phillips hall cornell

The year 1984 was the launchpad of our personal and professional growth as proud 84 graduates from Cornell. When asked how his life has changed, David wrote, Travel and visiting have been drastically reduced. Summer has flown by, with kids and teachers off from school, heat waves, and renewed uncertainty as plans to return to offices and schools are met with Delta variant concerns. Son Jeff is a pulmonologist on the front line. Find nearby businesses, restaurants and hotels. William Cotton, writing from home in New Orleans, says that COVID restrictions were not particularly onerous for him, only eliminating fencing and badminton and allowing outdoor tennis four to five times a week. My husband, David, and I sing in several choral groups, some together, some separatelyall of which took a while to figure out how to operate virtually since it is impossible to sing together over Zoom, but we found other software to make virtual singing a reality, and David became the guru who got everyone properly set up. She is managing very well in her own home. She would welcome any reconnection with the brief friendships sparked there. Also, speaking of veterans, our classmate George Johnson, whom I met when we were freshmen in the same dorm, is writing a memoir about his military experience. We also heard from Julio Caro, in California, that he continues to work in the film industry, producing films and series. Jonathan Laurence has a new book, Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Modern State, that delves into parallels between the two religious systems. Lucy Babcox Morris,; Jim Schoonmaker,; Molly Miller Ettenger, Online news form. This will begin the first in our series, Tales from the Plague Year+ (the + denoting that the plague has been going on for longer than a year, if anyone needed reminding). We were now 500 miles apart after 70 years totally out of touch. This summer I am visiting my old roommate, John van Gelder, in Ann Arbor. Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 420 Director of Graduate Studies Alyssa B. Apsel Professor and Director Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 229 607/255-3962 Christopher Batten Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering More power to this one and all those other Cornell circles of friends. (The book can be found on Amazon.) Sadly, due to travel restrictions in Australia, Isabels parents will not be able to embarrass her on her first day on campus, but she will be accompanied by her older brother, Zachary, who is currently living in Boston and working for the Federal Reserve. Lodging units diminished in availability. Along the way, as his fathers career advanced, Dick lived in Boston, Paris, and New York City. Fill out an online news form, or send me an email. Currently we are all trying to figure out how to be normal again. She was surrounded by close family and spent the last few weeks at home on hospice care. Jim serves as an ad hoc member of the CALS deans advisory committee and is farming Cornell fruit, including SnapDragon and RubyFrost apples, with his sons, Kevin 04 and David (Purdue 08). Many of us went on to graduate school, and others have completed prestigious fellowships. After returning to civilian life, he consulted for the Housing Authority of Prince Georges County. Like many of the others noted here, Rachel Korn Goldberg also finds herself in a new job, starting her work at Thomas Jefferson U. Giving hope to us all, Susan Ng Hill commented, You two have not aged since freshman year. Mark Stenzler continues to churn out the blues on the Swiss airwaves and online through his Blues Zeppelin show. Bridget Martell ( is thankful that COVID reduced the travel requirements for her consulting work, as more time at home has allowed her to spend more time with her children. That farm boy went on to the U. of Nebraska, then to Michigan Law School for a JD and Harvard Law School for an SJD. Please send an email to any of our class correspondents so we can include your news in future columns. With the new school year underway, its only fitting that we highlight a star teacher among our classmates: Carly Neumann Santangelo, MAT 13, was named the 2022 New York State Teacher of the Year! Cornell Maker Club resources are for personal projectsonly. After a year in Copenhagen, he began a PhD program at Princeton, where he established his interests in particle physics and quantum field theory. By age 31 in 1964, he was a full professor at Berkeley. I know that we are all stressed, emotional, frustrated, sad, and wanting to get back to normal. We grew up listening to stories from our parents and grandparents of war, the Great Depression, and food lines. His dad was a farm boy who didnt attend school until the tenth grade. The map is loading and will appear here presently HTML5 is required to view the virtual tour photospheres. She finds hospital work is challenging and scaryalways wearing double masks, face shields, gowns, and gloves. