kill team 2021 compendium pdf

Same goes for equipment although the Kustom Force Field is pretty tempting along with Targetin Fing for Lootas and gunner Boyz. The Acolyte Hybrid fire team contains the most complex fire team construction, although overall its still very simple. Fusion Pistols are good, but if youre 3 away, thats usually charging range. If the defence dice they select is a critical save, they select one of their opponents normal hits or critical hits to be discarded. Domino Field is crazy, allowing active operatives who having shot yet to count as concealed for enemy shooting if within 1 of terrain. Repentia are tempting with their 5+ DPR (damage prevention roll) but hitting on 4+ is dubious. I dont think it automatically applies to all buildings. grinton Download PDF Share Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. An operative with an M characteristic of 3, It then climbs the terrain feature. 10. Ploys are good. They often have unique effects, such as inflicting additional damage or being harder to defend against. The fact this wasnt included in the Core Rules is unfortunate alone with the lack of faction Tac Ops and Spec Op rules. Biggest losers are the Primaris units, especially Reviers who struggle against Assault Intercessors. Fire Warriors struggle to compete. Ploys are oddly balanced for Admech. Equipment is fine too with the option to give Genestealers ranged attacks and your standard Tyranid upgrades. Not only does he just gain Brutal but when charging, he gains the Stun special rule from crits too! You will find an example datacard and details of what information it provides below. COMPENDIUMCONTENTS>2 Introduction..4 Tempestus Scion (Gunner)40 Chaos Space Marine Tempestor.40 Aspiring Champion.69 SPACE MARINE Kill TEA .. 6 Strategic Ploys. 41 Chaos Cultist (Fighter).69 Tactical Ploys.41 Chaos Cultist (Gunner) 70 Intercessor (Warrior) .. 10 Equipment..42 Chaos Cultist Champion 70 Intercessor Sergeant 11 Strategic Ploys. 71 Assault Intercessor (Warrior).. 12 FORGE WORLD Kill TEAM..43 Tactical Ploys. 7 1 Assault Intercessor Sergeant. 12 Equipment.. 7 2 Infiltrator (Warrior).. 13 Skitarii Ranger (Trooper)45 Infiltrator Sergeant. 13 Skitarii Ranger (Gunner) 45 DEATH GUARD Kill UAM73 lncursor (Warrior) . 14 Skitarii RangerAlpha46 lncursor Sergeant. 14 Skitarii Vanguard (Trooper) .46 Plague Marine (Warrior). 74 Reiver (Warrior) .. 15 Skitarii Vanguard (Gunner) .47 Plague Marine (Gunner) 74 Reiver Sergeant.. 15 Skitarii Vanguard Alpha.47 Plague Marine (Heavy Gunner).. 75 Heavy Intercessor (Warrior). 16 Sicarian Ruststalker (Trooper) ..48 Plague Marine (Fighter) . 75 Heavy Intercessor (Heavy Gunner).. 16 Sicarian Ruststalker Princeps.48 Plague Marine (Icon Bearer).. 76 Heavy Intercessor Sergeant 17 Sicarian Infiltrator (Trooper)49 Plague Marine Champion. 76 Tactical Marine (Warrior) .. 17 Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps.49 Poxwalker.7 7 Tactical Marine (Gunner) .. 18 Strategic Ploys.50 Strategic Ploys. 78 Tactical Marine (Heavy Gunner). 18 Tactical Ploys.50 Tactical Ploys.78 Tactical Marine Sergeant.. 19 Equipment.. 51 Equipment.. 79 Scout (Warrior) 20 Scout (Heavy Gunner) .20 ECCUSIARCHY Kill TEAM.52 THOUSAND SONS Kill TEAM BO Scout Sergeant21 Scout Sniper (Warrior)..21 Battle Sister (Warrior)53 Psychic Powers Si Scout Sniper Sergeant.22 Battle Sister (Icon Bearer) 53 Rubric Marine (Warrior)..82 Deathwatch Veteran (Warrior) .23 Battle Sister (Gunner)..54 Rubric Marine (Gunner) .82 Deathwatch Veteran (Fighter) .24 Battle Sister (Heavy Gunner).54 Rubric Marine (Icon Bearer) ..83 Deathwatch Veteran (Gunner). 25 Battle Sister Superior55 Aspiring Sorcerer ..83 Deathwatch Veteran (Heavy Gunner)..26 Sister Repentia56 Tzaangor (Fighter)84 Deathwatch Veteran Watch Sergeant..27 Repentia Superior 56 Tzaangor (Icon Bearer)84 Strategic Ploys.28 Arco-Flagellant57 Tzaangor (Horn Bearer)..85 Tactical Ploys.28 Strategic Ploys.58 Twistbray ..85 Equipment ..29 Tactical Ploys.58 Strategic Ploys.86 Equipment..59 Tactical Ploys.86 GREY KNIGHT Ill TEAM 31 Equipment .. 87 TALONS Of THE EMPEROR Kill TEA 60 Psychic Powers 31 CHAOS DAEMON Kill TEAM . 88 Grey Knight (Warrior)32 Custodian Guard (Warrior)..61 Grey Knight (Gunner)32 Custodian Guard (Leader)61 Bloodletter (Fighter)..90 Grey Knight Justicar..33 Sister of Silence Prosecutor.62 Bloodletter (Icon Bearer) ..90 Strategic Ploys.34 Sister of Silence Witchseeker .62 Bloodletter (Horn Bearer) . 