mouseover pet attack macro

#showtooltip *Shot/Sting Name* Simply replace "Icy Touch" with the names of your other abilities it works for all of them. Im pretty sure that after you hit trap launcher you are no longer using Explosive Trap. I have this: Blizzard interface, which are many and varied. What this means is, you will not find any shot-combination macros on this page because either: they do not work or are ill-advised. Renders the poisons down a bit. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), never again will you ever ever be blamed for your pet breaking a CC due to the terribad AI of pets if you are either BM or MM you can simply substitute Cobra Shot for you respective offensive shot, Hey Gar, /focus [@mouseover]. Start using em! /cast chimera shot (This line is replaced with other instant shots arcane, aimed, etc) I was wondering how you do binds where you can do two thinks at once. , YW Lockon. Im just wondering how can I press volley shots at Lich King while doing the Tranquilizing shots at enrage shambling horror in just one key press, Im referring to LK fight (WOTLK 3.3.5) Thank you in advance and more power! ", Coolgamerboy39 gushed: "That's why they call them a man's best friend. been a classic theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. Using such a lengthy castsequence the player sacrifices much flexibility and the ability to adapt to the situation - he also has little to no control over levels of focus. /stopmacro [channeling:volley] To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". #showtooltip This page was a huge help! /castsequence reset=2 Trap Launcher, Freezing Trap IMPORTANT*** For some reason the above freezing macro instantly triggers/procs my lock&load. and calls a PVP pet. It is extremely I would recommend this macro for a lot of abilities as it clears up much of your toolbars. and the 20% reduce is just a perfect against warrior when they charge me and got Juggernaut that increase their mortal strike by 25 % crit, its just amazing that you have 24% reduces damage from the attack. I know im new to this forum so if you dont want to respond thats fine. Youre life just got easier, and the game more enjoyable. /cast Aimed Shot. 1{ES} 2{AS} 3{BA} 4{KS} 5{Hunters Mark} 6{[mod:alt]Fox+AB switch;CS}.. There a macro to keep that from happening? #showtooltip Binding Shot Q: What are macros? but it makes aspect of the fox again again and again when i push rapidly that macro for cobra shot and it is annoying i did same to explosive shot and aspect of the hawk but it does same thing so how to make it cast 1 aspect of the hawk and not doing aspect again if it is already on??? /cast [target=pettarget,harm] kill command If you have a Tazik Shocker attached to your gloves, youre going to want to fire that sucker off as much as possible. Good for knocking Elitest Healers down a peg or two too lmfao, /cast [target=focus, help] Misdirection /cast Scourge Strike. This will dismiss your pet if its out, revive it if its dead and call one of 3 pets based on keystroke combination. Oh, I have very good help in Watcher , which I have set up with the priority suggested by Zehera. Very useful if you send your pet to the wrong target and don't want it to pull aggro. Thanks! So, I decided to make a super simple macro that would plant either myStormpike Battle Standard(if in AV) or myAlliance Battle Standard(if in any other BG) with one key press. /cast Freezing Trap(Frost Damage), /castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher, Explosive Trap(Fire Damage). /cast rabid /cast steady shot Yup, thats where I got the idea as well Those of you wanting me to give you a macro for casting all of your shots with one button are out of luck. Tags: PvE Get Wowhead Premium A Month /petattack [button:2] /castsequence [mod:alt] reset=3 Trap Launcher,!Ice Trap <code>#showtooltip Scourge Strike. When macroing Kill Command in your shots, I prefer to use /cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command , so you dont cast it if yout pet is on passive or if u accidentaly hit the macro while out of combat. While enemies are busy trying to take down your pet, youll be free to blast away. and might want to change the emote to say something like this, since the chat screen will have your name in it. greater return. If youre stuck in melee beyond the length of time it takes to apply a Wing Clip, youve probably already lost. His tips gave me a great boost in DPS by eliminating lulls in my dps cycle by binding offensive skills to secondary or tertiatry abilities. /petattack on Assist is the preferred way to play. Damage meters display a variety of helpful data about what is taking place 1 = head easier. So far i start off with: One tip for melee abilities. After pressing the macro, it will show the ICON for the second spell until the reset is met. again the second cast does not work, I have also tried switching the order without any change in behavior. Nope. This macro will revive your pet if it's dead or you hold down shift, call it if it's dismissed, mend it if it's alive, feed it if you press alt at the same time and dismiss it if you right click the button. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet. Be sure to change the type of food at the bottom of the macro to the name of the food you feed your pet. /cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix(Talent) Way to go! /castsequence Snake Trap, Explosive Trap, Frost Trap Therefore with the separate brackets, the condition checks if your current target is non-hostile OR dead, thus triggering the command to select the next closest living hostile enemy. If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first. From there I have a specific macro that toggles me into Fox or Hawk and makes sure my swapping action bars are set accordingly. ", User3169943934234 observed: "Dog was scared for his life but was willing to fight for your life. While pressing the alt modifier it will Gnaw your focus target. #show chimera shot (This line is replaced with other instant shots arcane, aimed, etc) thus not wasting mana. I typed it in right, and I have 9 free spaces? I still need to verify that this will use all three simultaneously, but the one or two time I have used it it seems to work: /cast Exhilaration Make sure you hold down the shift key if youre pet is not in LoS. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. /target Reanimated Adherent him stream on Twitch, or That should cast Masters Call on your Shaman w/ shift held down, your Lock with CTRL, and you if no modifier key is pressed. It saves so much time when all I have to do it click the button and it finds my next target. Escape Macro. Tab works great for most situations, but use these macros situationally to make it a little faster and easier to grab the right target. /cast cobra shot /stopattack. That macro still works just fine for PvP, but I found it not working for me anymore vs NPC targets. I honestly dont have much of a problem with this. To close the window, click "Exit", or just press Escape. Demonic Strength; [known:Bilescourge Bombers,@cursor] Bilescourge Maybe this is a leftover macro you had? Bombers, /use [known:Soul Strike,@cursor,harm] [known:Soul Strike] Soul somehow my pet is surviving now adding Glyph of mending nd stuff hehe.Thnx a ton garwulf! is this a popular AddOn among top players, but we here at Icy Veins use it ", Cool Koala stated: "He stood up even though he was scared. If your pet has enough focus and Charge is off cooldown, your pet will use Charge when attacking. This orders your demon to move to a location specified by you. This macro adds versatility to Beast Mastery and Survivals Intimidation spell. WeakAuras2 - A very powerful addon that can display a massive variety of information including procs, casting indicators and raid boss warnings. !! This turns Flare into a one-button press spell. /cast hunters mark, Looking to cast Hunters Mark and have pet attack unless shift is held down then just cast Hunters Mark, This is the best Macro Collection I have found PERIOD! The /stopcasting ensures you never delay your silence if youre in the middle of casting another spell. Macro Basics. Weak Auras can be used to create just about anything you can is it working for everyone else? /cast [nopet,mod:shift] Call Pet 2 Youll notice there are no /castsequence shot macros in this list. Why? also casting Immolate on it. an improvement over the default UI or the ElvUI nameplates. Then there is the Zip-file: it contains two folder trees, that look very similar, GarUI and __MACOSX. I tried putting in [noexists] before casting Hawk, but all Aspects are treated as one existing item, i.e. i m not very fit in writing macros, only short ones. Raptor Strike is back on the global gooldown, so theres no reason to macro it. /targetenemy -1 to the left. I didnt see a macro collection for hunters like this before. Looking for anything that will help me in PVP, I am really bad. Nameplates are essential for allowing you to easily keep track of basic Keep Black Arrow and Serpent Sting reapplied as needed, but never cast either one of those if Explosive is off CD. Note: Basic pet attacks dont consistently go off when their 3 second cooldown is up, so its advisable to bake in the following basic pet attacks below with other Hunter offensive abilities. 