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic is, Wear a mask and get vaccinated. Most satisfaction comes from finally having time to join a book club, which takes her back to her undergraduate English major days of loving to read. Hospital in Philadelphia as a social worker last spring. Online news form. Submitted by Kara M Nash on Mon, 01/09/2023 - 08:24. . We also hope that you plan on ending 2021 on a high note by supporting Cornell and our class by paying your class dues and checking out Ways to give. Our congratulations are due as she reports that her latest poetry book, Mothers of Ireland (LSU Press, 2020), is co-winner of the 2021 Poetry by the Sea book prize and was a longlist finalist for the Julie Suk Award. Holidays soon will be upon us, and we wish all continued safe and happy ones, and a better year in 2022. Lisa Diamant,; Pat Relf Hanavan, He finds his most satisfaction these days comes from reading philosophy and dining out again. By earning this award, Carly will be the New York State nominee for National Teacher of the Year and will serve as an ambassador to teachers throughout the state. His biggest pandemic takeaway was that more people need to go fishing and hiking. According to the publisher (University of California Press), How Ten Global Cities Take on Homelessness: Innovations That Work takes on perhaps the most formidable issue facing metropolitan areas today: the large numbers of people experiencing homelessness within cities. Ive been free to have few time restrictions, spending the better part of a week reading the Sunday edition of the New York Times. Muriel takes great pride in our Cornellian colleague Anthony Fauci, MD 66, a wise man, consummate communicator, scientist, and humanist, all tempered with humility. My heart goes out to those who have suffered so much loss. The pandemic has taught her to get over yourself and worrying about what others think. Hating everything that reminded me of Hungary and the war, I said immediately! My parents dressed me in my best frilly outfit (which I disliked thoroughly) and took me downtown for a private interview with the judge. Thats all for now. Loren and Dana are planning an East Coast trip to Lenox, MA, and Newport, RI. Under his leadership, the company has doubled its growth in the last five years through establishing operations infrastructure, producing innovative confectionery treats, increasing distribution, and launching engaging media campaigns. Good newsand thanks to all who enjoyed the experience. Online news form. In her new book, Lessons from Thor, retired Army captain Kimberly DeFiori, MBA 20, explores the PTSD and mental health struggles that ultimately caused her to retire. What brings her the most satisfaction these days? Ken wrote, The pandemic has put a damper on our usual international travel fetish, but we still managed to get to Kenya for five weeks this winter to see our daughter, and weve done a lot of road tripping in the US. When the new EE Director, Dr.Charles E. Burrows, arrived on campus in mid-1945, the Dean told him that the EE School had first priority for construction of the next addition to the quad. Soprano, producer, and educator Eve Edwards is a much-sought-after soloist along the mid-Atlantic. Get the answers to these questions and many more on a recent episode of Fresh from the Hill: Inside Stories of Noteworthy Cornellians featuring award-winning writer, producer, and director Dawn Kamoche. Another professor actually remembered me, even though I would never (ever!) The most special one, though, was meeting Paul 60, a good friend while we were still at Cornell and my wonderful husbandand travel partnerfor the past 57 years. The sculpted linear metal ceiling with acoustical backing is suspended in scalloped sections, with fabric fascias covering audio speakers at the column lines. Bruce thinks that we have created a land of consumers more than citizens. Johns next stop via the friendly skies: the Princeton suburbs, to see my pal Sameer Desai and his lovely clan. Both live with us here in Juneau. Most satisfaction: Playing classical guitar and enjoying the grandchildren and the beautiful outdoor attractions