91 Tactical Ploys.35 Sister of Silence Vigilator..63 Bloodreaper 91 Equipment..35 Sister of Silence Superior..63 Daemonette (Fighter) ..92 Strategic Ploys.64 Daemonette (Icon Bearer)92 IMPERIAL GUARD Kill TEAM 36 Tactical Ploys.64 Daemonette (Horn Bearer) .93 Equipment..65 Alluress..93 Guardsman (Trooper) 37 Plaguebearer (Fighter).94 Guardsman (Comms) 37 TRAITOR SPACE MARINE Kill TEAM.. 66 Plaguebearer (Icon Bearer) .94 Guardsman (Gunner) 38 Plaguebearer (Horn Bearer)95 Guardsman Sergeant38 Chaos Space Marine (Warrior) .67 Plagueridden.95 Tempestus Scion (Trooper)39 Chaos Space Marine (Gunner).67 Pink Horror (Fighter) .96 Tempestus Scion (Comms)39 Chaos Space Marine (Heavy Gunner)..68 Pink Horror (Icon Bearer)..96 Chaos Space Marine (Icon Bearer)..68Pink Horror (Horn Bearer) 97 Gretchin ..124 Tactical Ploys..151 3Pink Horror Iridescent..97 Clan Kommando (Fighter).125 Equipment 151Blue Horror.98 Clan Kommando Nob 125Brimstone Horrors98 Burna Boy .126 HIVE HEH Kill TEAM .. 152Strategic Ploys.99 Loota..126Tactical Ploys.99 Spanner ..127 Genestealer (Fighter) .153Equipment 100 Strategic Ploys..128 Genestealer (Leader)..153 Tactical Ploys..128 Tyranid Warrior (Fighter).154CRAfTWORlD Kill TEAM..101 Equipment 129 Tyranid Warrior (Heavy Gunner)..154 Tyranid Warrior (Leader)..155Guardian Defender (Warrior) .103 TOMB WORLD Kill TEAM. 130 Termagant.155Guardian Defender (Heavy Gunner)103 Hormagaunt156Guardian Defender Heavy Necron Warrior. 131 Strategic Ploys..156Weapon Platform ..104 Immortal (Warrior) 131 Tactical Ploys..157Guardian Defender (Leader)104 Immortal (Leader) .132 Equipment 157Storm Guardian (Warrior) ..105 Flayed One (Warrior) ..132Storm Guardian (Gunner) ..105 Flayed One (Leader) 133 BROOD COVEN Kill TEAM158Storm Guardian (Leader) 106 Deathmark (Warrior) ..133Ranger (Warrior) .106 Deathmark (Leader) 134 Neophyte Hybrid (Trooper) ..160Ranger (Leader) ..107 Strategic Ploys ..134 Neophyte Hybrid (Gunner) ..160Dire Avenger (Warrior)..107 Tactical Ploys..135 Neophyte Hybrid (Heavy Gunner).161Dire Avenger Exarch108 Equipment 135 Neophyte Hybrid (Icon Bearer). 161Strategic Ploys ..109 Neophyte Hybrid (Leader).162Tactical Ploys..109 HUNTER CADRE Kill TEAM..136 Acolyte Hybrid (Trooper).162Equipment 110 Acolyte Hybrid (Gunner).163 Drones..137 Acolyte Hybrid {Fighter)..163COMMORRITE Kill TEA 111 Fire Warrior Shas'la ..138 Acolyte Hybrid (Icon Bearer) ..164 Fire Warrior Shas'ui..138 Acolyte Hybrid (Leader)..164Kabalite (Warrior).. 112 Pathfinder Shas'la.139 Hybrid Metamorph {Fighter)..165Sybarite 112 Pathfinder (Heavy Gunner)..139 Hybrid Metamorph (Gunner) .165Kabalite (Gunner) . 113 Pathfinder Shas'ui .140 Hybrid Metamorph {Icon Bearer)166Kabalite (Heavy Gunner) 113 Stealth Battlesuit Shas'ui140 Hybrid Metamorph {Leader}166Wych (Warrior).. 114 Stealth Battlesuit Shas'vre.141 Strategic Ploys..167Hekatrix .. 114 MVl Gun Drone .141 Tactical Ploys..167Wych (Fighter) .. 115 MV4 Shield Drone.142 Equipment 168Strategic Ploys .. 116 MV36 Guardian Drone.142Tactical Ploys.. 116 MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone.143Equipment 117 MV33 Grav-Inhibitor Drone.143 MV7 Marker Drone..144TROUPE Kill TEAM.118 MB3 Recon Drone.144 DS8 Tactical Support Turret .145Player (Warrior) 119 Strategic Ploys..146Player (Gunner) 119 Tactical Ploys..146Player (Leader) .120 Equipment 147Strategic Ploys..120Tactical Ploys..121 CADRE MERCfNARY Kill TfAM . 148Equipment 121 Kroot Carnivore {Warrior)148GRHNSKIN Kill 11AM. 122 Kroot Carnivore {Leader}.149 Kroot Hound..149Boy (Fighter) ..123 Krootox 150Boss Nob123 Strategic Ploys..150Boy (Gunner)..124+ SPACI MARINISSPACI MARINI Kill 11AMA SPACE MARINEI kill team consists of one fire team selected from the following list: INTERCESSOR ASSAULT INTERCESSOR INCURSOR INFILTRATOR REIVER HEAVYINTERCESSOR TACTICAL MARINE SCOUT DEATHWATCH VETERAN (DEATHWATCH selectable keyword only)Operatives in TACTICAL MARINE and SCOUT fire teams cannot have the DEATHWATCH selectable keyword (and thereforecannot be selected for DEATHWATCH kill teams). They are however, made of paper with their 5+ save and lack of combat ability. Still usable, just balanced. Lurk in the Shadows is nice defensive tech with Lying in Wait allowing any pair of operatives to activate as if they were both GA 2. The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. durin86 2 yr. ago. Amazing article! Equipment also feel as a way for Primaris kill teams to get more usage, although the Suspensor System is still amazing, removing the heavy trait to a weapon basically. The caveat here being that each drone operative can only be taken once in the entire killteam and