list of ezekiel's visions

Chapters 124 concern the fall of Jerusalem. Ezekiel Sees the Glory & Receives the Call Chapter 4 -24 Judgments Against Judah Chapter 25-32 Judgments Against the Gloating Nations Chapter 33-39 Restoration of Israel to the LORD Chapter 40-48 Visions of the Temple Note that the breakpoint at Ezekiel 25 marks the end of Ezekiel's prophecies of doom and gloom for Judah. The Israelites will return to their own land and rebuild the kingdom that was overthrown, and Yahweh will dwell in their midst forever. Read 2Ki 24:1ff-2Ki 24:1-21 for a good overview of the historical setting and if you havent done so yet, record the dates of the 3 STAGES OF CAPTIVITY alluded to in these passages . Also list what you learn about the Spirit, heart, and the glory of God. Ezekiel's Vision The Glory of the Lord T he book of Ezekiel is one of the major prophets in the Old Testament. 8(K)The hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides; and each of the four had faces and wings. Besides Stuart, I am also grateful for the thoughts of my theological mentor, Stephen Dray, and as a way of clarifying my thoughts besides reading through the Book of Ezekiel along with audios, the three videos by David Pawson on Ezekiel in his unlocking the Bible series (available on YouTube). Perhaps the most notable aspect of Ezekiel's account of the chariot is the wheels. 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:21; Acts 7:56; 10:11; Rev. Much contained in the later chapters (34 onwards) refers to a coming Messiah that is to reign over his people, specifically Israel. It is believed that he lived through the teachings of Josiah and Jeremiah and he began his own ministry in about 592 B.C. 2 On the fifth day of the month, which was in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin's captivity, 3 the word of the . Arising out of this Ezekiel, aged 30, when he would have taken up his office as priest (if there had been a temple), received his call to prophesy to his people, warning them of coming judgment. [26] Nevertheless, the prophet announces that a small remnant will remain true to Yahweh in exile, and will return to the purified city. Where is this tragic divine departure recorded? [25] The process of purification begins, God prepares to leave, and a priest lights the sacrificial fire to the city. On the second reading of the chapter, identify and record in the margin the nation to whom the prophecy is given and the ruler if mentioned. Ezekiel used four things to dramatize his message: Prophecies Signs Parables Symbols The vision of the Valley of Dry Bones (37) demonstrates that God can breathe new life into Judah again. How?- See interrogate with the 5W'S & H). Haggai The pendulum swung back in the post-war period, with an increasing acceptance of the book's essential unity and historical placement in the Exile. This idea, known as the ancient astronaut theory, sees Ezekiel's "vision" of the Merkabah, or wheeled chariot, as more likely to be a spaceship or space shuttle used by an advanced species to reach out to humans. This last *vision in the Book of Ezekiel happened 25 years after Ezekiel went into *exile. Resurrection - Is it Taught in the Old Testament? (Who is the Angel of the LORD?) In the 1st century CE the historian Josephus said that the prophet wrote two books: he may have had in mind the Apocryphon of Ezekiel, a 1st-century CE text that expands on the doctrine of resurrection. 23:19; 25:32; Ezek. Jesus references Daniel as a prophet in one of the Gospels. In the same way, Ezekiel's seemingly strange behavior in the early chapters of his book was intended to get the attention of a jaded Israelite congregation and to graphically communicate a message of judgment to them. Josiah was killed in 609 and Judah became a vassal of the new regional power, the Neo-Babylonian empire. Please consider donating to help us make more videos. Deuteronomy Bible Knowledge Commentary adds that Pauls reference to the 12 tribes of Israel shows the error of British-Israelism (which simply stated holds that the Anglo-Saxon peoples, especially England and the US, are descended from the 10 Northern tribes and therefore inherit the promises addressed in Scripture specifically to Israel. A Vision of The Glory of the Lord and Ezekiels Call (chapters 1 3). 3 The vision I saw was like the vision I had seen when He came to destroy the city and like the visions I had seen by the River Kebar. Ezekiel describes visions of four living creatures, then four wheels.. See full answer below. Ezekiel's Vision of God | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at Although the term holy is not used in Ezekiel 1, the entire vision conveys the reality of the Lord's transcendence, His "set-apartness" as the Creator and ruler I fell facedown, 4 and the glory of the LORD entered the temple . from your Reading List will also remove any The corruption of Israel had reached to the religious leaders, the elders of Israel. Make sure you note or mark when the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel. Proverbs Note to whom or to what he was to speak and what the message was to be. Free shipping for many products! I would suggest recording these in the margin next to the respective Scripture. 2. The oracle was possessed by the deity and served as a vehicle for the words. I am particularly touched by the repeated use of phrases to the effect that they will know I (God) am God, along with the notion that all what is prophesised is for Gods glory. To download videos: Login or Join. Be especially alert to mark the phrase know that I am the LORD. Ezekiel's vision of a temple is enigmatic. [28], The theology of Ezekiel is notable for its contribution to the emerging notion of individual responsibility to God each man would be held responsible only for his own sins. The visions, and the book, are structured around three themes: (1) Judgment on Israel (chapters 1-24); (2) Judgment on the nations (chapters 25-32); and (3) Future blessings for Israel (chapters 33-48). The Jewish Bible in Hebrew is called the Masoretic text (meaning passing down after a Hebrew word Masorah; for Jewish scholars and rabbis curated and commented on the text). Dating in Ezekiel Enemies would destroy the city and the *temple. To accomplish these tasks, the prophet performed a number of symbolic acts. Ezekiel's ministry filled the gap between Daniel's ministry and Jeremiah's. When does the glory return (what is the the first fulfillment of the glory returning)? In the vision of Ezekiel 3:1-10 God required Ezekiel eat a scroll, which may have included the written words God spoke to him. 24:10; Num. [17], The Jewish scriptures were translated into Greek in the two centuries prior to the Common Era. And Ezekiel saw when, at last, God's *glory left his *temple (chapter 10). The phrase "know that I am the Lord" is not used in this final segment. Restoration of Israel to the LORD, Note that the breakpoint at Ezekiel 25 marks the end of Ezekiel's prophecies of doom and gloom for Judah. 