around Juneau. Takeaway from the pandemic: On the plus side, I finished my memoir. The center portion is divided by vertical aluminum mullions. On April 23, 2021, a leadership team of around 15 startup founders came together to procure oxygen concentrators from China and donate them for free to the neediest hospitals. Pete Salinger, MBA 68 ( keeps busy as a board member of his local civic association and represents his community in a larger association of associations. All the classmate news Im getting is written in longhand! Biography. Feel free to reach out anytime: my NetID is ndh8. His granddaughter (now almost 14) visited Pete and his wife, Ruth (Dritch) 67, in December 2019, flying without either of her parents, starting from Leipzig, Germany, to Bethesda, MD. We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for attending CMC Make-a-thon! A surprise came when Bob Fite sent Jack Rose, MD 54, to ask me to be a class correspondent. She had to move for her career, but she goes back often. His biggest takeaway from the pandemic is the realization that human contact is critical to our lives; no man is an island. Linda Meyers Geyer ( was living in California when her husband, Gary, died of a sudden heart attack. LDES will be a critical component in facilitating the transition to a clean energy future. I appreciate those who sent some updates about your life! No news is too insignificant to share. By now, you should have gotten information about the book and how to create your page, but if not, contact any of your correspondents and we can get you access details. So beyond my clinical work, I very much live with this beyond the usual day-to-day exposure to pandemic news. (as of Jul 05, 2017) . Dont knowits not over yet!, That it does take a village, even if the villagers stand at least six feet from each other, is the takeaway from Lawrence Lombard ( Our street address is 116 Hoy Road, Ithaca, NY 14853. Weve made lots of visits to doctors to care for rusty parts but are really doing fine for two 80-plus people. I have been sewing masksI am an Arts grad who likes to sew. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Submitted by Luanne Stockdale on Fri, 01/20/2023 - 12:48. Had to give up my car. She is taking one day at a time! Of her children, she writes, One in Afghanistan, one a research doctor, one an architect, and one unemployed. Satisfaction? A few of us have done all of these things! He derives much satisfaction from my daughter and two lovely grandchildren, but Im saddened by the loss of so many friends and loved ones from the pandemic. By year-end, I had been promoted to managing editor, but I still write. Her daughter interviewed her on another app, and its turned into a memoir. All restrooms are single occupant with locks. I love my worship time, but I miss being in church. While she works as a government biologist, she has also been writing childrens books, one of which has been published and is available on Allys Apple Days. She also serves as an entrepreneur-in-residence at Yale U. Bridget and her husband, Edmund Chung, are based in Guilford, CT, and she is excited to establish a footprint out West with a new home in Wyoming. Cornell's colleges and schools encompass more than 100 fields of study, with locations in Ithaca, New York, New York City and Doha, Qatar. All in all, were doing well. Nancy Savage Petrie, 85 Brook St., Noank, CT 06340; email, Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Tom lives in Exeter, NH. When not walking in the woods, she enjoys watching Hallmark movies with happy endings and being with grandchildren. Jack Glassman, MA 82, reported that he has been enjoying his work with the National Park Service. Technology has allowed me to gratify my lifelong interest in the arts, presenting me with a virtual reality of ballet performances, art exhibits, and concerts that comprise the current cultural scene of NYC, her current home. It was a drastic change from a year of neighborhood pod birthdays on the front sidewalk with cupcakes and piatas. We received an array of news from New England. A year older with more old-age health issues! We are all feeling the sadness of the death of friends. Faculty members now employ electronic media in teaching, combining video, real-time computer output and 3-D presenters. Retirement number one was from Bergen Brunswig (now AmerisourceBergen) Pharmaceuticals. Robert says that nostalgic memories of the past with emphasis on Cornell bring him the most satisfaction these days. Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Online news form. On the other side of parenthood, Don, ME 95, and Sandy Lean Patterson just sent their third of four kids off to college, at some unmentionable school with colors orange and black! Sandy noted that during COVID lockdowns, she took up a childhood hobby: roller skating! Hopefully the memoir will also be published. Linda Meyrowitz Salamon ( lives in White Plains, NY, and writes, I have taken several watercolor and drawing courses onlineIve even improved! Katherine gets the most satisfaction from traveling, gardening, reading, relaxing with husband Virgilio Sanchez, playing and visiting with grandkids, and volunteering in her community, including administering COVID vaccines. Jack celebrated his 30th wedding anniversary with his wife, Chris, in a retro Airstream trailer park along a rail-trail bikeway on Cape Cod. He writes and draws pictorial nonfiction describing historical art including WWIIs Normandy Beach landings. Cornell Big Red hockey is scheduled to return to Madison Square Garden for the game with BU on November 27. Please keep your news and views coming in via the online news form, or write directly to either of us: Howie Eisen,; Mary Flynn, Any news you would like to share? While the house is empty, Joan plans to devote more time to her college counseling practice, but on Wednesdays she will continue to visit the Old Greenwich Farmers Market, founded and run by Dana Lee Evans. Her law practice continues to thrive, even by Zoom, and focuses on criminal and civil litigation and family law. During his retirement, he has spent 15 years as a volunteer on the Contra Costa County Sheriffs Search and Rescue Team, ten years as a county reserve deputy, and eight years as a City of Orinda reserve police officer. Taking care of him brings James the most satisfaction these days. Four dedicated experts with first-hand experience profile ten citiesBogota, Mexico City, Los Angeles, Houston, Nashville, New York City, Baltimore, Edmonton, Paris, and Athensto explore ideas, strategies, successes, and failures. Hes focusing on talking with friends, working out, and cooking. In other entrepreneurial news, Greg Manning launched a startup company, Pioneer Project Partners, a real estate project finance consulting practice in the Portland, OR, area. Jeff lives in Shaker Heights, OH, with his lovely wife, Tracey (Forde) 90, and is enjoying his pursuit of an empty-nester lifestyle, with one son in the working world and another as a rising junior at a Washington, DC, university. We fell in love with Ithaca all over again this past year and are so excited to have a second home there.. Colleen, who lives in Ithaca, has also devoted her time and expertise to helping the Cornell community and students navigate through the anxiety and depression that have come with the pandemic. ProfessorSam Linke, who had joined the Building Committee when professor Tarboux left Cornell to go to the University of Michigan, and lecturerLawrence B. Spencer 34planned the installation of a Power Network Calculator for the second-floor south wing. Online news form. Well, I can certainly tell that the pandemic is still with us. Other Cornell guests included Elyses parents, Tom 81 and Wendy Kibrick Frank 81, Alyssa Banks, Alan Schuller 81, and Elyses uncle Howard Kibrick 87. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Geological Sciences, INSTOC, Institute for the Study of the Continents, Northeast Regional Climate Center, President Emeritus-Rhodes, Frank H.T. Russell Lidman ( wrote that he is definitely retired. Specific trainings are required. Joyce Manley Forney would like you to know her email address is The authors answer essential questions about the nature and causes of homelessness and analyze how cities have used innovation and local political coordination to address this pervasive problem. You may remember Dan Dubelman performing at Olivers in Collegetown as well as other legendary Ithaca clubs like the Haunt and Captain Joes Reef. He says hello to all his fellow Cornellians. Keeping them busy are seven grandchildren, six of whom are boys! Meanwhile, all of us have suffered the effects of the pandemic in our lives. Stephanie is taking a gap year after graduating from U. of Arkansas before heading to law school. Map Feedback Form, Symptomatic Test Kit Pick Up and Saliva Sample Drop Off Locations, For TCAT routes, fares, and schedules, visit, For further information, visit the page for. Rishabh Gupta, president of the Cornell Club of Mumbai, let the Cornell community know about an interesting new venture: Indias COVID-19 crisis is in the headlines. John Seiler, In