certain drones can only be taken by certain fireteams; namely recon, pulse accelerator and grav inhibitor drones in pathfinder teams, guardian and support turrets in firewarriors and regular gun, shield and marker drones in any fireteam. August 14, 2021. I have found though that they do have the issue of their close combat being so bad that you tend to sit back for the first couple of turns whilst your Stealthsuits get into position to be able to start wiping out dedicated close combat units. Until next time, even when fighting stealth operations in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, always remember to always select the option that lets you roll the most crits! The only thing I would have like clarified in the designers commentary is just you always measure from the center of objectives markers as it says so on their page (because it does not on the missions etc), its just a minor niggle. An operative cannot perform this action if it has a. Imperial Guard are not as strong as the Death Korps of Krieg but do have their own tricks. Hello everyone I have ordered my compendium a couple of weeks ago but I haven't received it yet, has anyone seen any version of the compendium online, as has for 9th edition and the old Kill Team? 54.8k. Any distances of a symbol without a numerical value correspond to one combat gauge, e.g. Set up operatives within drop zone DEFENDER goes first, give all operatives an order. The best loadout is sword and shield. <> Dire Avengers are okay but the Exarch feels weird. Tau fire teams consist of Fire Warriors, Pathfinders and Stealtsuits. I've compiled my thoughts on how the faction can do in the new game and where I think they shine (or are similarly lacking) this time around. Notably Custodes have gone from 4 APL to 3 APL and Brotherhood of Demigods is changed from being played basically at any time and allowing free actions to instead only allowing 1 free fight or overwatch action at the end of the firefight phase. Your Vet Guard dash ploy lets every operative immediately dash in the strategy phase as long as they end closer to enemy territory and were in your drop zone before dashing, Your email address will not be published. So yeah, we can use 40k terrain now properly so thanks Games Workshop! The defender, the Kommandos controlling player, collects and rolls their defence dice and the results are as follows: Fight in combat with the active operative against an enemy operative. Plus you get no melee option with this loadout too. Combine with a heavy bolter that moves and shoots twice per turning point. I know that battlescribe recently updated the list building with the fire teams but it doesn't have the ploys or the equipment yet. Imperial Guard have their gunner go down to a +5 save from a +3 with the big change being Guardsman Orders now affecting all Temperstor Scion and Guardsman operatives within red and visible of a Imperial Guard leader. Below, you'll find datasheets, beta rules and all sorts of free downloadable PDFs for your favourite games. With a tied highest defence stat in the game, solid 12 wounds and a burst cannon, this drone is one of the better fighters in the entire tau roster. Will be returning for future reviews! Equipment is all good as well, with my favourite being Vratine Faceplates for the Sisters to make them even more durable. Recently we have gotten our hands on the new killteam 2021 rules and compendium and being a t'au player in the past I decided to put together a team and have a few games to see how they do under the new rules set. . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Compendium troop stats/rules seem a bit sparse, in that it's squad based an hardly any special rules compared to the box teams. Aegis of the Emperor allows you to turn enemy crits into normal damage instead and Peerless Warriors is just insane, especially when running 4 Custodes. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! ), The Technomandrite Conclave: A Custom Necron Killteam. Your main choices are between gunners, heavy gunners and icon bearers. and our The operative has, It then attempts to climb the terrain feature. Acolytes are a great choice with their leader being a great choice of leader with their Lash Whip option that also combines with a Balanced Lethal weapon. Within these steps you will play a battle - the four, While the different ways to play have distinct philosophies, the game mechanics of playing a battle are the same.

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