2 Kings SECTION 2: Chapters 4-24: Prophecies about Judah and Jerusalem. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! Be sure to read the last verse of the book. Jeremiah concludes with a series of oracles against nine foreign nation. 3 He said to me, "Son of man, I am sending you to the people of Israel. Ezekiel contextContext is all important when studying the Bible and this is particularly relevant when studying Ezekiel. Evidently, Ezekiel knows that the message he is to proclaim portends impending disaster, yet he thoroughly enjoys the task given to him. Despite the rebuilding of the Temple by the exiles who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel and Joshua in 525BC, many Jews today believe this prophetic vision has not yet been fulfilled. Genesis and Ancient Cosmic Geography. [16] While the book exhibits considerable unity and probably reflects much of the historic Ezekiel, it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very words of the prophet. As for the appearance and structure of the wheels, they gleamed like beryl. Chapter 4. 4Then I looked, and behold, (E)a whirlwind was coming (F)out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. b. 609 BC In 2Ki 23:29 (CP 2Chr 35:20, 21, 22, 23, 24) God's judgment on Judah began when King Josiah was killed on the plain of Megiddo trying to stop Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt, on his way to Carchemish on the Euphrates. 9Their wings touched one another. 4. Chapter 5. In earlier times, the entire tribe was regarded as having been set apart for the priesthood, but now only a select group within this tribe was allowed to officiate in the Temple's services. In this section add covenant to your list of key words and list what you learn. Jeremiah During the studies, I deliberately chose not to speculate or be controversial, but I would be remiss if I were to give the impression all of Ezekiels prophecies have been fulfilled or that the more tricky sections where there has not been literal fulfillment are not to be taken literally. 1:1; 6:1; Ezek. Genesis 1:12 ), and we know which direction. And when I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speak. Ruth 597 BC 2ND SIEGE OF JERUSALEM & EXILE TO BABYLON: is described in 2Ki 24:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (Record this date in your Bible margin) When Jehoiakim died, Jehoiachin succeeded him as king of Judah and in 597 B.C. Much was done through bizarre acting: building a model depicting the siege of Jerusalem, cutting his hair with a sword and making three piles to depict aspects of Gods judgement, laying on one side and then another, eating starvation rations cooked on a fire fueled by human (later changed to cows) dung. Record the theme/title of each chapter. Images included wheels within wheels, four creatures with four faces, lots of eyes, fames of fire, a crystalline canopy upon which was a throne and on it was seated a glorious being and all were moving in unison in one direction or another. He is specifically mentioned by Ben Sirah (a writer of the Hellenistic period who listed the "great sages" of Israel) and 4 Maccabees (1st century CE). Why is he told to do it? Perhaps the very last verse of Ezekiel (48:35) conveys what it is that matters most, God dwelling with his people: And the name of the city from that time on will be: the Lord is there and also this one: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Ezekiel's Visions of GodEzekiel 1:1 Library Books & Brochures Pure Worship of Jehovah Restored At Last! Vision of the glory; temple defilement by idolatry explains its destruction, Chapter 8. vv. "You will know that I am the LORD", PROPHECY OF JUDGMENT THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL: The Lord explains the meaning of he vision in verses 11-14. The haftarah for the first day of Shavuot is of the most hallowed portions of the Bible. 722 BC The Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity by the Assyrians. We learn, for example, more about the character of God, e.g. When he did that, the flesh reappear on these bodies. Where is the glory today (cf 1Co 3:16, 6:19 20, 2Co 3:18, Mt 5:16 1Cor 10:31)? Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Vision of the Cherubim (1:4-28) 2. The highest official no longer will be the king but rather the high priest, thus indicating that political affairs shall always be made subordinate to religious considerations. These segments provide a good way to divide the book up for profitable study and suggestions for inductive study are given for each segment division below. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. In the chapters dealing with foreign nations, Ezekiel has one predominant message: These nations are subject to Yahweh's laws, the same as the Hebrew people. 931 BC The United Kingdom composed of 12 tribes was split (see 1Ki 11:1, 4, 7, 11 and following chapters) into Israel (10 Northern tribes with capital in Samaria) and Judah (2 Southern tribes with capital in Jerusalem). How then could the Temple be destroyed so long as Yahweh's presence was in it? James As we read Ezekiel's description of the vision which he saw, we are overcome with the majestic glory of this great sight. Like Jeremiah, Ezekiel was a priest who was called to be a prophet of the Lord. For less than $5/mo. 19(Z)When the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Daniels prophetic ministry from Babylon began about 605BC. View this answer. The book of Ezekiel takes its title from the priest of the same name, son to a man named Buzi. Habakkuk The Visions And Oracles Of The Prophet Ezekiel by Dr. David L. Cooper (Installment 1) Some Preliminary Observations. The distinctive thing about Ezekiels foreign oracles, apart from their focus on Tyre and Egypt, is that they are more related to contemporary history than are those of Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Amos.

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