September of that year, the architects sent Dean Hollister a large oil painting of an external view of their projected design for the new building. Combined with her tenure at Boeing predecessor Hughes Aircraft Co., Marti has been with the company for 38 years. Directions: 1st floor Phillips Hall, enter from the Duffield Atrium or the Phillips loading dock or the Phillips Campus Rd entrance. Adil Ahamed was promoted to managing director and dealer principal with the family business, Destination Auto Group. Weill Cornell Medicine Were both fully vaccinated and are beginning to go out for meals. We had a great little U-Hall 1 reunion dinner also, attended by Mike Durand and his wife, Ann. Best wishes. Charles is partially retired from the Foulston Siefkin law firm, located in Wichita, KS, and Kansas City. He is so proud of his son, Michael, who graduated from UConns engineering school, majoring in computer science and cybercrimes. Because of COVID, Kris hasnt seen much change. Watch out for the new DOE chief, Jennifer Granholm, a real ball of fire. Both have retired, Joan from social work and Mick from dentistry, and are keeping busy with usual local activities and later generations. Jeffrey Berg, ME 80, MBA 81 ( and his wife, Debra Paget, said their daily life has pretty much remained the same during the pandemic, with the exception of not attending concerts and plays and not dining indoors. We were in Turks and Caicos in March 2020 for a six-week stay. Grandson Kyle Wolf was accepted early decision into the Class of 2025., Warren Walker, PhD 68 ( is professor emeritus at the Delft U. of Technology. 131 Phillips Hall +1 (607) 255-6303 (as of Dec 01, 2007) If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, Contact for assistance. Access: Room is kept locked. For most of Cornell's history, Geology was taught in the College of Arts and Sciences. Ellen creates gift cards, does jigsaw puzzles, and reads two to three books per week. After two canceled Reunions, Matt French, ME 96, and I decided we couldnt stay away any longer and took the kids (Sarah, 10, and Benjamin, 8) up to the Finger Lakes to visit the old alma mater and enjoy everything the surrounding area has to offer. Which of course takes time, which we all have on our hands. Alexs brother, Gregory 12, earned his masters in environmental management from Yales forestry school. A routine blood test revealed that her husband had lymphoma, which led to a 15-month battle until he passed away last summer. She and her husband, Alan, sold their food service management company, moved to the coast of Massachusetts, and made many travel plans. Research Groups . Its a pleasure to report on Dick Pogue (Cleveland, OH), faithful, active member of our Class of the Century, our class president, 200510, and currently a member of our class advisory council. Now that I am older, I chair the cemetery committee. Susan continues her daily enjoyment of playing the flute and piano. My family loves it here, and although were in COVID lockdown (again), that usually does not impact a good day out at the beachappropriately socially distanced, of course. Otherwise, hes been working around the housegetting it ready for painting, getting the garden ready for planting, and getting the driveway ready to be redone. We have managed to catch up with Andrew Emmett, Patrick and Lauren Tingey Smith, and Justin Matthews 00 this summer and hope to get back together in the coming weeks. The number of kittens born is astounding and most rescues cannot keep up. Rock N Rescue matched over 2,100 rescue cats and kittens with individuals and families in 2020, a 50% increase over the previous year. Very happy about that! Being stuck at home isnt so bad after all, Scott notes. They say, The travel is on hold for a while, but we have been able to enjoy our 18-month-old granddaughter, Melina, daughter of Daniel Cohen 12. As for travel, he says, Ask again after COVID. Last here 19 years ago, Stephen Platt, who lives in Hollywood, FL, with wife Paula, sent words of inspiration: When a person sacrifices his integrity, nothing else really matters. Tom Cayten, LLB 67, last here two years ago, reports hes retired and enjoying golf. So many of these relationships for me were borne of my time at Cornell. Our son, Roger, is married to a fellow biologist, Chelsea Ward, and they have three children. Like most of us, she moved her offices to home in March 2020. At this writing (August 15), we dont yet know the exact format that our class columns will appear in.

Tucker High School Principal Fired, David Peterson Psychologist, Articles P