage again. We areworking tosolvethechip crisisbyhelping to open anewchipmakerin Bay City,creating 150 jobs and bringingsupply chain from China to Michigan. That we'd rather getnothingdone alone thansomethingdone together. The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, praised Washington state officials for passing the ban on selling specific semi-automatic weapons. The governor proposed a $74.1 billion budget, which is said to partly focus on infrastructure and education. First, my girls. (April 30, 2023), Wyoming voters are set to decide Tuesday whether to sign off on a millage that would dedicate $4 million to public safety. We saw, attacks on lawenforcement andthe culmination of so many issues: disinformation, partisan rancor, and political violence come together in a tragic day. I hear it. It's the feeling ofbeing aloneas things get worse,powerlessin the face of global forces stretching your paychecks thinner,anxiousas poisonous technology profitsoffofmaking you afraid of "others,"andnervousabout your children's future. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Cynicism is tempting. Administering more than five million doses of the safe and effective COVID vaccine in under four months is a big deal, but weve still got a lot more work to do, said Gov. I willbe curious, not judgmental. All rights reserved. The swagger of the Bad Boys. Butit was the, that mattered-connectingwith one another. My family was like many in Michigan-bipartisan,hardworking, complex. We all love this state. And most of all, I am a believer in people. Inspired by her family, shes devoted her life to building a stronger Michigan for everyone. I know youfiercelylove and defend your family,just like I do. I'm eagerto work with. That's why weallneed to tackle these big, structural challenges bygrowingMichigan's economy,creatinggood-paying jobs, andbuildingindustries of the future. Washingtons new law prohibits the future sale, distribution, manufacture and import of more than 50 types of guns, including AR- and AK-style rifles. Today, thanks to our effective management of the once-in-a-century virus, Michigan's economy is poised for a once-in-a-generation recovery. The State of Michigan continues to implement health policies and mitigation measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, including a statewide mask mandate, limits on indoor social gatherings larger than 25 people, expanded testing requirements for youth sports, and dozens of pop-up testing sites across the state. As Gretchen, not Governor. Governor Whitmer's2021Mackinac Policy ConferenceKeynote Address as Prepared for Delivery. We consume different media. Thank you. Weneed workers to fill open jobs. Whitmer was joined by Lieutenant Governor G Sonder is the realizationthat each random passerby is living a life as complex as your own-with their own hopes and dreams, fears and faults,routinesand idiosyncrasies-their own story. Vaccinating Michigan:Tracking the progress of the state's COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Health:Metro Detroit health departments switch to Pfizer, Moderna after J&J vaccines paused. They are the ones I think about when I make any decision. And we all know the best plans in the worldonly matter if weexecute. Inspired by her family, shes devoted her life to building a stronger Michigan for everyone. Ialsoknow,however,that there are Michiganders who aren't feeling the positive economic momentum in their lives yet. A couple of things. I am very proud of what we've accomplished over the last couple of years. The emergency order comes after 107 positive COVID-19 cases have been linked to Harper's Restaurant & Brew Pub. And I have sought to model my behavior, my rhetoric, and my outreach to reflect that belief. Washington is the 10th state after California, Hawaii, Illinois and New York to enact such a law. Your perspectives and insightshelped us prioritizeandput thisboldproposal together. This increasesMichigan's death toll to 16,586. Governor Whitmers office is available to assist Michiganders with matters pertaining to a state government department and agencies. But it was a feeling that's difficult to sum up in a word. -I talked tofarmers who worry that a century of their family's work ends with this generation. It willalsofully fund the Michigan Reconnect and Futures for Frontliners,expand childcare to 105,000 morekids at low or no-cost,repair 100 bridges, replacelead service lines, and so much more. To start, as with so many things, Ithink about the lessons my parents taught my siblings and me. There are times that may seem harder and harder to believe, but I willnevergive upon that. If youre interested in a career that allows you to make a difference, check out the state of Michigan career portal for a list of current openings in state government. I havenot always been successful. I willbe curious, not judgmental. I mentioned my plan to get out andFix the Damn Road. Copyright 2021 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. There are alsotoomany jobs that don't pay enoughand there aren't enough Michiganders with thetraining or educationnecessary tofill high-skill jobs. Therefore, the health department said no food service establishment may have more than 75 patrons at one time. I will work tirelessly to put Michigan first and usher in a new era of prosperityforour families, communities, and businesses. Whitmer will talk about lifting COVID-19 restrictions, and she is expected to announce an update to. Thank you. Whitmer says to continue mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing to slow the spread of the mutating virus. One of the kids bumped into a woman and, . Governor Whitmer's office is available to assist Michiganders with matters pertaining to a state government department and agencies. give upon that. Whitmer announced Monday that the checks will be worth $180. I started each conversation by talking aboutmy girls, wondering what their futures would look like, where they work, if they could or would start families right here in Michigan. She addressed Michiganders in a press conference at the Hispanic Center in Grand Rapids. I, Whitmer Signs Restoring Workers Rights Bill Package Into Law. I willmake an effortto understand with compassion and love. in people's lives. Michigan Gov. These peopleinspiredme. Whitmer press conference News / May 24, 2021 / 10:16 AM EDT Michigan governor issues