6 = belt Come visit my site, I made an attempt at performing a little bit of search engine optimisation but it didnt actually work though /cast Freezing Trap However you can try: /cast !Aspect of the Hawk /cast [modifier] [button:1] Immolation Trap; [button:2] Explosive Trap, Just throwin it out there. /petpassive [target=mouseover, noexists] (again, doens't matter if you check the color the the targets shoulder armor, result is pet comes to you if no mouseover) Again would use keybind for petpassive, but you have to remember to turn it back off in your attack macro. be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. /petattack uses PVP equipment Pretty! A modified version of the old Fear Mouseover/Focus macro. Usually, they come equipped with Feel free to surf to my website :: sink water filter walmart; Wonder if u could suggest me something thnx a lot, I actually started replying to this comment a few days ago when you posted it, but at the time decided it needed a more thorough answer (or more info from you). /use Master Healing Potion. Im a BM hunter for pvp and im wondering if you could help me out with a macro that could always keep mend pet up on my pet, without me constantly needing to refresh it? I started using !Auto Shot in my PvE shot macros a few months back after having a look at kripps video on macros, and it seems to have upped my DPS a bit. Some of the races in WoW have traits that can provide more powerful benefits or have some added use and versatility when placed in a macro. I tried this macro: Bestial Wrath DPS Macro. This macro will dispel a buff or enrage effect from your hover-over target, or your current target if no other targets are highlighted. #showtooltip As for the files related to each alt, recount.bak contains info about your encounter with Saurfang. You can add charge in there, but I dont think its necessary. /cast Cobra Shot t? Saves the time moving from the trap laucnher button to the trap. I havent been served with one yet, so Im guessing no. The one I use is: in this case for arcturis Stringing attack sequences together into a macro is never a good thing, as it can never compare with a Hunters ability to manually make decisions and adjust on the fly. /cast Dire Beast large transparent version of the ability in the center of your screen, There is a way to mute the sound, but its a bit of a hassle and not worth the effort for most. #showtooltip Disengage It will also cast KC on your pets target when its off cooldown. 10 Gloves please do give me credit for this macro #show volley But oh well. /cast Wing Clip My pet seems to interupt that alot. /cast [modifier:ctrl, target=locksnamehere] Masters Call, to work i have to put in the names of my team mates where it says Player and name here right? Make sense? /cast fox ability play, Its the if no target exists target player that is getting me goofed up. Aimed Shot (For when using Flare Macro with Track Hidden) - This will turn on Track Humanoids (for Improved Tracking), Remove Blessing of Protection or Detterence to become able to shoot and fire Aimed shot. This Addon is helpful for breaking down your own death as I was wondering if its possible to make a macro that will cast your traps, say frost trap then explosive trap then snake trap. Macro for petattack. /targetenemy [noharm] [dead] /cast kill command. /stopcasting Ive been trying to do these but havent met with much success . Weak Auras is the most important AddOn for players seeking to master their *This will not happen if you are holding a modifier*, Sends your pet to attack your mouseover target. It is highly customisable and makes keeping track of your Right above this aura I have another aura which shows the duration of the Mend Pet spell so that I know when to re-cast it if needed. /petattack [@mouseover harm nodead] Your pet will attack your mouseover target if it is attackable and not dead. (There is no range conditional available in maro commands.). Im genuinely frustrated and confused. /use aspect of the fox If you are familiar with macros and just want to get to the goods, then click here to get right to it. /use [mod:shift,@focus,harm][@mouseover,harm][]Scare Beast. Share your comments about this guide in our A downside to the latter is that you may have to retrain your fingers a bit if you're accustomed to using your Pet Attack key to make your pet switch targets. Are there any macros that help switching targets in a boss fight? On most of my macros I was always using the trinkets after my shots to ensure, if the trinket was on cooldown, it wouldnt end my macro before the shot was cast. Its so much better being free to use your mouse for all movement; not having to click on any abilities. The first one great macros btw cheers . i cant even get it to use it on myself. /cast Rapid Fire /petattack. Go to the Options menu and click on Macros. Now, as I said I dont use these, and Im not 100% sure of the correct full spell name, but you can Shift Left-Click on the spell icon in your spell-book straight into your macro. Its not necessary to have a Tracking switch macro anymore. For anyone like me, missing mouse over macros for healing here is something that seems to . Any ideas? That didnt work either , hola como se puede hacer un macro para poder matar los totem de los chamanes?? Hi Samuel I added onto the mount macro something that I found really useful, some mods to use water strider for when I need a water walking mount or my travelers mammoth to sell stuff/repair. /cast Charge /cast Hunters Mark Please let me know, if you get positive results as well. Thank you. This macro gives me 9-11k dps (level 85 bm hunter with ilevel 346). That will throw a Hunters Mark up on your tanks target, send your pet in, and begin your autoattack. You can even put a directional instruction on your target selection. This fear macro will do the following: Set your focus on your mouseover target if you don't have a focus already OR if your current focus is friendly; . Hold down Shift and use this macro will set your Focus to your current target. /cast Hunters Mark Great stuff! /castsequence reset=3 Serpent Sting, Hunters Mark, Scatter Shot, I know you dont like castsequence macros, and I rarely get past the Marking, but a little disssorientation never hurts (Because I spam this macro, I deliberately dont have /cleartarget in there I dont want to clear the target I pick up, after all.). ensure that if your pet has a target already, cast Kill Command, otherwise if your pet s without a target, send it in to attack? 5 = chest You cant put both these shots into one macro because of the GCD. Scare Beast Macro These things are awesome for PvP, not only for their hardiness and Tenacity tree abilities, but for their incredible Acid Spit. i would personally also save rapid fire for when low on focus to get triple cobra shots in fast, Why would you want to use kill command and THEN TRINKET do this All other shots require a global cooldown in between, so the only way to bind them to one macro is to create a castsequence. On the other hand, [noharm] = if current target is not hostile. Maybe I should make a macro with both of my teammates? loss-in-row and dropped down to 1701. Pressing it will heal you or a mouseover target (e.g., flag carrying teammate) if you have one highlighted. /petattack and contributor for LockOneStopShop. Traps share the same GCD as Disengage. /cast [nopet] Call Pet /use Deadly Gladiators Chain Gauntlets The stopcasting & stopattack will help keep you from breaking your own traps. Ive tried out macros before by searching the web and customizing them to my needs, but NEVER have I seen such a comprehensive set of macros for hunters only. Anyway, hope it was useful. /emote Ashtail plays with %T (targets name) Im Making a set of macros to allow my attacks and my chimeras attacks work together perfectly. Unless youre using Track Hidden, the damage bonus will apply to all mob types as long as youre tracking one of the listed mob types. [@target,dead] [pet:imp] Fire shield; Just sub out the Chimeras for Aimeds/Arcanes etc. Can anyone tell me why this doesnt work? In a macro, you could use something like: I havent tested it, but in theory, you will select the mob to the right unless you hit a modifier button (shift/mod/alt) to move left. Macro 1 (keybind this to mouse wheel up): /petattack [@mouseover] [harm, nodead, exists]; /petattack [@target] Macro 2 (keybind this to mouse wheel down): /petattack [@focus] [harm, nodead, exists]; petfollow. If you do not have a focus set, or if you have a friendly target set as your focus, then they should work as normal. . Macros are very important in making your character play as smoothly as possible, Just spam whichever instant cast you want to use after you hit this macro, ie: Conc Shot, Aimed, Arcane, Wyvern, etc. All of my spec-specific abilities alternate on the same keys. /startattack /cast [@pet,exists] Kill Command; Mend Pet. Demonology Warlock DPS Macros and Addons Dragonflight 10.0.7. First of all, AWESOME tips for macros, helped my PvP a lot :D. /cast Roar of Recovery # your pet adds 30 focus when this goes off. if any Aspect exists like Cheetah, it will not cast Hawk. Hey Gar, /use 13 Btw, is there really any reason (I have seen it in a lot of other macros) to include the rank of the spell. Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides, Season 1 Dragonflight Dungeon Guides by Petko, Non-Season Dragonflight Dungeon Guides by Petko, Vault of the Incarnates as Demonology Warlock, For help, theorycrafting, and more please visit our, Affliction Warlock Covenants and Soulbinds, Affliction Warlock Sepulcher of the First Ones as Affliction Warlock, Destruction Warlock Spell List and Glossary, tier 4 Talent choices for afflic in mythic Plus, Additional Class Tuning for Dragonflight 10.1: May 2nd, Sparks of Shadowflame in Dragonflight 10.1 Clarifications, Final Dragonflight Season 1 DPS, Tank and Healer Log Rankings for Vault of the Incarnates, Save Up to 50% on Dragonflight Through May 15, Unplanned and Bugged "of the Guardian" May Trading Post Items Added and Then Quickly Removed, A List of Unique Loot from Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible Raid in Patch 10.1, A Final Look at the Most Popular Specializations in Dragonflight Mythic Season 1, /use [mod:shift] Demonic Circle(Summon); [nomod] Demonic Circle: Teleport(Teleport), /use [known:Mortal Coil,@mouseover,exists] Mortal Coil; [known:Mortal Coil] Mortal Coil; [known:Howl of Terror] Howl of Terror, /use [known:Demonic Strength,@mouseover,harm] [known:Demonic Strength] thanks. /use Healthstone . Since it may be necessary to switch focus targets multiple times during an encounter due to taunt switches, debuff stacks, tank dying, etc it is a good idea to have your focus target assigned to a keybind. /petattack Is there a way to put a pause into a macro, to overcome cool down issues? Cachecow - Tauren Warrior. Best bet is to read through my list and pick and choose the macros that you think will work best for you. This is a very simple macro that queues a Raptor Strike for the next normal melee swing and uses Wing Clip. No more targeting for an MD on the tank or your pet. I downloaded the UI to see how you had configured Grid and Satrina buff frames, but evidently youd dropped Grid before releasing the UI and I had to give up on reading the SFB config, as the file contained every single setup that you have ever tried (and its cousin) shoehorned in. This is one iI found while searching, so whoever created this, I am eternally grateful! /use 14 When Kill Shot was not affected by the GCD you could macro it with other shots, but not anymore. Whenever you spam a instant shot you shift to aspect of the hawk and get max Damage modifier on your shots!! Also, Gar, for aspect macros, Ive tried the two line style ones you have listed, before, I find that the tend to cancel the primary one or not cast the secondary one at all, whereas the /castsequence !, ! instead of Explosive trap. I have a old Macro form the Burning Crusades Expasion. Hope you like it! /castsequence - casts spells in a determined order. Not an essential macro, but not having to fiddle with target circle clicks can be useful. If you put your pet in defence mod, your pet will come back to target fter killing totem. /cast [pettarget,exists] Kill Command Hmm, been doing some testes and ive noticed that if i dont hafe a focus target which is mostly in bgs or world pvp this button doesnt work at all i get that big red question mark? The best way to do this is to add the following lines to an ability macro: One button press will ensure your Big Red Pet is on your DPS target, any attack-preventing immunity auras are cancelled, Aspect of the Wild is up, any DPS racials are up, and your burst trinket is popped. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. Im not using Kill Comand or Multi Shot in my macro and yet i still cant seem to figure it out. Yet another useful Misdirection macro application geared towards raiders. thanks. This macro will toggle the following Action Bars: Bottom Right Bar, Right Bar and Right Bar 2. /cast Trap Launcher There are a few lines youll see included in quite a few macros on this page that you may not understand. Thanks for setting these page, its by far the best source of macros for Hunter on the net. This macro will ensure Kill Shot is available when ready. /castsequence reset=combat/target Serpent Sting, Kill Command, Arcane Shot, Cobra shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot. Okay i couldnt find anything on it, if there is in fact anything. if would make pvp much easier, /targetenemyplayer . Unfortunately, you cant macro them together so that they function like our old Freezing Arrow. Sry that question, we tried it with 2 people 3 hours and it wont work so we give up. Quite a bit of setup is required. Use this macro instead for anything outside of PvP: /targetenemy \use 13 Pet with right click (or use modifier), focus if it exists and is alive, or your target otherwise. Action. /cast Call of the Wild However, The tooltip just shows the default ?, and the macro is only allowing either mouseover or current target. 2. Can anyone help me how that macro should look like? Use these templates as an If you hold down control, it will bring your pet back by setting it to passive and follow modes.

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