apology after caught on camera breaking state's COVID rules BIG CHANGES: From sunshine to severe. Thank you. Some areas may stay dry. Upon taking office,I intendedto dedicate100% ofmy energy to these core issues. Each of these investments would make progress on ashared, bipartisan priority-on thekitchen-table issues. Additionally, the state is offering 56 pop-up sites located throughout Michigan as part of the special program in an effort to increase access to testing for Michiganders returning from Spring Break. Outlines steps to stay safe from the variants. Not only because of his age Biden will be almost 82 years old by the time of the vote but also because his approval ratings were plummeting, and polls were predicting the Democrats would be wiped out in the midterms. Heck I even sent a birthday cake to MikeShirkeya few days after he called me"batshit crazy.". That's the real work ofstategovernment-bringing together:people, communities, and small businesses to, . The Ingham County Health Department issued an emergency order reducing restaurant capacity to 50% or no more than 75 people, whichever is less. I am very proud of what we've accomplished over the last couple of years. A man in. We all love this state. Thisshouldn't becontroversial-it's investing billions of dollars we have into the 10 million people who call this place home. Let'scontinue in that spirit of collaboration toputthebillions of federal dollarswehavetowork. My commitment to you today is simple: I will make a seat at the table and work withanyonewho wants to get things done forMichigan's families. I mentioned my plan to get out andFix the Damn RoadAheadin my State of the Stateearlier thisyear, and it's been good to engage again. MDHHS issued guidance to schools strongly encouraging them to enroll in the departments testing program if they are open to in-person instruction. Right now our numbers are alarming, and we all have a role to play to get our state moving in the right direction again. I will keep sitting at tables with people who. We've let politics exacerbate the pain of a global pandemic. I do too. Just a table and some chairs. I've been thinking a lot about these two interlocking ideas;seekingto understand with compassion and love; and being curious, not judgmental. All rights reserved. The blood, sweat, and tears of generations of working families who. MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. - Governor Gretchen Whitmer today delivered the keynote address at the 2021 Mackinac Policy Conference. Many of the Michiganderswith whomI spokesaid the same. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's March 10, 2021 coronavirus press conference. We faced the virus head-on, leading with science and medical experts to save lives. The historic opportunitywe have right now to make a real difference inpeople'slives. Gov. I'veoftenthought about that lessonin the last 19 years. All the conversations I had during Fix the Damn Road Ahead and interactions I had during WorkWithWhitmer. She was the first woman to lead a Senate caucus. I hear it. our potential to usher in a new era of prosperity for the state we all love. TheMI New Economyplanis an important start. I havenot always been successful. Who are the most important people in your life? The ban on some semi-automatic weapon sales drew a quick legal challenge from the Second Amendment Foundation, based in Bellevue, Washington; and the Firearms Policy Coalition, based in Sacramento, California. wgrt.com. Also on Monday,sheoutlined broad priorities for where she thinks new federal COVID-19 relief fundsshould be directed. This is only a recommendation and no new orders were issued Friday. Weaskedsimple questions to guide our talks: Who are the most important people in your life? Climate change. Every job I've had in my life taught me something. They'renotdriven bydunking on one anotheror making a headline. Whitmer press conference on lowering costs 6 News at 5 / Feb 6, 2023 / 09:35 AM EST 2-6 Storm Team 8 Forecast, 5 a.m., 042223 Weather / Apr 22, 2023 / 05:23 AM EDT Unseasonably chilly. They're an investment of time,they may be uncomfortableand may not necessarily end with a concrete answer. I spoke to a group offarmersin Midland,momsin Grand Rapids,seniorsin Kalamazoo,working people inDetroit,small business ownersin Macomb,Republicansin Eaton County,legislatorsin Lansing, and many others. from Ingham to Iron; Macomb to Mackinac; Kent to Keweenaw; county to county to county largely care about the same fundamentals. So, I hope you will join me at a future Fix the Damn Road Ahead event or give me a chance to work at your business alongside your hardworking employees. Also,housing is unattainable or unaffordable in several communities. 2,219 likes, 90 comments - TCD News (@dearborn) on Instagram: "During today's press conference, Governor Whitmer talked about the possibility of kids returnin." TCD News on Instagram: "During today's press conference, Governor Whitmer talked about the possibility of kids returning to school in the fall. As we speak, the legislature is passing a bipartisan budget that we negotiated together in goodfaithand I look forward to signing itnext week. Wecannot wastethis opportunity, and I ask you to work with me and the legislature to get this done. And we all know the best plans in the worldonly matter if we, what I want to talk about today and it's what I have been thinking about for the last several months: thetangible workthat goes into the inherently. I traveled to all 83 counties to hear from Michiganders, about the challenges they faced. . It's why I have stayed centered on the kitchen-table issues. In general, students are healthier and more attentive, traffic is less congested, and busing costs are reduced in schools that continually participate in Safe Routes to School programs; and. No camerasandno mics. LANSING, Mich. Today at 10:30 a.m., Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Department of Health and Human Services Chief Medical Executive Dr. Joneigh Khaldun will provide an update on the state's response to COVID-19, and continued efforts to slow the spread of the virus. We've let politics exacerbate the pain of a global pandemic. That intentiondrives a lot of the conversations I've been having withpeopleallacrossour state. Being Governor is an isolating jobinthe. I know that at our core, we are so much more alike than we are different.